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And where's my friend Serafim??

Thank you for your answers!

God night/day!

2007-10-22 10:49:12 · 17 answers · asked by Moon :) 7 in Science & Mathematics Geography

Thank you, I know where the Azores are :)

2007-10-22 11:32:21 · update #1

His YA page is here, but he didn't access it, today, and not sure if he still can access it. His 360 was deleted.

2007-10-22 11:42:52 · update #2

17 answers

It seems Serafim has been raptured. But there is always reincarnation here.

2007-10-22 11:00:41 · answer #1 · answered by Darth Cheney 7 · 6 1

Correios e Telecomunicacoes de Portugal EP provides a very good internet service to the Azores including IPTV to the islands of Faial, Sao Miguel, and Terceira. As for speed of connection, that depends on the package an individual or business decides to purchase. Saying that, speeds are as good as anywhere in the EU.

2016-05-24 19:49:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The Azores are an archipelago of 9 islands that are part of Portugal. They are in the Atlantic about 900 miles west of the Portuguese mainland.

I lived on the island of Terceira for two years when I was a teenager. My father was in the US Navy and he was stationed at Lajes Field.

Absolutely beautiful islands, friendly people. Great experience.

2007-10-22 11:13:14 · answer #3 · answered by SAMUEL ELI 7 · 1 0

West of Portugal in the Atlantic. Approximately 40* N --30* W

2007-10-22 10:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Islands off the coast of Portugal, and probably the lost world of Atlantis according to some theorists...Seraphim's 360 got deleted?? How is that possible?

2007-10-22 20:09:59 · answer #5 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 3 0

Are you kiding ME?? They lost the Azores again? OK, who took the Azores THIS time? *tapping foot* YOu better go and get thjem and put them BACK into the Atlantic Ocean, off the West coast of Africa where they belong, before someone gets ticked off.

Raji the Green Witch

2007-10-22 13:34:31 · answer #6 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 3 1

Serafim was on line 18 hours ago, but just for a short time, and his account is still current.

2007-10-22 11:33:38 · answer #7 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 3 1

An island chain off the coast of Portugal.

2007-10-22 10:56:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Answers profile means nothing. The associated email address is gone, thus the absence o the 360. At this point, he couldn't sign into Answers even if he wanted to.

2007-10-22 22:23:10 · answer #9 · answered by Jack B, goodbye, Yahoo! 6 · 5 0

They are islands off the coast of Portugal.

2007-10-22 11:14:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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