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I just wanted to now. Has anyone ever let another mother breast fed your baby? Or pump their milk and let your baby drink it? Is this considered normal?

2007-10-24 13:37:17 · 24 answers · asked by Aneres 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

24 answers

No, I have not. I produce plenty of milk for my son, and enjoy breastfeeding. I see it not only as my job, but my privilege, and wouldn't give up even just one feeding for anything.

I've heard of it being done, though, especially in cases where the mother couldn't produce enough milk, or any milk at all. There's actually a 'program' called MilkShare for this purpose.

2007-10-24 14:08:54 · answer #1 · answered by xxunloved_little_angelxx 4 · 2 0

My sister in law has offered to nurse my daughter if I needed her 2. I was really sick when she was born and had allot of troubles breastfeeding. My sister in law was actually tell me how back in the day a new mom and a mom with a little bit older baby would switch babies. That way the new baby would learn to latch on a mom who knows how to breastfeed and the older baby would help the new mom get her milk supply in. I think it happens more then women talk about. I know that I actually know people who have nurses each others baby's. Sometimes its tough when your nursing a baby to get a break. I feel as long as its someone you really know its safe. Breast milk is a body fluid so it has the some risk such as HIV and Hep B and C. I personally never took my sister in law up on the offer but I did consider it. Also its not only about the food. My sister in law watches my daughter and she said it would be nice if I would let her nurse her so she could calm her when I'm not there. LOL.

2007-10-24 22:39:05 · answer #2 · answered by lovelylady 5 · 1 0

Yeah, I don't think that is all that common anymore. My dad had a wet nurse when he was a baby (he is 54) and when my aunt had my cousin, they asked her to pump extra Colostrum for the baby in the next bed since the mom was not producing (my cousin is 31) but I am thinking that is not happening any more.

2007-10-24 21:44:44 · answer #3 · answered by ShellyLynn 5 · 0 0

All you idiots who think there is something sick about breastfeeding another womans baby, then answer me this, what happens in under developed countries where sanitation is very poor so bottlefeeding is not an option and the mother dies during childbirth? Why let a helpless little baby die of starvation when another lactating woman can easily take on the role and feed the baby? Normally in our western society you would not breastfeed another womans baby for the reason that there is formula as an option but it is certainly not dangerous or even sick. As long as you are all confortable with what is going on then go for it. Another fact: there are increasing numbers of breastmilk banks being established so that women can donate there breastmilk for less fortunate babies such as prems whos mothers milk has dried out. This milk is screened for anything dangerous and is way better than giving the baby formula. BREAST MILK IS BEST!! no matter who it came from!!

2007-10-24 20:47:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

My sister in law had a baby with a weak suck. Since the baby didn't suck strongly, she had trouble having enough milk. I nursed her baby and mine a lot. Sometimes she nursed mine so that the stronger suck would help her milk production.
With normal cleanliness I see no problem with nursing other ppl's babies. I'ts just a personal preference.

2007-10-24 21:34:11 · answer #5 · answered by pansyblue 6 · 5 0

I would let a close relative or friend if I couldn't and I would do the same for them. And if I could afford it, I would get milk from a milk bank.

2007-10-24 21:16:38 · answer #6 · answered by Heather R 4 · 1 0

I never let anyone else breast feed my babies, but back in the day, they had what is called "wet nurses". These women breast fed babies for women who were for whatever reason not able to do it. It was considered totally acceptable. Some of the wet nurses were equivalent to what we call nannies today.

2007-10-24 20:40:48 · answer #7 · answered by happydawg 6 · 2 3

i once babysat my little cousin who was breastfed and i was currently nursing my daughter.....her mother gave the okay to nurse her if needed

i did.....she knew i wasn't her mother and didn't take it very well but it was enough to calm her

i don't see anything wrong with it....and i agree that if something were to happen to me and my milk was not available i would be delighted to know that another nursing mom would take on my child

2007-10-24 20:49:00 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 6 0

I donate my extra milk to a milk bank, and privately to another mama with low supply.

Although I have plenty, if I didn't, or if something happened to me, I hope my friends would make sure my son had human milk at least through his first year.

I think humans drinking human milk is at least as normal as humans drinking the milk of another species.

2007-10-24 20:43:10 · answer #9 · answered by GranolaMom 7 · 11 3

Wet nurses (women who nurse other women's children) are common in Europe and parts of Africa, and have been for thousands of years. It is totally fine IF you know the person and their overall health. Here in the US, it is not uncommon among people of European heritage.

2007-10-24 20:43:34 · answer #10 · answered by CB 7 · 5 2

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