No, because this is a bullspit war that has absolutely NOTHING to do with protecting the US.
It DOES have to do with pushing forth the private agendas of a select few in Washington and in Business.
And how exactly can you have a "war on terror" when the enemy doesn't HAVE an army?
Terrorists are a loose confederation of groups, not a whole nation that you can just attack. Look at the nonsense that is going on in Iraq, and now Iran is being brought into the mix.
2007-10-22 13:13:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think compulsory service is a good idea. I know the costs would be high but that would be ofset in the future with well trained people. I do not mean total infantary etc. yes their would need to be basic but what is wrong with using the military to do trade\apprentice training. doctors and nurses also trainers. In Australia we have a huge gap in the trades because no one is taking on apprentices (we would be able to stop importing labour). Lets face it youth unemployment is at an all time high we are paying unemployment benefits so the costs in the long term would be far out wayed by the plusses. The one thing that would have to be enshrined would be that if fighting troops were needed that the regular army would be used first and then what everyone is calling the draftees, unless of course the draftee volunteered.
2016-05-24 21:10:35
answer #2
answered by latrice 3
Well if there's a compulsory military service, not going isn't really an issue. Pride and basic sense of loyalty to fellow citizens would keep me from 'dodging', that and I'm not a coward, which is most people's reason for dodging, rather than having any different ideology, like conscientious objectors.
Would I risk my life to support Bush and Cheney? Hell no, but to support one's country, and way of life, that's a better, and more realistic reason. Yes, the cause is definitely worth it. But right now, I don't see a compulsory military service as necessary, as we fortunately have plenty of brave people who are willing to go. When the inevitable war with Iran occurs however, there might be serious consideration for a draft, then, I would go, as Iran is led by a madman who needs to be stopped.
2007-10-22 13:17:11
answer #3
answered by S P 6
This isn't really a question, is it?
As for whether I'd go to war in the Middle East if a draft was introduced, I honestly wouldn't have a choice. Conscientious objector status is seldom granted -- and largely only for religious reasons (Quakers/Friends, Amish, etc.) -- and refusal to sign to a draft is tantamount to desertion. And even conscientious objectors in past wars were forced to enter non-violent positions on the front -- medics, supply convoys, etc.
I don't want to die over there. I feel the war is not serving a purpose, and it was built on false pretenses. However, as a civilian who's still vaguely draft-age, I would have no choice.
Nice movie ads in the links, btw.
2007-10-22 13:15:34
answer #4
answered by Benjamin H 2
Well if the US need a draft, Canada will surely follow, and since my province is mainly peaceful (we NEVER believes that war can solve anything effficiently enough to worth our consideration or our lives), I will do like my grand-father has done before... Hide for few years, and get busted by the army, and then work for them while still remaining in safe grounds... Well its not couragous, you will say, but there is a very fine line between real courage and stupidity, and I do not intend to cross it...
I got friends returning from UN missions around the globe, and they come back so affected (without even shooting once), that nothing they could tell me could worth it (unless they say that we got invaded by an alien race, and its live or die only choices...)...
2007-10-22 16:24:52
answer #5
answered by Jedi squirrels 5
Yes I would go if there was a draft. That would be my duty as a citizen. The war would not be cancelled because I or anybody else refused to fight. Refusal to fight when drafted is a despicable act of cowardice which would only mean that some other poor soul would be forced to fight in my place.
Would it be morally preferable for HIM to die instead of me??
Draft dodging was wrong for Bill Clinton , avoiding service was wrong for Bush and it would be wrong for me too.
We don't live in that type of country. All those who are drafted or voluntarily enlisted should serve when called and the rest of us should help them in any way we can.
You seem to be the type who believes that if we don't agree with the war our government has declared we should sabotage it so that the U.S. will lose.
I am not a fan of this war and I am not happy with how it has been managed. That gives me the right to protest , BUT NOT THE RIGHT TO BE A TRAITOR!!!!!
2007-10-22 13:27:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Is the "war on terror" worth dying for?
this is laughable ... why on earth are we using an army to fight a tactic like terrorism, it ridiculously stupid ... and more to the point, not what the war in Iraq has ever been about
Iraq is a war of opportunity, and all the Bush Administration crony's are getting very, very rich ... and they got rich by looting the federal reserve (the American taxpayer) ... I still don't understand why more of us aren't so upset about it
2007-10-22 13:18:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No I wouldn't. I won't pretend oh blah blah if my country needed me I would go but the military is all voluntary so I don't have to go like some who support the war in bumper sticker only claim.
The "war on terror" is not worth me risking my life for. I only get one life and the "war on terror" will be going for a long long time.
2007-10-22 13:11:59
answer #8
answered by Stephanie is awesome!! 7
Hey, great idea. If someone doesn't like what the military is ordered to do they can run off to Canada or Sweden. There they can wring their prissy little handsies and rant and rave about how unjust the United States foreign policy is.
Anytime I need a good laugh I just drop in to POLITICS & GOVERNMENT and surf until I find some assinine rant like this one.
2007-10-22 16:16:15
answer #9
answered by Chug-a-Lug 7
this war is not about bush and cheny. personally i am more conservative, but i think those two are the biggest idiots to ever have stumbled across the white house- with two exceptions. The clintons. if obama or rudy win the election i would fight, and i would die if necessiary. if clinton wins the election im moving to canada lol. i know this sounds fickle, but she is just so concerned with public opinion and making the majority happy, that she would ignore the GOOD advise given to her by the EDUCATED minority. judging by the fact that you have all these sites listed you want people to educate themselves before making a decision, but honestly, what kind of education is it if its biased? thats not education, that propaganda, and yes both parties use it, but so did the nazis. dont feed people one sided ideas- give them both sides, and let them make an honest, informed opinion for themselves. that way maybe they will stick with their decision instead of sending our country into political instability by bouncing back and forth from one extreme to another (bush sr., clinton, george W, clinton?) lets find a happy, informed, realistically achievable medium huh?
2007-10-22 13:15:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous