Rock bottom is total impoverishment without a reasonable chance of recovery. Homeless, jobless and in debt. Thats rock bottom. The government should take some steps to recover people who have hit this point because if they can honestly say prison would be a higher quality of life then they have no reason to remain law abiding citizens. I do not advocate welfare but I think housing and employment and some job skill training should be made available as well as debt relief at least until a person can establish an income. Our tax dollars are better spent giving people an alternative to a life of crime then simply hunting them down after the fact.
2007-10-23 04:18:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My rock bottom was losing everything I owned and having only $90.00 in the bank to replace a home.
3 years ago I lived in an apartment.
The apartment building caught fire and I lost everything except for my daughter,photo albums and my dog. The building collapsed and crushed even my car.
It wasn't FEMA or any other government agency that helped me out- it was the community and the local churches- they helped not just me but the 10 other displaced families.
That was my bottom and if it weren't for everyone in the community pulling together I don't know what we would have done.
2007-10-23 11:22:46
answer #2
answered by tnfarmgirl 6
Rock bottom:
"I cant do my activities of daily living"
"I get up and get dressed"
yep that was this persons entire activities of daily living. My 4 year old does more in a day. She wasnt crippled she could walk and talk.
No safety net required. In Mexico you see people with 1 leg hopping around carrying 40# bags of legumes on their heads. There is a big component of will to work in all this and in the USA its nearly nonexistant.
2007-10-23 11:20:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Rock bottom to me means that you are so desperate that you will do anything to survive. Does the government have a role in helping these people?
My question to you isn't the person's responsibility to keep from hitting the bottome and why should the government bail people out. For example, we have people losing their houses because they could not afford to own the home to begin with. Is it society's responsibility to bail this person out with tax money because they made a bad choice? I don't think so.
Drug users who hit rock botton have no one to blame but themselves. Should we help them? I think we should help them get back onto their feet and get off drugs and help them get a job. But if they slide back into their drug use, do we continue to bail them out? I guess you can say jail is a bailout because eventually they will end up there because they have no self control.
2007-10-23 11:16:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Rock bottom to me is the point where I would make a change from negative to positive because I can't, won't keep going in the direction I was going in and want to make a change. I'm sick of taking myself through what ever has gotten me where I am....Down And Out!
2007-10-23 11:28:13
answer #5
answered by Flowers 3
Rock Bottom is when one sells their soul and has nothing to live for.
The Government cannot help one with that problem.
2007-10-23 11:20:13
answer #6
answered by ♥ Mel 7
Having Hillary as President.
2007-10-23 11:11:05
answer #7
answered by Lavrenti Beria 6
The bottom is very near for almost everything around you . Just look. You have only your self to count on and you can do it believe it. Its your life not theirs!
2007-10-23 11:22:29
answer #8
answered by Mogollon Dude 7
Hillary Clinton! Nuff said!
2007-10-23 11:10:04
answer #9
answered by Led Zeppelin 3
Life without Chuck Norris!
2007-10-23 11:11:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous