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2007-10-23 14:57:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

21 answers

more than i do the other candidates, his consistent record of voting is more worthy of trust than the others

dizneyland fan : what are you talking about there are only 2 people running for president for this election that is Paul and kuicinich

the others are running to win the primary and are either lying now or will be lying in 3 months , there rhetoric will switch once they get the nomination.

Paul and kuchinch are saying the same thing they have been saying for years , and what they will be saying in 10 years from now. integraty does matter and those 2 are the only ones who show they have any.

2007-10-23 15:46:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

I will vote for the Republican ticket because anything else would be foolish and would invite danger to the USA!

Ron Paul is NOT I repeat NOT a Republican, he is and always will be a Libertarian. Pretending to be a Republican so they he may run a one of the two major party's tickets does not make it so.

I am hopeful that both Rudy and Mitt fade into the woodwork soon. Both are unacceptable conservatives.

The current Iraq strategy is to fight until we are able to successfully turn it over to the Iraqi Military and leave as soon as possible after that.

To simply say quit begs the question, where does that leave Iraq? Doomed to the terrorists, Iran or any other country wanting to take their land?

I am sick and tired of the BS about the USA not getting involved in other countries problems. Wouldn't that be nice...than why do we spend so much on relief for disasters, and humanitarian needs? Why do our celebrities go to other countries to care for their children, when we have sick and dying right here at home?

Because we are a nation who cares and it applies to the military support as well as the relief and humanitarian support as well.

I think it is very hypocritical for liberals to want it one way for social programs and another for the military.

2007-10-23 23:32:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Yes. He is the ONLY honest, trustworthy candidate in the running. I am so tired of some of the haters who post put-downs about him. He's weird?? Yeah right.... he cares about our country and restoring our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Oooooohhh... That is rather strange, isn't it?? I guess you people would probably prefer an autocratic form of government ruled by a dictator? My god...wake tf up!! Ron Paul is the only candidate who is NOT a corrupt globalist!! The other candidates would like nothing better than to break down our Constitution even more!!!

2007-10-23 23:16:08 · answer #3 · answered by dehypnosis 6 · 6 3

Definitely. He makes more sense than all the others. The only one close is Huckabee. Paul has stood by his principles before the 1988 election all the way to right now. Sure you might see some changes in him if he becomes the guy in the big chair but it won't be like Obama or Giuliani. Libertarians like Paul never change their point of view on any subject. Paul has my support and I believe everyone should trust him as well.

2007-10-23 22:11:07 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 12 3

NOT A CHANCE! I don't trust someone that wants to eliminate the IRS and doesn't mention how the government will collect taxes to pay for things.

I don't trust someone that cares more about winning elections than the honor of the United States! He said this in a debate.

Will: Don't tell me that I should trust Paul! I do trust that he would screw up this country if he was elected!

2007-10-23 23:45:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I do have my doubts of course, but I try to ignore them. I'm not certain that he is actually going to be as much against the government once he runs it. Nobody ever has been, but if he doesn't have the strength to not use power, I don't think it is possible for anybody to have that strength.

2007-10-23 23:21:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

He has given us absolutely no reason not to trust him. He is consistent and brilliant. He's been married to the same woman for 50 years, has an impeccable voting record, and wants to restore this nation not only for us but for his grandchildren as well. I trust he has good intentions which I cannot say for any other candidate.

2007-10-23 23:13:43 · answer #7 · answered by jessica m 3 · 4 3

i have faith that he would be better for this country than mrz. clinton, at least, as he wouldn't be going out of his way to drag us all down into pseudo-liberal nuclear holocaust like she would, and, also, ron paul's a better dresser.

2007-10-24 08:57:42 · answer #8 · answered by corset wench 2 · 2 1

Yes, I DO! He has actions which back up his words...unlike the other candidates who are nothing more than turn coats going for office...all of those who are part of the Council of Foreign Relations.

Strong Collectivism is so worried about actually trying to debate that he automatically blocks anyone who has facts to back up what they say. Sad, really...just flings insults is all he can do.

2007-10-23 23:08:22 · answer #9 · answered by Fedup Veteran 6 · 6 3

better be careful, i posted a question on ron paul this morning and someone removed it. you better believe the fed doesn't want him, because that cartel is who is actually running this country (into the ground, might i add), so they can merge america with canada and mexico. who needs a constitution anyway?

2007-10-23 23:00:05 · answer #10 · answered by spillmind 4 · 6 3

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