I don't have like a fetish, but, like, they're so nice, and they just, like, the way they smile, and stuff....
Basically, would a girl of asian descent find a black guy attractive if he wasn't a stupid jerk...?
I'm only like, 13, and I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff, but, seriously..?
40 answers
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Society & Culture
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Don't worry about it, but the question depends on a lot of factors. most notible how the guy and girl feel about each other
2007-10-21 15:25:53
answer #1
answered by Experto Credo 7
Silly but valid retorical question. Obviously you do!
You'd be living under a rock if you think mixed race couples will not have it's problems. I am a great supporter of mixed race couples. But be prepared for the background sniggering, name calling and whispers behind your back. On a more personal level, consider and prepare yourself for some of the cultural differences. It can be a great and wonderful experience.
2007-10-21 15:25:14
answer #2
answered by Heretix 5
oh heck man, asians are hot.
and yeah i seen some asians getting all happy with no offense black dudes!
your thirteen, so work up a ab routine and popularity oh yeah by the time your like 15 or 16 you got a car, nice guy and good looking !
heck you got it under control man!
2007-10-21 15:20:13
answer #3
answered by outlaw_weasel 4
Yes, since there are people out there who are a byproduct of such a union.
Look at Russel and Kimora Lee Simmons, yes they are divorced now but they had dated and were married for a long time, they had 2 children together.
2007-10-21 15:18:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You need to word your question better, all these stupid people think that your the asian girl.
2007-10-21 15:22:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Probably , but I think at 13 yrs old ,you need your mind on other things, like school and other important things, there`s plenty of time later for the fun with guys.
2007-10-21 15:19:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ask yourself, are you racists, do you have anything against black people or males in general? If you answered no to all of the above, it is possible.
I'm guessing you like this black guy, but he is jerk a good amount of time (your definition of jerk I hope is the same as mine, being funny about everything and pointing out flaws for comedy), talk to him see if he likes you. Look your best and strike up for the moment.
2007-10-21 15:19:26
answer #7
answered by boxfervor 3
there is on reason why not but like you said you are only 13 and you don't need to be worrying about any of that stuff right now.
2007-10-21 15:18:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Wait, are you Asian? Do you find a black guy attractive? Haven't you answered your own question?
2007-10-21 15:18:32
answer #9
answered by bibliophile31 6
Yes hun, it doesnt matter what race u r..u like what u like and thats it..dont worry about nothing and dont fall in love with ur eyes..use ur heart it always works out better that way..plus dont grow up too fast believe me
2007-10-21 15:18:23
answer #10
answered by labutcha69 1