I mean you know every night you have been in dream. So I ask you is the superstar also in your dream?
Cause I did
I'll tell you what and who was in my dream...
1. Undertaker and Kane with mask talk to my dad. They are outside near my house.
2. Eddie Guerrero... Just after he died. Batista give up World Heavy Champion cause his injury. Match call battle royal. But It seen as Royal Rumble. Eddie Guerrero is the last man of 30 enter. And he won Champion..
3. Eddie come back alive to feud to Chavo and Rey...
4. Do you want me tell you about Chris Beniot? But He just give fake death to move other place... Want me tell you what he doing? Or just not tell you?
So have they been in your dream?
4 answers
asked by
Zpider 20-0
➔ Wrestling