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could someone please give a link or c+p poem here please. its by george pointing, and is about chailey (sussex, uk)

i cannot find it anywhere on the internet, thanks.

2007-10-24 23:08:29 · 1 answers · asked by Chris K 2 in Arts & Humanities Poetry

sorry forgot to mention its called 'chailey green'

2007-10-24 23:09:49 · update #1

@ari, thanks for looking but i have already been on that site, and only a bit of the poem, i want the whole thing if i can. thanks

2007-10-26 07:24:06 · update #2

1 answers

George Pointing, noted by Chailey Parish Magazine in September 1915 as serving his King and Country, was one of four brothers who served during the First World War.

He was born at Lewes on 29th July 1896 and by the time the 1901 census was taken, was living at Thompsetts, Chailey with his family. That family comprised James Pointing (senior) aged 44 and working as a postman, his 40 year old wife Alice (working as a laundress from home) and their four children: William Pointing (aged 13), Alice Pointing (aged nine), James Pointing (aged six) and George Pointing (aged four). A fourth son, 14 year old Frank Pointing, was boarding at Teague Green, Chailey.

In October 1915, the parish magazine notes that Trooper G Pointing is (like his brother James), serving with the 2nd Sussex Yeomanry in England. In January 1917, the magazine notes that his rank is signaller and that he is now with the 1/2nd Sussex Yeomanry.

get more from the link below.

good luck

2007-10-26 07:02:22 · answer #1 · answered by ari-pup 7 · 0 0

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