Don't think about it. Go about your day and be happy. Your happiness puts happy vibes out into the universe. Take a few minutes everyday to meditate, and just live your life and choose to be happy. Turn off the tv and just be happy. Life is meant to be abundant... so live, love, and let live.
2007-10-21 13:11:30
answer #1
answered by mysticrystaldawn 3
"avoid" and "not getting involved" in same sentence is a double negative -- the way I parse this, you want to know how to get the US to respond to crimes on humanity no matter where they may occur. Example: Myanmar, Darfur, etc.
George W. Bush though he had such a plan and look where he's ended up. Under near constant attack for ???
Is President Bush under attack for being effective in toppling the Hussein dictatorship, or for being ineffective in quickly creating a stable representative government in Iraq?
[Btw, how long was it that America struggled with the same issues -- between Yorktown and the ratification of the Constutution.]
2007-10-21 20:20:22
answer #2
answered by Spock (rhp) 7
A good plan for the U.S. ton ot get into crimes of humanity would be to not go in with an army to try and save a country from its self when we cant even solve our own problems at home.
2007-10-21 20:10:03
answer #3
answered by shootit247 3
I suggest you look at a plan for the reallocation of resources. Quite frankly, the US has an amazing amount of economic power that they GIVE UP all of the time. I am of the opinion that if we end foreign assistance, we can force down gasoline prices, etc.
2007-10-21 20:09:56
answer #4
answered by cyanne2ak 7
i for one don't think we should not forget it. the only way we can is to not see it on T.V. we have to keep the world out of our minds. that is the only plan i can come up with
2007-10-21 20:14:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
stay out
2007-10-21 20:09:33
answer #6
answered by 2