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My second keyboard stopped functioning for the same reason as the first one (don't know the specific reason), but after un-installing a game on my cpu (Maplestory) and restarting my cpu, both my keyboards stopped working (downloaded/un-installed the game twice). When going to my keyboafd sortcut in the control panel my eyboard cannot be detected,even on my brother's computer. Any suggestions on how it stopped working? (I use Diskeeper too, if that's the probem/typing wth an onscreen keyboard so there might be typos).

2007-10-23 12:00:33 · 2 answers · asked by Steve 3 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

both were Usb keyboards and no food/water was placed near it. They were also bought within a month/never used before me.

2007-10-23 12:06:29 · update #1

I can't find "hardware" in My Comupter

2007-10-23 12:29:10 · update #2

2 answers

See if this information helps.

Problem With USB Port – Can’t Reinstall USB Device – Plug & Play Problem
- With Windows Plug & Play feature, Windows is supposed to recognize any device plugged into a USB port -- the problem is after it recognizes something once, Plug & Play will never again try to install that device. You need to erase all memory of the device (printer etc) from the computer.
- Right-click on My Computer, cl Properties, click Hardware, click Device Manager.
- Click on the plus sign next to “Universal Serial Bus.” Look for the problem device’s name and right-click. Now Remove. Restart and reinstall.

Source: Article by James Coates, Chicago Tribune.
Personal Notes:
1. I found that if I did not go through the “safely remove” procedure before unplugging a USB device, the computer did not recognize another item. I had to reinsert the first item, “safely remove,” then plug in another item. This must be like shutting down for USBs.
2. Some flashdrives are to be removed at shutdown, and reinserted after startup. This is stated on the literature that accompanied my SONY 1G flashdrive. I do not recall seeing this instruction for my Cruzer 1G, but I suspect it is the same. I found that if I leave it connected, I cannot access files. After removing it and reinserting, files are there. A couple other smaller, older flashdrives do not seem to have this problem.

2007-10-23 12:48:56 · answer #1 · answered by TheHumbleOne 7 · 0 0

The drivers may be corrupted, reinstall them. You can also try doing a system restore, it may help. From http://fixit.in

2007-10-23 12:15:15 · answer #2 · answered by saf r 4 · 0 0

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