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why should we have to pay for it?(no you can not compare it to food)

2007-10-24 16:38:05 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

6 answers

Our society is highly defective. We claim to be humanitarian but deny the basic needs of life to people based on the job that they have. I'd rather be a caveman or an animal or a plant or a single-celled organism!

2007-10-24 16:47:06 · answer #1 · answered by Ultraviolet Oasis 7 · 1 3

Tap water goes through many processes to make it potable(drinkable). Most tap water in the US is processed by the water purification plants. Unless you are lucky enough to live somewhere that you can access a deep,deep well that has been tested and not exposed to anything unwholesome such as runoff of fertilizers and pesticides or contaminated with amoebic dysentery etc. Even then people use filters on their taps. Most water that is safe for human consumption has to be cleaned of pollution, dirt,sand, bacteria and viruses, fecal matter, etc. Or has been desalinated. Think about it :would you want to just go get a cup of water from a canal,stream pond or for that matter, the ocean. Mmmm good. Most of the world's water is not drinkable, or accessable easily,much of it is salt water and you cannot drink that. I would rather pay for clean,safe water...we don't have the types of problems in the US that countries with poor water supplies do...many people die of water-borne illnesses everyday, especially babies and the elderly.

2007-10-25 00:05:00 · answer #2 · answered by Lisa D 4 · 0 0

yes tap water does go through a process to make it safe for drinking. thats what costs money. and you say its necessary to human existence - well the water you drink doesnt cost much, but all those showers, shouldnt you have to pay for those? or do you go down take a bath in the river?

2007-10-25 00:20:30 · answer #3 · answered by the Bruja is back 5 · 0 0

In most places there are free drinking fountains, or even public taps where you can fill up a jug. Certainly the convenience of having the water piped directly into your house, and the waste invisibly pumped away, is worth paying for. In any case, someone's got to pay for it. It makes sense to make people pay for their use of essential resources to discourage overuse.

2007-10-24 23:57:21 · answer #4 · answered by injanier 7 · 1 0

It costs money to get it, purify it, and bring it to you.

Who do you suggest should pay for that?

And, if were free, people would waste it even more. Really bad idea.

2007-10-25 00:01:02 · answer #5 · answered by Bob 7 · 1 1

Because it costs money! It has to be paid for by some kind of taxation. If you want free water you are welcome to drink it from a muddy river.

2007-10-24 23:47:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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