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Do you do answer questions for the sake of being generous or the sake of the points?

2007-10-23 00:18:23 · 19 answers · asked by Brett 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

19 answers

probably not....
but what kind of rewards are we talking about here? the yahoo points?

ppl do have hobbies of collecting wierd things.. but not these points for sure...
and consider that there are two types of answerers here...
1 - who answer just for the sake of it.. to get 2 pts.
2 - who answer with all the efforts to get the best answer... to get 10 pts.

yes it is like that... we do everything only for a reward...

the reward itself can be different from different ppl's point of view...

for some it is 2 points, for others, 10 points..
fr others, not te points, but the virtual satisfaction that someody is still asking them questions is the reward..
for some, it is the timepass that yahoo answers gives them...

even if we help somebody, the prime reward that we get is the personal satisfaction and happiness that we get out of helping that person....

what say?

2007-10-23 01:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by mayank_bsr 2 · 0 0

It's not like we actually get something for these points. I answer for the sake of those seeking. I like to help others with no reward in mind, just knowing that their day can go a little easier if I correctly answer their question is a reward to me. I also like to express my opinions and be right about everything so... this helps to vent those opinions and release the pressure of wanting to constantly be right. So it's a win/win situation.

2007-10-23 02:12:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Forums are the equivalent of yahoo answers, without the scoring process, and most likely without the ease of use that yahoo gives to answering questions. And i just enjoy to put my point across to people. Its like in this situation, i'm putting my point across but (cos av already looked at other people's answers) i cannot see a great chance that i'll get the 10points but am doin it anyway. People generally like to think and help others, or argue there point. The reason you r probably on here for is the same as most of us. People are all the same, but i'd admit the points does add a little to it, and if u win u feel like u r somebody for a little bit, even though you'll probs be the only to think that.

2007-10-23 02:27:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What reward? Points in a system that you get to answer or ask more questions??? That is not a reward. It is often hard to be able to express opinions in an open less judgmental forum. This allows that in a form that does not rush the information and allows some internal thought. I do feel good when someone selects my answer as helpful.

2007-10-23 02:00:09 · answer #4 · answered by ustoev 6 · 2 0

I confess ! Im a compulsive answerer.I love to express my opinion.
If it was about the points i would be doing a little more stroking of egos and a lot less of what I think.
Its not like the points thing is fair .I mean, look someone says something incredibly dumb like All_____ are stupid right? 14 people give him information as to why this is not a true statement and he gives the points to the first one who agrees with him!
then you have those who give a thumbs down to every answer that isnt theirs.
and those that vote their answer as best without considering the other answers.
So it cant be about the points.or winning .what do you win?

2007-10-23 00:56:37 · answer #5 · answered by matowakan58 5 · 1 0

I would be really a shallow-minded individual if i did answer these questions for the reward. I think i could be more deep-dephted-mind person, than anything.

I answer the questions for the reasons that i am trully inclined to philosophy, and I dont mind reading on to other peoples' opinion and learn from them, in return, i dont mind sharing my thoughts in view of philosophical topics being raised in question form here at philosophy category. It works the same for me on other categories.

2007-10-23 03:02:41 · answer #6 · answered by oscar c 5 · 0 0

To be honest, I do not answer as any gesture of generosity or magnanimity..... I answer with the hope of earning appreciation or admiration for my views and thinking patterns....... points as such or even the orange tag means little to me... I do keep track of my best answer score, but rarely look at the overall points. I therefore believe that I would love to answer provided I have the freedom of choice and there is feedback from the questioner, even if there is no point system such as is operating here.

2007-10-23 00:46:36 · answer #7 · answered by small 7 · 3 0

Smart question! Honestly, my insincts allows me to answer certain questions i found interesting. Any questions beyond philosophy, so long as i could share my thoughts, ideas and opinions. The points we earned are just a consolation to make this site a challenging one. Having great answers is awarded 10 points. I see this as a motivation to answer the question logically and with philosophical sense. However, since we are of free mind, we have the free choices to make too.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

2007-10-23 01:19:22 · answer #8 · answered by Third P 6 · 1 0

I find a lot of questions that I want to answer because I either know the specific topic or to help with my opinion on things. The points is an extra bonus.

2007-10-23 00:24:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'll try to answer the first part first. As far as I know, God has NEVER "threatened" anyone with anything. God did not "give" any individual 'freedom of choice'. Adam and Eve STOLE it from God by disobeying His command NOT to eat the fruit of one tree. He even warned them before commanding it, telling them that if they ate that one fruit, they would DIE. Since that time in the very beginning, life for the human race has been a wretched mess. God has EVERY right to command His creation to worship Him. HE gave us life and has the power and authority to take that life away whenever He chooses to. God deserves AND expects our respect, worship, reverence, humility and obedience. It is the same principle with your parents, your teachers, or other people of authority in your life. They know better than you, therefore deserve to be respected by you - EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK SO. Young people are in the toughest situation because they do NOT want authority. Authority has something people hate called "boundaries" and every kid and young adult despises any 'limits' in their life. About the food issue. You are right about Jesus not making the Old Testament exempt. He did not come "to abolish the law, but to fulfill it". Jesus taught everything in the Old Testament and had summed up "the law and the Prophets". So Jesus did as God asked Him to, to fulfill the prophecies. Not only that, Jesus took thinks a step further. He "added on" to the original laws of God, to perfect them even more. Here is what Jesus said about eating: "Are you still so dull?", He asked. "Don't you see that nothing that enters your body from the outside can defile you?. For it doesn't go into your heart, but into your stomach, and then out of your body". (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean). (Mark 7:18) So then, having a bacon sandwich does not deviate from the rules. Above all, Jesus teaches everyone to love God, honour Him, worship Him, thank Him, hold Him in the highest place in our hearts. There is no threat in that at all. In fact, it's the opposite. If you do these things that Jesus teaches and use them in your everyday life, your reward in heaven will be great.

2016-04-09 23:28:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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