Anything has to be better than Oblivion. I'm falling asleep just thinking about it.
2007-10-24 22:31:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How can one compare the two, while yes they are both RPG's but can you honestly say Oblivion and think of Mass Effect. The realms in which the story of both games are way different, they game play is also different, first or third person sword, magik, and archery in one, and guns, team cotrol, guns, strategy, guns, powers, and guns. While Oblivion was awsome, im sure Mass Effect will be awsome to, it's on a unversal scale and like some one else said the path is better laid out for you in mass effect.
2007-10-25 06:35:08
answer #2
answered by 3-D 2
It depends what you like in a game. IF you would rather be shown a path and not be able to stray from it too much than mass will be perfect for you. however if you're more of an open-ended, do whatever kinda of player than it wont touch oblivion...and that's obviously why shambo put down Obliv because its not his style of play
2007-10-25 06:19:34
answer #3
answered by Brian C 2
Mass Effect will be more Linear with several Side Quests here and there.
Oblivion is more Open-Ended where there essentialy is no end.
2007-10-25 05:33:21
answer #4
answered by gigasfist 7