Well, my guns have killed fewer people than Laura Bush's car. Yes, she ran a stop sign and killed a man. you can look it up.
First off - no one has "misread" the 2nd Amendment when they say it's an individual right. If you're going to play word games, do you understand that while most qualifiers are presented in expositionary form, not all expositions are qualifiers?
Second, access to the means for armed self defense is a basic human right, like health care and education. Just because we don't have the second and third, why should we give up the first?
Third, I don't believe that military and police who answer to the corporate elite can be trusted with a monopoly on armed force. Simply put, I trust the average person to use weapons wisely more than I trust the officials.
Fourth, the Mafia, the KKK, the Nazis, the New Federalists, corporate goon squads, anti-abortion Christian terrorists, Islamic fundamentalists, and every sleazy, drunken off-duty cop who wants to prove he's a man - all of them have guns. The Second Amendment allows labor, minorities, immigrants, gays, and women to have them, too.
Fifth, as long as we do not have guaranteed jobs, housing and medical care, violent property crime IS guaranteed to be a major feature of life in the U.S. I do not have the money to hire an armed guard, and police are notorious about responding slowly to calls for help in poor, working-class, or minority neighborhoods.
Sixth, I realize I can't hold off a satellite-guided missile or an Army helicopter with my rifle or handgun. However, if civilian possession of arms causes a Bush or a Clinton to hesitate even a fraction of a second in their more repressive acts, it is worth any problem those arms MIGHT cause in society.
Seventh, I do not want the biggest and strongest to automatically prevail in all physical confrontations. "God didn't make men and women equal - Colonel Colt did."
Serious enough for you?
I will confess, however, that MAYBE it's possible I went a teensy-weensy bit too far when I advocated the use of nuclear weapons by those defending abortion clinics.
(This is a slightly altered version of an answer I gave to another questioner)
2007-10-24 15:00:46
answer #1
answered by Dont Call Me Dude 7
Commas in this case mean a list. Its almost like writing "and" between the different things. In this case you are the one misreading the quote. In very plain English it states that the state militia and all the people of the state have the right to keep and bare arms.
Theres a saying that "the people should not be afraid of its government, the government should be afraid of its people." How do you suppose we make the government afraid of us if they have all the guns? The national guard is not a state militia, it answers first and foremost to the US government, then the state in case of riots(so technically against the people) and natural disasters(like Katrina).
2007-10-24 15:24:07
answer #2
answered by TJ815 4
A serious question deserves a serious answer. So, if a burgaler or another criminal of some sort, broke into your home, and was not going to take any prisoners, I don't think the police are going to have time to get there. Also, the police work for the government. And the right to bear arms shall not be infringed cannot be interpreted any other way. Thomas Jefferson said the same thing himself.
2007-10-24 14:57:26
answer #3
answered by Chase 5
Why no gun control?
First, I'm not for NO GUN CONTROL, that's just insane and leaves us in about the same position as too much gun control.
Here's my reasoning why we need LESS gun control.
First, criminals are criminals because they break the law. Therefore Gun Control does not stop criminals from obtaining guns. It only stops law abiding citizens from carrying guns.
Look at it this way; do you really think that declaring a school a "No Gun Zone" has EVER deterred a school shooter?
Do you think that a pissed off, mentally unstable kid would wake up, grab his gun, go all the way down to the school, see the "No Gun Zone" sign and turn around, deterred?
Of course not. Just like Drug Free Zones don't stop the sale and use of drugs.
To think that Gun Laws will stop criminals from having guns is ridiculous. As I previously stated, they're criminals because they BREAK THE LAW. So, how is having more restricting laws on them ever going to stop them? There are enough guns in this country to arm every man woman and child. Trust me; if a criminal wants a gun, he's going to get a gun. End of story.
It's like prohibition. All that accomplished was giving the Mob a cash crop. It was the illegal liquor and accompanying accommodations that turned the Mobs into powerhouses.
At Virginia Tech, there was s student present in the dorm that was lawfully allowed to carry a concealed weapon but couldn't due to the ban on firearms on campus. Had that student had his gun, that tragedy MAY have ended a lot sooner, and with fewer causalities.
So, if criminals get guns illegally, and it is too much trouble for law abiding citizens to get guns and carry them, who does that leave armed at the end of the day?
2007-10-24 15:11:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you were actually correct, the constitution would have read, "the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". The only one who has misread the constitution is you. It is clear that the founding fathers meant for the citizens to have firearms. I wont address you spelling ability, but if your going to debate, learn how first....
2007-10-24 15:20:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your protection is your own responsibility. For example in New Orleans when there is no police force, what will you do when looters come to your to steal all of your valubles. Are you going to wait for the non-existent police force to save you?
Furthermore I am a linguist, and from an objective standpoint the 2nd amendment is against gun control. Also this coupled with an objective analysis of the era during which it was written make the point quite clear, and seeing as you can't even spell "control" correctly, I wouldn't appreciate it if you contradict me.
2007-10-24 15:00:44
answer #6
answered by mannzaformulaone 3
"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the Body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind . . . Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."
--Thomas Jefferson, Letter to his nephew Peter Carr, August 19, 1785.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
--Thomas Jefferson
"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
--Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was a founding father, and was a major factor in the writing of the Bill of Rights, which contains the 2nd Amendment. If you think that he didn't want people to carry weapons, read the above. Straight from the horses' mouth. You can't argue around that.
2007-10-24 14:54:57
answer #7
answered by CowJudgesYou 5
Because gun control hasn't worked for New York City. As stated in another answer, criminals don't turn in their guns.
Now, since you said that you don't want to address the 2nd amendment but made sure to put in your two cents, let me explain for you what it says. So that you and others don't MISREAD it.
First of all the 2nd amendment is in the Bill of Rights. The bill of rights was created to "limit the power of the federal government" in order to protect the rights of the population.
"A well regulated militia" - A militia is a private, non government sanctioned group, unpaid, could be any able bodied person or every able bodied person.
"We have the police, we don't need the minute man" The police are government sanctioned.
So in other words what the second amendment written in the bill of rights says...
Hey Government...you can create laws to govern this country but every person in it is protected by this bill of rights to choose what religion they wish to practice, they can say what they want and have it published in the newspapers, we can organize and affiliate ourselves with any group that we wish, we have the right to sue the government, and we have the right to keep and bear arms. The right to liberty, property and due process.
I forwarded my dad some of these posts and I loved his reply so I wanted to add it...
"If George Washington is the "Father of our country", then Thomas Jefferson and Samual Adams are the "Fathers of the 2nd Amendment" and of all liberty!"
--Robert ... (My dad) 1944 - Not Dead Yet
The reason I give you this quote, is that after the Constitution was written it needed to be ratified by all of the colonies. Representatives from many if not all the colonies were unhappy about the fact that although a great document for governance, it contained no guarantee of certain rights they deemed necessary. The right to assemble, to worship God as they saw fit, the right to speak freely. These colonial representatives demanded that the Constitution be amended. Only two (Jefferson & Adams) felt that the right to own firearms was paramount to a free society, indeed to freedom itself. It became the 2nd amendment proposed. They both cosigned the proposal for the 2nd of what would become a number of amendments referred to later as the Bill of Rights. Many representatives felt this was an unnecessary amendment since in England and throughout Europe, at the time, men freely owned guns and carried them for defense. Both men continued to champion the "right to bare arms". Jefferson wrote regularly about the subject in The Federalist Papers, and both men were often quoted in the daily press. In the end the second amendment did not pass first muster, and both Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams withdrew their colonies from what was to become a league of united states. Since the other representatives could not be conceived that any government would ever interfere with it's people's right to defend themselves Jefferson spoke and wrote at length of the need to guarantee this right. If for no other reason he wrote so that the people could "overthrow the very government they were creating" should it ever turn against them. George Mason later agreed with them, hence one of your other quotes "To disarm the people (is) the best and most effectual way to enslave them".
The other representatives realizing they all needed to stand together, and seeing the rising tide in favor as much to placate these two great patriots decided one more vote should be taken, and they passed what they had earlier deemed a needless amendment. Thanks be to God, and to the "Fathers of the 2nd Amendment"!
2007-10-24 15:36:41
answer #8
answered by Cayuseranch 2
The opinion of our forefathers is very clear on guns!
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. The church, the plow, the prairie wagon, and citizen's firearms are indelibly related. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and the pistol are equally indispensable. Every corner of this land knows firearms, and more than 99 99/100 percent of them by their silence indicate they are in safe and sane hands. The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference; they deserve a place with all that's good. When firearms go, all goes; we need them every hour.
George Washington
To disarm the people (is) the best and most effectual way to enslave them...
George Mason
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
Thomas Jefferson 1743- 1826
The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
Samuel Adams
No government ought to exist for the purpose of checking the prosperity of its people or to allow such a principle in its policy.
Edmund Burke
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Edward Abbey
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in session.
Mark Twain
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
Henry Louis Mencken (1880- 1956 )
2007-10-24 15:00:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the biggest arguments against gun control are lies
many claim that we need to restrict or outlaw ownership of firearms for saftey
this is a lie
if we take guns from the law abiding citizens the crime rate will increase dramatically
the reason is that only law abiding citizens will comply with the gun ban
criminals will not, they will keep their guns and be able to use them without fear of retribution by their victims
every single politician that wants to strip law abiding citizens of their God given constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, does so because they fear the power that firearms give to the citizens
if we still have firearms then we are able to rise up and fight against unjust laws aor corrupt regimes
if we sacrifice this one right then there is nothing to prevent the remainder of our rights from being taken, resulting in a police state
2007-10-24 14:58:27
answer #10
answered by 1 free American 5