I always at least get a drink. After all, they are not put there as public rest rooms. They put them in for their customers.
2007-10-23 08:53:16
answer #1
answered by ♪♫♪The♪♫♪ Duchess 7
I have used fast food rest rooms without buying food, but in general, I try to get something if I use the restroom. Of course I usually end up buying something if I stop and use the restroom at a convienence store or service station also. I will top off my tank or get a drink. I think it is a matter of appropriateness rather than obligation. If I am on the road and I do not have a public restroom available, then I thenk it is appropriate for me to patronize an establishment if I use their facilities. If, however, I have just filled the tank, and eaten, I will just use the restroom and leave.
2007-10-29 22:02:15
answer #2
answered by US_DR_JD 7
Of course you should buy something. Do you just stop at random people's houses and use the bathroom? No. People own these restaurants too! It is totally DISRESPECTFUL to walk into a place and just use the bathroom. Go home if you have to go, or go to a reststop. Yes, people get paid to clean them, but have you ever considered this: You walk in, the employee at the counter spots you and greets you. Some places, they have to wash their hands and put on gloves. So they do this while you are in the bathroom, expecting you to stop and order. You have taken them away from the work that they were doing in the backroom. They stand there and wait for you to come out of the bathroom. You leave. P*SSED OFF! That's what I would be. I just wasted 5 minutes of my time waiting on you to take a stupid dump in the toilet that I now have to go clean, and you didn't even buy anything!!! Should I treat you like a customer? NO!! I should chase you down and get the quarter out of you that I deserve for wasting my time and the restaurants money. I don't care if I work in fast food, I am still human, I still work, and you just SH*T in my toilet without even giving me the freaking *** time of day!!!! Oh, did I mention that I probably said "thank you and have a nice day" on your way out, while you ignored me and what I really wanted to say was "thank you for your deposit."
2007-10-23 11:38:27
answer #3
answered by jt mom 2
It really depends on the situation or how are you feeling at that point in time..... When nature calls, you got to aswer it.. Besides, what is a handful of dollars compared to the cost of treatment if you develop infections or stones for keeping your "pee" or dirtying up your clothes plus the humiliation that will go with it, the comfort and also whether or not they keep the bathrom clean and stocked up all the time.
Best option, try to find a hotel, use their first floor bathroom, you're more or less sure it's gonna be clean, less people using it and of course, you do not need to check in.
2007-10-23 09:04:27
answer #4
answered by Hector V. 1
are you not allowed to use the bathroom if you dont buy something? maybe in the ghetto where bums are hangin all over every drop of water or clean toilet. Not where i live, i will walk up to the manager say screw you, im not buying anything, im gonna go drop some cosby kids off at the pool and leave.. oh yea, im stealing some TP for the road as well.. and he would say, "very well sir, have a good day"
2007-10-23 08:56:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I will buy a drink at the least. I know the restrooms are for patrons and I've purchased from them many times and not used the restrooms but I feel guilty. I can't just run in and out.
2007-10-23 10:29:34
answer #6
answered by rcButterfly 6
we get people coming in all the time to use it and just leave. we do not like it because they use our water,soap,paper products and electricity for lights and fans. It is only right they make some kind of a purchase to help fray the cost.
2007-10-23 13:29:43
answer #7
answered by Aloha_Ann 7
I feel obligated to buy something.
It is one of my biggest pet peeves when someone comes in to use the restroom and does not purchase anything. Water, toilet paper, paper towels and soap cost money!
2007-10-23 19:00:19
answer #8
answered by SubwayGirl 4
I haven't lost control of bodily functions that I have to rush to a fast food joint to use a bathroom.
2007-10-23 08:55:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Of course I do. How else do you think I had the idea to try fried pickles at the Watsonburger in some little town in Oklahoma?
Actually, when they are fresh they taste okay!
2007-10-23 16:56:43
answer #10
answered by ishiesfriend 3
Not at all. But, funny as it seems, I do feel obligated to buy gasoline if I use a bathroom at a gas station.........
2007-10-23 08:58:25
answer #11
answered by Geno 1