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If you found out the meaning of life, would you share it for free, keep it to yourself, or charge fees for enlightenment?

2007-10-21 11:10:08 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

7 answers

I would think that actually knowing the meaning of life could alter my perspective so much that it's hard to predict what I would do.

2007-10-21 11:14:38 · answer #1 · answered by John 5 · 1 0

I would try to share it. But most probably someone would tell me I was crazy and diden't know what I was talking about anyway.

Maybe that's why nobody really knows what the meaning of life is, it is different to different people. I am sure people will find it if they look, but then again, that will be just one perspective of it. You can't learn it until you have experienced all of it.

If you want to belive certain people whom already have all the answers then the meaning has already be found for years now. Maybe they are right?

2007-10-21 11:56:40 · answer #2 · answered by Bri 3 · 0 0

I would share it with everyone ......
That is the type of person I am and that is why in my owns soul's evolution as I learn I pass the torch to everyone I meet in the light of wisdom and love of learning and understanding this life and why we are here...
If I was in the dark about so many things in life I would want a friend or mentor to help me grow as a person of wisdom and wanting to learn and putting all the petty things aside that people get so upset about in life we are all here to share together :)) We all came into this world the same way and we are all going out the same way :)))Everything has meaning if we open our minds and souls to the universe with God and the people and the nature and the actions and learning experiences around us until the day we die :))

2007-10-21 11:32:30 · answer #3 · answered by Rita 6 · 0 0

The meaning for life and the purpose of life are already known to many; it is just life itself to enjoy and accomplish.

But the meaning and purpose of the universe is another matter. It is a mystery and maybe because it is a mystery it is not meant by any designer (God) to be known. I can not subscribe to the view that the universe happened by chance and has no purpose or meaning. Maybe the meaning is to find that meaning and that meaning or purpose may be so esoteric as to be not understandable to us in our present state of evolution.

What I would do with the knowledge of it if I knew depends on whether it was good or disappointing? In any case I would want to share it with someone.

Good luck with your meaning, good health, peace and Love!

2007-10-21 15:13:55 · answer #4 · answered by Mad Mac 7 · 0 0

Whatever the meaning might be, pleasant or otherwise, I'll choose to share it with humanity for free, for isn't it a fulfillment being able to help unravel a mystery?

2007-10-21 11:38:05 · answer #5 · answered by Lance 5 · 0 0

A man's gotta eat but I cannot see charging for what is meant for ALL!

2007-10-21 12:02:52 · answer #6 · answered by Premaholic 7 · 0 0

I would make it available to everyone to make the world a better place.

2007-10-21 11:32:25 · answer #7 · answered by -NOBAMA- 3 · 0 0

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