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is he to butt ugly to be approved by women? I need a honest answer because im to scared to talk to women because of my looks. Please i dont want to be made fun of becuse im to ugly or something.
please be honest, if i am to ugly i will keep doing women a favor and stay out of there faces

2007-10-22 16:41:27 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

27 answers

You are definitely not ugly! I am tired of you saying that you're ugly! I would definitely date you, for real! You are so cute and hot, trust me. You are not ugly! You are cute, hot, amazing and beautiful guy that I ever met.

2007-10-23 00:36:32 · answer #1 · answered by ♫Di [Pro-Love, Anti-Hate]♫ 7 · 4 2

Ok, I am being TOTALLY Honest with you...
you are a nice looking guy! For Real! You have very nice eyes & I bet if you were smiling they were even sparkle! (which girls love) Whoever has made you feel ugly or unattractive is SO Wrong! You need to have more self-confidence...work on it. Try smiling more! A smile always helps improve a person's looks! :)

2007-10-22 23:50:56 · answer #2 · answered by SuziQ211 7 · 0 2

Why ya being so hard on yourself and its not just looks that attracts women to men.Anybody worth being with is gonna love you for who u r ,everything and i dont think u r ugly.

2007-10-22 23:45:40 · answer #3 · answered by sweetie 3 · 1 2

You look good! Clean cut guy. I don't agree that you are ugly.
Be confident. Smile more. Be more outgoing.
In no time, girls will notice you.
I agree with the others, you could pass as Matt Damon's stand in or little brother.

2007-10-23 07:54:20 · answer #4 · answered by kat0217 3 · 0 2

Your not ugly. You need to gain some confidence in yourself though because woman love confidence in a man. You know, you look a little like Devon Sawa.

2007-10-22 23:44:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

OMG....to be single and 20 years younger.

But I am old, not dead so YOU ARE A HOTTIE!!!!!!

And since I have no tact, I would tell you if I thought you were an uggie!

Almost like you could be Matt Damon's cousin or something!

2007-10-22 23:45:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Who have you been hanging around with to feel such low self esteem? You are quiet handsome and don't let anyone bring you down!

2007-10-22 23:45:43 · answer #7 · answered by lolita 5 · 1 1

Ok, first of all, you are NOT ugly.
You have beautiful eyes!
But, you have to convince yourself of that.
Confidence is the MOST important thing.
If someone makes fun of you, then she is immature, and not worth your time.
The more girls you talk to, the more confident you'll become!

2007-10-22 23:45:15 · answer #8 · answered by Sumie 5 · 1 2

I'm too old to date you, I'm 30... but I would approve if my little sister brought you home. Your a handsome young man

2007-10-22 23:46:57 · answer #9 · answered by Army Wife 2 · 1 2

OMGosh please don't put yourself down like that!! You are not ugly @ all, and the only thing I see wrong with you is your confidence! And yes, if I was your age + liked you, then I would date you. I hope this helps! =)

2007-10-22 23:45:25 · answer #10 · answered by Loves 2 Sing. 3 · 1 2

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