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3 answers

Both 1 and 2 offer what info you need. Certainly not much harm in 2 power strips connected given that you don't overload.

Without knowing at all where you are; or the purpose for the Q; I suspect you might first check the breaker and any rating for the power strip and/or gauge of any extension cord.

Also without knowing where you are; in the USA there are standards for number of outlets in any given room; and AMP limits one can apply to any given circuit.

Steven Wolf

2007-10-24 01:15:59 · answer #1 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 0 0

Two things.

If the wire gauges are the same or smaller, the voltage will drop on each extension lead added in the chain. That's called the IR voltage drop.

And you will have a potentially risky overload situation if you try to draw power from too many outlets. The maximum power that can be provided by the full chain is determined by the master outlet that the first plug is connected to. And it is further limited downstream by any power board that has a built-in circuit breaker.

2007-10-23 19:07:24 · answer #2 · answered by Tom-SJ 6 · 0 0

Besides the hazard of just too many wires to trip over and pull the connected devices to the floor:

1) the extensions may overheat due to being underrated for the load.
2) the circuit will also have the potential to overheat

That said "IF" the wall outlets, wiring and all the connections are in good condition and "IF" the circuit breaker is not larger than what's necessary for the wiring size, then any overload will act as if there were multiple wall outlets and trip the breaker.

2007-10-23 19:12:49 · answer #3 · answered by B C 4 · 0 0

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