What they are doing is trying to keep things from the past from ruining Hillary's chances in '08. There are many questions about campaign financing, her role in trying to get her health care plan passed, (behind closed doors), Whitewater, the possible insider trading scandal, Vince Foster's death, the thing with Tyson Foods, and on and on.
There is a long laundry list of items which were "swept under the rug" during Bill's two terms as President. Who knows what questions may be answered by the papers, records, etc, being kept from public view and scrutiny.
I will admit, I am not a Hillary Clinton fan, and will not vote for her for several reasons. Not the least of which is the fact are too many unanswered questions about goings on in the Whitehouse, the last time a Clinton was there.
What are they hiding? They are hiding the truth that they (Bill and Hillary), know will destroy any chance she has at becoming President. Right now, they think they are fooling the American people, but that too may prove to be a surprise.
If you think I'm wrong, then ask yourself, why are so protective of these records, and documents?
2007-10-23 08:59:23
answer #1
answered by Grayrider 6
She spent everyday cussing out everybody in the White House, she treated everyone with disrespect as if she was the Queen of the Country, using the f*ck word all the time, and the White Water files implicates her as a culprit and organizer. That dirt will be shared big time if she wins in the primary, and then we get whatever the Republicans have as the running mate. Beware. Don't vote for her. There's more dirt than I know of, and we don't want this person as president, trust me.
2007-10-23 08:51:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous