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In my discussions with my parents, both aged 45ish, I have found, that when I mention Socialism, or Communism, they label it as a evil.

I blame this on Cold War propaganda, the problem is, due the fact for the foreseeable future, these ideas will continue to squelch things like, Universal Heath Care, Public Utilities, Free Secular and Public Schooling (Including University), will continue to be perceived as bad.

I would willingly, pay 60-80% of my income, along with most of the people in my generation I know, to be assured of those 3 things at top Quality. However these are things only the Government can implement, and in doing so would be labeled Socialist.

So why is it that if a government tried to implement these things as the NDP did in Ontario in the 1980's, they are immediately condemned by, the people, the businesses, and the government.

2007-10-22 13:10:38 · 13 answers · asked by angothoron 2 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

IVAN is that YOU!?

2007-10-22 13:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

That's a very interesting observation.
When I was in grade school (many eons ago) the cold war was at its peak. Along with practice fire drills, we would also have an air raid signal and we would all crouch under our desks until the "all clear" was sounded.
It was a scary time. Many people built fall out shelters and most cities had public fall out shelters. The ominous "radioactive" emblem appeared on several buildings indicating a fall out shelter - usually the basement.
"Communism" or "Socialism" were the evil buzzwords of the day. Kruschev was pounding his shoe on the U.N. table and threatening the United States, "WE WILL BURY YOU!"
I don't believe the word "propaganda" is applicable - in reality, the world came very close to nuclear war - most notably during the Cuban Crisis.
Your parents probably label these terms as evil because, simply put, they really look great and equitable on paper - but they don't work in reality.
Consider, in the old Soviet Union, for instance, 10% of the farms were owned by the farmers - the other farms were government controlled. The 10% privately owned farms produced almost 40% of the total agricultureal output of the country. Now consider America - capitalist and private enterprise - and arguable the greatest country on earth, and in only a little more than 200 years.
In my opinion, we don't need more government meddling - we need better accountability and implimentation of the programs now in place.
Yes, our health care is expensive - but it's worth it - and we have laws that mandate care for anyone who seeks treatment in any hospital with an emergency facility - even illegal aliens.
In conclusion, the apparent Utopia of socialized medical care is what I like to refer to as "pie in the sky" - it sure looks and sounds appealing, but I suspect it would fall prey to the typical red tape and beaurocracy that plagues the IRS, the Social Security System, the Social Welfare System, The Immigration and Naturalization System and so forth - and that's a scary thought when ones health and well being is at stake.

2007-10-22 13:48:35 · answer #2 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 2 0

Because the fact is that the government does nothing well, or efficiently. Do you really want to hold up public education as an example of something that's "Top Quality"? Do you think the post office would have ever come up with overnight delivery absent Fed Ex and UPS? It's true that there are some things that the government must do, such as public streets and highways, the police and the military. But the fact that the government does these things (with massive inefficiency in most cases) is no argument that socialism would work well, if it just had better PR. I shudder to think what a government grocery store would look like.

2007-10-22 13:18:40 · answer #3 · answered by J P 7 · 1 1

There is a marked difference between socialism, as an economic model, and social programs. First, public utilities are not paid for by taxes. There are user fees. Even the highway system has users fees paid on every gallon of gas purchased. People in America who don't drive cars do not pay for the highway system. People who don't use electricity don't pay for the electric system.
Under socialism, everyone pays regardless if they use or benefit from any programs. In America, public school is supported by taxes because all children are required to go the school up to age 16. There is no requirement by law to attend college. As such, people who do not use the college system should not be made to support it to make other people successful in life. They need their resources to make themselves successful.
You seem young by your question. I assume you still live with your parents.
Imagine one day you move out on your own. You rent a house with 2 or 3 friends and share expenses. You get a job earning wages above your other friends. Your friends, however, like loose woman and fast cars. They blow their money on having a good time and are left without enough money to split the household expenses. Month after month you must pay more than your share to keep the lights on and the house heated.
Eventually, your roommates will spend more and more of their income on having a good time, and you are covering all the expenses.
Under these conditions, will you ever move up in life to a better life? Will you friends ever succeed when they know they can depend on you to pay the bills?

2007-10-23 01:07:03 · answer #4 · answered by Perplexed Bob 5 · 1 0

First, you confuse rights with privilege. and second, we are a capitalist nation -- our economy is based on the premise that if you want it, earn it. Don't expect the government to just give it to you.
When Jefferson wrote of "Freedom" in the Declaration of Independence, what he was referring to was money. Those who have it, are free to choose from a wide variety of options. Those without, are to suffer and are to be enslaved by their creditors.
When Madison (Jefferson, Jay and a few others) penned the Constitution, they specifically said "liberty" not freedom for that very same reason.
These social programs you encourage and espouse will be the death of you should the government ever fail -- and it has on more than one occasion run out of money.
Trouble with socialism is, it's alot like renting an apartment. You pay your monthly rent and the management takes care of most everything for you. And every year, regardless of whether or not you got a raise or a COLA increase, your rent goes up. Eventually you will be forced to move. You lose everything. You've nothing to show for the money spent. AND, should you REALLY go out on a limb and purchase a house, you suddenly realize that you know little to nothing about maintainence and upkeep. You have to either figure it out for yourself or pay someone else to come in and do it for you.
Socialism underminds capitalism and promotes mediocrity. Why struggle to get ahead if in the end, the government is just going to come and take away your gains and give them to someone who didn't work as smart or as hard?
There is no free lunch. If you want health insurance, get an education and a better paying job. Stop looking for the free hand out, it doesn't exist. And remember, not only does the government screw up most everything it involves itself (look at government housing), but those handouts always come with strings. The folks that got "left behind" in New Orleans after Katrina, were all receiving socialized programs. Where were their democrat mayor or governor? Those who had money, got out.

2007-10-22 13:28:51 · answer #5 · answered by Doc 7 · 1 0

The US Air force did not keep an on going patrol of aircraft over major cites during the cold war. It would have been pointless because if an attack had come Russian ICBMs would have been in their final flight times before exploding above the cites.. Any air craft in the Sky's would have been obliterated instantly.. However The US did have something called SAC!. strategic air command) which did keep some B52 bombers in the air at all times and others on high alert to retaliate should any attack arise.. See a movie called Dr Stranglove, will give general impression of what went on..

2016-05-24 21:19:40 · answer #6 · answered by syreeta 3 · 0 0

i would have to agree with the cold war being the cause, but there are other causes/reasons, but, communism, and socialism, while they do give universal healthcare, schooling, and public utilities, universal healthcare is a dupe, people decide to try to live off of it, which combined with other govt iniated programs you can. however, it causes a strain on the goverments resources, and is not top quality, and can't be top quality, due to, even in the smallest countries, there are to many people to cover with it. as for public utilities, america has them to a certain extent, the thing is with them is, people will deface, destroy, and grafiti the buildings, stalls, and whatnot, i seriously doubt any parent would want their children to see any of the things put on/in the areas. schooling is provided free, up untill higher education that is, with all the goverment provided programs, people living of of wellfare, and health care, all of this puts to much strain on the goverments resources, while i view it this way, there are others who do not, such as yourself, i am a moderate, and yet i lean a bit more to the republican side, i have several views on the deomcrate side. this is just how i view this matter

2007-10-22 13:33:50 · answer #7 · answered by chetoman 1 · 1 0

because while socialism is a great idea in theory, there are far too many people who are willing to exploit the system (look at welfare for example). when people are being exploited they look for a savior- a single person to help them and put all their trust in and bing! you have the next stalin! it really is a great idea, but if you are going to make the marx and his communist manifesto bible truth, read the WHOLE thing, and consider the social repercussions true socialism would mean, and just read a history book to see what 'partial' communism means. i think the US is already far to socialistic, and i am of your generation. just look at your next pay check- at the bottom there, that big ol number thats almost a third of your pay- thats how much they are ALREADY taking out for pay for social programs. THAT is why socialism is so scary to the older generation. not because they remember the cold war, but because they are facing retirement knowing a) they could have had alot more money if it hadnt been for FDR's programs and b) by the time we are looking to retire, the elderly are going to outnumber the median age generation- they wont be able to support us. socialism will fail. its going to fall, and its going to fall hard- on OUR heads, unless something is done to even the balance more

2007-10-22 13:25:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Communism is not a good thing, and most people can recognize that. It's good on paper, but ALWAYS ends up corrupted. It always ends up as a group of really rich people and the rest are poor. It's basically the opposite of our government, and they all seem to hate America. The two that come to mind is the Soviets and N Korea, we were totally against the Soviets and still don't have good relations with Communist Russia along with N Korea.

2007-10-22 13:23:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well if you look at all communist countries right now they arent really doing so well so why do you think we would do any better? Democracy has worked so far and has made us a superpower just cuz its having a slump now your gonna ditch it ang go for something that would just ruin us?

2007-10-22 13:17:31 · answer #10 · answered by Adeptus Astartes 5 · 3 1

Cold War propaganda, it is.
You may ask them: did they hide under their desks in the classroom during "aerial attack" training? I laughed watching old American documentaries. We didn't have such idiocy in USSR
(we used to have a different one, called Marxism-Leninism studies).

That propaganda imprinted in older Americans' brains from the childhood.

2007-10-22 13:18:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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