I don't know who you are referring to, but I am a registered democrat, I don't take money from others even though I make less than $30K in the NorthEast US. I am teaching my son to work & be responsible for himself, & have COMPASSION for others. Something you seemed to have missed in your learning & teaching....
2007-10-23 05:49:55
answer #1
answered by fairly smart 7
They don't . The system discriminates against certain groups of people. Older people (hiring them raises employers' health insurance premiums). Ethnic groups sometimes. People with disabilities and with health issues (hiring them raises employers' health insurance premiums). Retired people are living on a fixed wage, while cost of living continues to rise. What are these people supposed to do? Hopefully you will never get old or disabled or have a major health issue like cancer or diabetes or heart or something. Hopefully your kids never will either. But the odds are against you as you get older. And something may happen before that. Young people have been disabled by being robbed and shot from working in convenience stores and gas stations. Young people are disabled in car accidents. Babies are sometimes born disabled. When you have medical bills, you can lose your job and be unable to get another job. And the medical bills can bankrupt you. Think about some of these issues when you think about how good you have it and the others who are just "unlucky" enough to not have it so good.
By the way, all of the presidents since Reagan have been "borrowing" from the social security fund to balance out the deficits in the national debt and they don't have to let this show up in the books...but they never pay it back...so how is there going to be any social security for the baby boomer generation and those after them? That is why they are trying to create an age war of young vs. old by talking about privatization of social security....so that young people can feel like they are getting their money's worth and meanwhile there will be NO funds for retiring baby boomers. But they will be old, so no one will care about them.
2007-10-23 05:43:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm trying to teach my kids about helping those less fortunate, being kind to the environment, respecting other's beliefs, being honest, respecting others privacy, and finding alternatives to violence. Why are the conservatives ruining these things for me by helping the rich get richer while stiffing the poor, destroying the environment, criticizing anyone with different viewpoints, lying to the American people and being devious at every corner, spying on citizens, and starting wars on false information?
2007-10-23 06:02:13
answer #3
answered by Jared G 5
Democrats like Hillary are not REALLY democrats. She's pandering to the new generation and they tend to fall heavily towards socialism. Gone forever are the days of "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" The current generation's mentality is that it's not the responsibility of the individual but rather the government's. That also explains why the working poor donate the highest percentage of their paychecks to charity followed closely by the "religious right" (who tithe their 10% as per their religious doctrine) followed then, by the wealthy. Who donates the least? Democrats. It seems they take no responsibility for anything, especially when it comes to helping a neighbor.
2007-10-23 05:49:45
answer #4
answered by Doc 7
I have ask myself the same question over and over. I also want to know why a person who is middle class to poor would vote for a democrat? the first thing they will do when elected is stop the child tax credit. That will take from $2500 to $4000 from parents of low to middle class income. They wont get it back on their taxes. Next thing they will do is raise taxes on everyone. This will cause employers to cut back labor cost. Fewer raises fewer employees. more layoffs. Then Ms. Clinton is wanting to FORCE you to buy health insurance. I wonder how much of a kickback her and the first lady(bill) will get from insurance company's. I just can't see anything positive from a democrat. they have been in control of both houses in congress and have renamed some post offices raised the minimum wage and had over 350 congressional investigations which have proven absolutely NOTHING! AND that's IT
2007-10-23 05:44:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Then continue to teach your kids that. Democrats do the same for their children already. Democrats seek to help those who need a hand up, that is part of their sense of responsibility to their fellow man. They want to see those on the lower rungs succeed and become more self-sufficient. That is why they favor programs that seek to help these people do so. But if all you wish to acknowledge is the welfare check, then carry on with the stereotyping. Do you really think being a Democrat means you tell your children they get a free ride in life? What nonsense.
2007-10-23 05:47:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Every democrat has lowered you childs debt to this nation .
While every republican since Nixon has done nothing but create huge deficits . Its like every business model ever dreamed up of using other peoples money gone mad and approved of by republicans , -- the most fiscally irresponsible people I have ever watched .
Bush has taken the cake finally and eaten it all .
We will never recover from this and our dollar will be worthless .
What are we going to kill the entire middle east to get our oil if they decide not to take our useless money .
What if they decide Gold is what they want from now on .
We are screwed .
2007-10-23 05:42:15
answer #7
answered by TroubleMaker 5
let's look at this differently... would our country or even your town, be able to be self-sufficient if everyone was a republican and upper class? ( as this seems to be where more of them come from ) you say to take care of themselves, if they do not have the income to do that then what?? sure they go to college, but there is an accident or something that prevents them for being able to care for themselves... lets say that?? who will support them then? lets say all of you suffered... what then??? good thing we have things in motion or in place to step in and help... if you can support yourself, your children, and call yourself a good person, why would you hesitate to help someone less fortunate... ? God said to love thy neighbor as you would love yourself.... not everyone in every situation can care for themselves.... at least not in this life...
2007-10-23 05:46:38
answer #8
answered by Jeanette 6
Good question. Most people on the left let their bleeding hearts interfere with their ability to make decisions that actually help the people that they feel sorry for. Competition and hard work should be valued and stressed more, and this is what will allow people to better themselves. Liberals are all about allowing people to avoid responsibility. I understand that they have good intentions, but much of what they do/support simply enables people to continue to underachieve. It is up to us as individuals to teach and lead by example...show others that hard work and responsibility are important and valuable.
2007-10-23 05:40:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just because people at one point in time are fortunate, does not mean that bad luck doesn't happen. People can be hard workers and responsible...but lose everything after becoming sick...What doesn't anyone ever realize that?
2007-10-23 05:47:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous