People eat dogs for a few reason (besides the fact that is totally LEGAL to eat dog-meat in their country). Most of these reasons are the same as why we eat cows, pigs, chicken and all the other animals that we eat. God didn't gave us pig and cows particularly to be eaten. In some countries, cows are revered because it symbolizes one of their many gods. In some countries, cows are used to aid them in their livelihood.
People doesn't have to be poor to eat dogs. Look at China for example. It's one of the super powers of the world and they do eat dogs. Lots of them. You see, the reason why we eat those animals that we eat is for the purpose of being practical not because they have something that other animals don't have. It is practical because cows, for example, eats plant and they won't attack you if it goes hungry. Pigs will eat anything, they're easy to fatten, they are relatively low maintenance. On the other hand, you can also eat lion meat. But look at the consequences of raising lions for meat... first, they EAT MEAT, so in order for you to have a tasty lion, you have to feed it with another animal. Next, it's easier to domesticate a pig than a lion. Finally, the lion will kill and eat your other livestocks and even you, yourself, if it goes hungry.
So, what have we learned? People view animals differently in different countries. Different people, different beliefs and cultures. You can't stop someone who's eating a dog-meat stew for dinner just because it's icky for you and you feel for the puppy that he is about to consume.
If you think it's really wrong, then why not consider those people who eat hamsters or guinea pigs or parrots or cats or rats or lizards. Those animals are pets to most humans, and they're "best friends" of some of them. Aren't they worth saving?
Yes, I've tried dog-meat (out of curiosity), it's not particularly different from goat meat. I believe any breed of dog will do, but i also believe that most of these dogs are raised for that purpose. If you're planning on saving those dogs from being eaten, I'd suggest that you save up tons of money because the only way you can save them is to buy them before they are slaughtered. Not unless it's you're pet dog that those people are about to eat, I don't think there is anything you can do.
2007-10-24 15:21:11
answer #1
answered by CJ 2
I don't know about dog nutrition, but I do know about cat nutrition and your cat will not be healthy on dog food. It doesn't contain taurine which is essential to a cat. Aslo I'm sure it's full of grain, which is basically carbohydrates and your cat can develop diabetes and become fat. You need to be strict for their own sake and feed them high quality species appropriate diet. Feed them at the same time in different rooms. Take the food away after 30 minutes if they don't eat it and refrigerate it. Try again in a few hours. No animal will starve itself just out of being fussy about their food. The cat would be harder to adjust, but the dog will give in pretty fast. Pour some tuna juice over the cat's food, it should make it more appealing. You can try mixing it gradually, but you need to make a change or you are risking your pets' health in the long run. More about cat nutrition here:
2016-04-10 03:39:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I guessing people eat dogs same as you eat cow- for protein. Not all countries have the same "mans best friend" attitude towards dogs, and remember dogs started out as wolves that were domesticated by man a long time ago. Plus some countries do not eat cows, they worship them (think India) they would be aghast at anyone eating their sacred cows! So it depends on how educated one is or chooses to be, as to their understanding about other country's customs and habits.
2007-10-24 14:54:10
answer #3
answered by flyingdove 4
Don't count a cow out when it comes to bonding. God didn't call dogs "man's best friend". Man tamed the dog to help him hunt and to keep away predators. If there are too many dogs and too many hungry humans, the dogs are fair game. Not everyone lives in a perfect wonderland as you.
2007-10-24 15:33:19
answer #4
answered by cattbarf 7
While the eating of dog meat isn't nearly as common as many people assume it is, dogs haven't historically been household pets or companions in every country, no matter how well they do tend to form relationships with humans. In America and many Western countries, dogs are very highly regarded as the quintessential family pet and consummate best friend. However, this is not true of every society.
Also, no offense, but I'm pretty sure man labeled dog as "man's best friend."
2007-10-24 14:57:40
answer #5
answered by Joy M 7
Dogs are made of meat. I don't eat dog but I don't judge other cultures for what they eat. Where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not eat dog"? It does say that swine are filthy and they should not be eaten. All middle-eastern based religions state that and the Hindu's celebrate the holiness of cows and it is sinful for them to eat beef. Not your culture don't worry about it.
2007-10-24 14:58:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, seriously. I personally hate the big dogs, they're hell to pluck. The meat from the smaller ones is usually better as well because they have less muscle, so the meat is less chewy. Dog meat resembles beef, but dogs must be properly trained to be lazy for their meat to be tender. Don't save them! Eat them!
2007-10-24 15:08:17
answer #7
answered by David U 2
It is strictly a cultural thing, and it is difficult to imagine for those of us who did not grow up with it. I could not eat rats or grub worms either but people do all over the world. EEEEEEEEEW GROSS!!
2007-10-24 14:54:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Poor dogs. You should start a organization for keeping dogs from being eaten and try to replace dogs with other food. If you ever do happen to start something like this PLEASE let me know!!
2007-10-24 15:22:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Aw, my neighboors dog is this little chunky cute ball of fluff. She'd make a good appetizer.
2007-10-24 14:53:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous