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Needs to be simple to make.

2007-10-22 04:08:34 · 9 answers · asked by Yellowstonedogs 7 in Dining Out Indonesia Other - Indonesia

9 answers

YUM...This is my favorite:
Ayam Pannggang Besengek


Serves 4.

2 Shallots
3 Candle nuts
2 Garlic cloves
1 tsp. Coriander seeds
1-1/2 cup (300ml)Coconut milk
1 tsp. (5g) Tamarind
3 lbs. (1.5kg) Chicken
1/2 cup (250ml)Water
1 bruised Lemon grass
2 Lime leaves
2 tbsp. (30ml) Oil
salt (as needed)
3 Holland red peppers
1 tsp. (5g) Shrimp paste
1 tbsp. (15g) Sugar
1 slice Galangal
1/4 inch Tumeric


1. Split chicken in the middle then pound lightly to flatten.
2. Ground Holland peppers, shrimp paste, shallots, garlic cloves, coriander seeds, candle nuts, tumeri, and galangal to a fine paste. Heat a deep frying pan then add oil. Saute spice paste for about 7 minutes then add coconut milk and water, bring to a boil.
3. Add chicken and lower heat to simmer. Cover frying pan, simmer for about 30 minutes or until sauce is reduced to 1/3. Stir sauce and flip chicken a few times during cooking.
4. Grill chicken about 7 minutes per side or until it is charred. Keep basting the chicken with sauce while grilling.

Serve with steamed rice. (Jasmine)

2007-10-24 21:18:38 · answer #1 · answered by Kamp 4 · 6 0

Indonesians like their food with strong kicks, why do you think they like to use chilli on almost everything they eat.
- Nasi Goreng (fried rice)/ Bakmi Goreng (fried noodle) is a very simple popular dish
- Satay is also simple and popular, but you have to find the right peanut sauce to make it right, and sometimes the sauce is the hardest part of it all

2007-10-23 18:30:43 · answer #2 · answered by economiss 5 · 4 0

Having lived in Indonesia for 3 years, I really learned to love the Indonesian dishes. Especially chicken satay (bbq chicken with peanut sauce (spicy, but not too much) and bakmi goreng (Indonesian fried noodles) and naci goreng (fried rice). Also, Indonesian poo yung hi (the fried rice with a fried egg on top) is really yummy for breakfast.

2007-10-23 09:45:25 · answer #3 · answered by Geno 1 · 5 0

This site has a wide variety of simple indonesian dishes with short & clear instructions:

2007-10-22 11:09:44 · answer #4 · answered by natali 4 · 3 0

I have never eaten a indonesian dish :-( , but i would like to try this out .

2007-10-24 02:59:03 · answer #5 · answered by Hope Summer 6 · 2 0

(Minced Duck Satay)

600 gr duck or chicken meat, minced
2 cups freshly grated coconut
5 kaffir lime leaves, very finely shredded
1 tsp black peppercorns, crushed
1 tsp salt
3-5 bird's eye chilies, very finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped palm sugar
lemon grass or satay skewers

12 shallots, peeled and sliced
6 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
3 red chilies, sliced
2.5 cm galangal (laos), peeled and sliced
2.5 cm kencur, peeled and sliced
5 cm fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced
2 tsp coriander
½ tsp black peppercorn
3 candlenuts
1 tsp dried shrimp paste
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
2 cloves
2 tbsp oil

Grind or blend all spice paste ingredients except oil. Heat oil and sauté spice paste for about 5 minutes. Cool then combine with duck and all other ingredients except lemon grass. Mold about 2 tablespoonfuls on lemon grass or skewers and grill over hot charcoal and golden brown.

Know where I can find any galangal or kencur please?

2007-10-24 12:57:20 · answer #6 · answered by Freesumpin 7 · 7 0

i'm not sure about indonesian but i know a lil bit about malay food similar like the indo food thou ..

2007-10-22 04:17:59 · answer #7 · answered by iscielo 2 · 1 0

this could nicely be a count of opinion, you will get a various answer from each soft palate. i like purely approximately each food available. you may look into diverse cooking training, see who provides the main type. as nicely, each you will have the potential to cook dinner a minimum of one great meal.

2016-12-18 14:23:51 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Nasi goreng. The ingredients vary, as it's a way of using up leftovers, but here's one recipe. http://www.lidl-recipes.co.uk/uk/recipes.nsf/pages/Content.r.Asian.content.Nasi_Goreng

2007-10-22 04:17:26 · answer #9 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 5 0