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What will happen to us all if we do not have sufficient youth to maintain current systems such as hospitals, civil servants, administration, food supply, commerce...and even....the net administrators in the next 40 years?

2007-10-24 14:16:43 · 2 answers · asked by lere 3 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

2 answers

Our population is not diminishing. The most promising aspect of current longevity research is that it is likely to extend the healthy and productive lifespan, not just the total lifespan. Except for the healthcare system, which is structurally flawed, the aged really don't need much support. Most have earned their keep, and are living on the fruits of their labors. The only reason the baby boom generation will stress social security is that the government designed it badly and operated it inefficiently. If they had set it up as an IRA plus insurance, we wouldn't have a problem. You'd also be surprised how many qualified and expert net administrators are over age 60. Don't forget who built the Internet, and it's not Al Gore.

2007-10-24 14:41:09 · answer #1 · answered by Frank N 7 · 1 0

It's not possible to sustain them. We'll need to put them to sleep.

2007-10-24 14:26:36 · answer #2 · answered by parsnipianna 7 · 0 2

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