There's plenty of other evidence for a global flood...people just choose not to believe it or scoff at it for it means that God can judge the world and destroy it if He chooses. There are over 70 flood myths in cultures from around the world....many of them are strikingly similiar to the Biblical account of a global flood, the construction of a boat to save some people and animals and other details. There seems to be a global remembrance of this event.
Many creation websites offer this and other evidence.
2007-10-24 17:35:38
answer #1
answered by paul h 7
Is it possible that just small areas of land (like islands or shorelines) were flooded? Or that the land sank a bit and ended up beneath the ocean? Why does it have to have been a worldwide flood?
Remember, that to ancient people with no contact with anyone outside their immediate region (no phones, TV, mass transportation, etc.) anything that was a disaster over that region may simply have been local.
Take Hurricane Katrina. If it had happened 3000 years ago, to an ancient person living in that area it would have seemed like the entire world was flooded. But it was only a small area, not the entire planet.
And if it was a worldwide flood, why aren't there any records from ancient peoples in the New World?
This is only being debated by people that haven't accepted the truth that the world is not as it was written about 3000 years ago.
2007-10-24 21:45:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are no temples or pyramids in significantly deep ocean water anyplace. There have been much speculation on Japan's underwater stone monuments off the coast of Okinawa (see link), but after years of research, no conclusions have been reached. Human artifacts have been found underwater in Black Sea, which is consistent with a theory of a recent flooding of the Black Sea (see link). Still others have been found underwater near Santorini eruption, which may have led to belief in a sunken Atlantis (see link). And let's not forget the underwater military fortresses of Egypt, now under Lake Nasser. All of these are intresting, but all have distinct histories and none of them connected with any world-wide event, and there are no significant temples or pyramids in truly deep ocean water.
2007-10-24 21:20:15
answer #3
answered by Scythian1950 7
Underwater monuments are mainly due to tectonic deformations that make parts of the continents sink while others arise from the sea.
2007-10-24 20:56:04
answer #4
answered by PragmaticAlien 5
It wasn't so long ago that the conventional wisdom said that the world was flat, and the moon was cheese. As long as some choose not to believe certain things, they will find ways to justify their beliefs.
2007-10-24 21:02:46
answer #5
answered by Just wonderin' 5
idk thats a good qustion your pretty smart keep thinking like that and you will go far!
2007-10-24 20:57:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous