With all due respect, I think you’ve made a number of false statements that should be corrected or expanded.
1. The quote from NIST (“This type of assembly..”) comes from where? I’m sure it’s out of context. Let me see the entire passage.
2. In any event, NIST has retracted nothing. It stands by its explanation of the collapse & their websites explaining the collapse have not changed. See
See the chief investigator of NIST explain the collapse at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/wtc/
Click on "Impact to Collapse"
3. No one said the towers collapsed without resistance.
NIST used seismic recorders & other techniques to measure the fall time. Their results:
a. The exterior panels took 9-11 seconds. They fell this fast because they were not impeded by anything & this is perfectly normal.
b. The inner parts of WTC 1&2 (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. This is far slower than a free-fall.
You can read this in NIST’s own words at Point 6 at http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm
4. Actually, steel loses 50% of its strength at 600 deg C.
5. Prof Jones is a crackpot who has been discredited by his own University (Brigham Young University) ( BYU)
Jones is a member of the physics dept. & his research is in “cold fusion,” an area that’s not related to civil engineering.
The correct department for analysis of the twin-tower collapse is engineering, not physics.
The engineering dept at Jones OWN University (BYU) has heavily criticized Jones.
D. Allan Firmage, Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering, BYU, called Jones’ statements “very disturbing.” Also, "The structural engineering faculty in the Fulton College of Engineering and Technology [at BYU] do not support the hypotheses of Professor Jones."
See http://www.debunking911.com/jones.htm to see how Jones was ripped apart by his own University.
Jones made so many false statements about thermite being used in 9/11 that finally the editors at “Implosion World” contacted him. They cornered him with the facts. He admitted that his theories had many unexplained holes. He also admitted that none of the steel showed thermite’s “degenerative fingerprint.” See page 7, section 4 of http://www.implosionworld.com/Article-WTC%20STUDY%208-06%20w%20clarif%20as%20of%209-8-06%20.pdf
In light of the above, Jones’ opinions on violating the Laws of Physics are irrelevent.
His “research paper” is nothing more than a letter he wrote to a newspaper & then he put it on the web. There’s not a scientific journal on the planet that would publish his nonsense. On the other hand, I can provide you with perhaps 40 scientific papers on the collapse that all go against Jones. Do you want them?
6. You’re twisting what NIST meant when it said it couldn’t provide a complete explanation for the total collapse of the towers. I'm familiar with this letter, which NIST wrote to cpnspiracy theorists asking NIST to change its position. All their requests were denied.
Here's what NIST really said:
NIST used a sophisticated computer model incorporating standard engineering principles to demonstrate that the damage from the jets and the ensuing fire lead to collapse.
The computer model was able to show that the collapse resulted from the impact & fire. The model was NOT used to show the actual WAY the towers would fall once collapse began. This was because the behavior of a collapse is too chaotic. So, technically, in this unimportant way, NIST description of the collapse was not complete. That’s what NIST meant by saying they couldn’t do a “complete” analysis: they couldn’t tell you where & how each piece would fall. But who cares? The main point is that the model proved the impacts & fires lead to collapse. No explosives were necessary. End of story.
Isn't it nice when the ENTIRE truth comes out?
7. The fact that WTC7 collapsed even though it wasn’t hit by the planes is not surprising.
Even though they were NOT hit by the jets, numerous buildings over a wide area were hit by debris from the collapsing towers were destroyed.
This includes: The Marriott World Trade Center , 6 World Trade Center, 5 World Trade Center, 4 World Trade Center, and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (which wasn’t even in the WTC complex). The Deutsche Bank Building was also outside the WTC complex & was massively damaged, and was declared a total loss in 2004.
According to NIST "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom — approximately 10 stories — about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." See http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html?page=5#wtc7)
WTC7 was only 400 feet from WTC1. Since WTC1 is over 1300 feet tall, as they pealed away, the large perimeter columns from WTC1 struck WTC7 & many other buildings with terrific force due to their high starting position. Archival photos shows perimeter columns lying on the ground up to WTC7 (http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm )
In addition, WTC7 was built straddling a Con-Edison substation. This meant that its walls had to carry a tremendous amount of force and were vulnerable to impact. In addition, WT7 contained numerous fuel tanks for generators, some holding 6000 gallons of fuel, & this contributed to its destruction.
Finally, at least 6 fires started in WTC7, each of which was described as “large” but there was no water to fight them. The fires were left to burn because the building started to lean and firefighters decided it was too dangerous to enter.
Workers testified that the east side slumped, then collapsed, pulling the rest of the building with it.
2007-10-23 13:19:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
9/11 "Truthers" are a bunch of nut jobs. Conspiracy theorists have the luxury of discounting clear, irrefutable, obvious facts and truths by claiming that an unprovable, unknowable, nefarious "force" has carried out a certain event!
The only bigger conspiracy theorists other than the 9/11 reality-defficient loon bags, are the Islamists that believe Jews are responsible for their ***-backawardness, that people in America and Great Britain drink the blood of elderly people and that we infidels are actually beasts that have taken on the human form with the help of Satan. And I'm not making that up, check out MEMRITV.org!!!
If any of these 9/11 conspiracy theorists actually sat down, stopped playing World of Warcraft or D&D, or whatever it is they do with the bulk of their time, and wrapped their brains around HOW MANY PEOPLE, how much time, how much money, would have to go into a conspiracy of this size and magnitude...they would realize it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! This is the U.S. Govt folks!!! No one can keep a secret this BIG!!! How many times do you read about an unnamed souce in news articles, regarding some "Secret" gov't program or intelligence briefing??? Seriously, think it through!! This conspiracy would DWARF the moon landing hoax exponentially!! Murphy's Law people!! How about Occam's Razor???
It is not hard to get a VISA to the U.S. pre-9/11. It is easy to sign up for flight lessons pre-911. And it does not take a Rhodes Scholar to learn how to steer a plane in flight into buildings!! And pre-911 it was not hard to hijack a plane!!
Go here http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/safe... for a technical description of what caused the towers to collapse. Metal does not have to melt to collapse a building. At as little as 400 degrees steel begins to weaken, especially when fire retardent is blown of it by the force of a plane flying into it at 500 mph!! Jet fuel burns at 2,190 degrees!!
Wake UP!!
Some of you kids are so gullible!! Splice some 9/11 footage together with some catchy techno-beats behind it, along with some goof doing his best to sound like a Fox Mulder X-Files voice over telling you "this is what the govt does not want you to know..." and you fall for it hook, line and sinker. Get the answers yourselves, do the research (on something other than conspiracy websites), if they teach anyone how in school anymore, and think for Gods sake.
WTC 7:
An early FEMA report puzzled over the collapse of WTC 7 because it appeared to have sustained little structural damage and been brought down by fire alone. Truthers latch onto the early FEMA report as proof, but further investigation has found that one face of the building had damage to 10 lower stories. That damage was obscured by smoke in most photographic evidence.
There are also a number of idiosyncrasies in the building’s design that contributed. It was built over a power substation, which meant the relatively few columns on the lower floors were designed to carry extremely large loads. Taking out just one would have caused serious problems. WTC 7 was designed to stay operational during power outages, so several fuel tanks for generators inside the building are thought to have supplied the fires with fuel for up to seven hours.
RE: Secondary Explosions:
The jet fuel followed the path of least resistance, incidentally, which means some of it flowed down the elevator shafts from the top of the building, causing explosions and fireballs on lower floors, which conspiracy theorists sometimes cite as evidence of bombs.
RE: Pentagon
The hole in the side of the Pentagon was approximately 90 feet wide, according to The Pentagon Building Performance Report, but it was not the exact width of the 124-foot plane.
Both wings were damaged before the plane entered the building. According to eyewitness reports from commuters on I-395 and observers in the Pentagon parking lot at the time, the right wing hit a large generator and the plane clipped three light posts on its low, barreling descent.
The Pentagon, because it’s the Pentagon, is built of extremely dense reinforced concrete columns. When the plane hit them going 530 mph, it essentially disintegrated. As one observer said, the plane seemed to “melt into the building.”
Parts of the plane that did remain intact past impact flew far into the building. The heavy landing gear created a 16-foot hole in Ring C of the Pentagon, a full 6 walls beyond the entry point, and the flight data recorder was found 300 feet inside the building. Conspiracy theorists contend that the 16-foot hole had to have been made by a missile.
RE: BBQ's and Grills:
The bottom grate in my grill, after a summer of twice a week grilling festivities, had gone froma straight grate, to one that has been bent to the round shape of my grill's bottom, and several of the metal grates bars themselves have been melted straight through. I use charcoal, preferably Kingsford, and have never used Jet Fuel or anything that burns close to 2,000 + degrees to start said charcoal. Myth debunked first hand - AWESOME!!!
RE: Flight 93
Flight 93 flew into the ground, at a steep angle, at about 580 mph, disintegrating most of the wreckage. What did remain, notably a large piece of engine fan, the conspiracy loons claim ended up miles away from the site, indicating the plane was breaking up before impact. In fact, the fan in question landed 300 yards from the site, and other small bits of paper and scrap metal floated a mile and a half and landed in Indian Lake. They claim Indian Lake is 6 miles away from the crash site, betraying investigation skills hampered by Google Maps. The lake is 1.5 miles away as the crow flies; 6 miles driving.
There was a small corporate jet in the vicinity at the time, descending toward Johnstown, Penn. when the FAA ordered it to check out the area at Shanksville. The plane descended to 1,500 feet, found a smoking hole in the ground, marked the position with the plane’s navigational equipment, and headed to the airport.
RE: Demolition Collapse
One floor buckled onto another floor, and so on. Refer to the NIST website, which all the conspiracy theorists will say is funded by the govt, blah, blah, blah the conspiracy gets bigger.
Here is an example of a progressive collapse, NOT during a demolition:
L'Ambiance Plaza was planned to be a sixteen-story building with thirteen apartment levels topping three parking levels. It consisted of two offset rectangular towers, 63 ft by 112 ft each, connected by an elevator. Seven-inch thick posttensioned, concrete slabs and steel columns comprised its structural frame (Cuoco, 1992). Posttensioning overcomes the tensile weakness of concrete slabs by placing high strength steel wires along their length or width before the concrete is poured. After the concrete hardens, hydraulic jacks pull and anchor the wires compressing the concrete (Levy and Salvadori, 1992)...
At the time of collapse, the building was a little more than halfway completed. In the west tower, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh floor slab package was parked in stage IV directly under the twelfth floor and roof package. The shear walls were about five levels below the lifted slabs (Cuoco, 1992). The workmen were tack welding wedges under the ninth, tenth, and eleventh floor package to temporarily hold them into position when they heard a loud metallic sound followed by rumbling. Kenneth Shepard, an ironworker who was installing wedges at the time, looked up to see the slab over him "cracking like ice breaking." Suddenly, the slab fell on to the slab below it, which was unable to support this added weight and in turn fell. The entire structure collapsed, first the west tower and then the east tower, in 5 seconds, only 2.5 seconds longer than it would have taken an object to free fall from that height. Two days of frantic rescue operations revealed that 28 construction workers died in the collapse, making it the worst lift-slab construction accident. Kenneth Shepard was the only one on his crew to survive (Levy and Salvadori, 1992).
and here:
and here:
and here:
RE: Power Down
One person, Scott Forbes, makes this claim. He was an IT guy for Fiduciary Trust - on the 90th floor of WTC 2. The power down was supposedly on floors 50 and up. The WTC held the offices of many large, important companies, and to have their central computers turned off would have been extremely inconvenient. To put it mildly. Thousands of people would have known about this, from local employees to staff in other parts of the company. So where are they?
Also as quoted on George Washington's Blog:
Scott Forbes: "I can't absolutely verify that there was no power on lower floors ... all I can validate is that we were informed of the power down condition, that we had to take down all systems and then the following day had to bring back up all systems."
If only one or two companies were affected then this would make fewer opportunities to prepare the building for demolition.
RE: Thermite and "Molten Metal"
RE: Silverstein and WTC 7
“pull” means “demolish with explosives”, apparently!
Problem #1, Larry Silverstein is not a demolition contractor, neither was the fire department chief, so why should we assume they’d be using slang demolition terms?
Problem #2, Silverstein says "they made that decision to pull", for instance -- the Fire Department. If "pull" means "demolish", then he's saying the Fire Department may not have decided to bring the building down if they couldn't contain the fire, but because it was beyond them, they decided to blow it up. Does this make sense? Not in the slightest.
Problem #3, Silverstein is suggesting that the decision to demolish the building was optional. It might not have happened. Does this fit with the idea of a convenient insurance scam? No, not at all.
Problem #4, why would the Fire Department willingly agree to engage in a multi-million dollar insurance fraud?
Problem #5, and since when do Fire Departments blow up buildings anyway?
Problem #6, and if it's so obvious that WTC7 was demolished, then why are the insurance companies not suing Silverstein for fraud?
Problem #7, and why would Silverstein admit this on television?
RE: No damgae to WTC 7????
You tell me:
RE: Pentagon - pictures of plane wreckage
RE: 2.3 mill in hush money:
Donald Rumsfeld speaking on 9/10/01: "The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible."
It's not that the money is "missing", then, at least according to Rumsfeld, more that incompatible and aging financial systems don't allow it to be tracked throughout the system. Nothing nefarious about the govt not being able to track its expenditures. More importantly, if this was "hush" money why would he announce it?? Not to mention this is a HUGE sume of money, almost eight times the 2001 Defense Budget!!
2007-10-23 12:58:17
answer #5
answered by thealligator414 3