Consciousness is the source of the dream, which is what you really are.
There is no underlying physical reality beyond illusion. Time and space are part of the illusion. All of perception and experience is part of the illusion.
Enlightenment is the realization that what 'you' are is the Source within which all things in the illusion come and go.
2007-10-21 11:49:52
answer #1
answered by philmeta11 3
Reality is not an illusion or a dream; what is happening is quite real. If you are hit by a truck, you're hit by a truck.
It is more helpful to understand that our 'perceptions' of it are skewed by our conditioned 'illusions' about self and others. So to describe our 'view' of reality as a dream or illusion is NOT the same as saying the material reality actually IS an illusion.
To discard our illusions (subconscious beliefs about limitations) is to wake from the dream and experience ego transcendence/authentic being. But, this alone could not be said to be enlightenment. Nor is enlightenment simply grasping the malleability of reality - how it mirrors belief - though that is a part of it.
The final achievement is 'unity' internally AND externally - a state of 'eternal aliveness' in the now, because your conscious choices/intentions alone are realized and you are fulfilling your purpose for being here.
2007-10-21 21:24:04
answer #2
answered by MysticMaze 6
The question makes many ponder. There is no true answer. We may never know whether what we see do and feel everyday is real or fake. Our minds are our most intelligent source, the smartest thing around. It created everything man-made around us- or so it appears. Our minds have power to create an unstable view of our lives. Therfore, we may be stuck in a world of illusion- what is percieved by us may be all an illusion. Our souls were created gullible and we give in to what we may. So our minds might be dreaming this all up, maybe not. Our definitions of reality aren't very acurate, but very vague.
2007-10-21 18:05:21
answer #3
answered by jelly freakout. 2
All of this is really enlightenment when the real is seen and known. Manifested out of the void everything is the enlightenment of Buddha and at every-ones basic ground of being they are Buddha. This can be known by anyone if they search out the true teaching of enlightenment, the real Guru is within.
2007-10-21 20:49:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Reality is just an illusion of alcohol deficiency.
2007-10-21 18:34:36
answer #5
answered by -NOBAMA- 3
If the assertions of many "Saints and Sages" are to be taken at face value, then they answer your question thusly: The world is a compound Idea, with many actors on its stage, playing various roles.
Truth is to be found in awakening from one's mortal error, here and hereafter.
One awakens to what Plotinus called One Mind Soul.
God is Energy (among other divine attributes). To misqualify Energy is to energy-veil, e-veil, evil.
To draw nigh to God is to move from darkness of misqualified Energy to Light.
Some books you might consider reading:
"Climb the Highest Mountain," Mark Prophet.
"Light Is a Living Spirit," Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.
"The Path of Virtue," Jonathan Murro.
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.
"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Olga Kharitidi, M.D.
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock ()
( radio)
() and "Psychoenergetic Science," Dr. William Tiller.
"The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences," Atwater.
"Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer.
"The Field," Lynne McTaggart.
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D.
"Sunyata: The Life and Sayings of a Rare-Born Mystic," Camhi and Isenberg.
"Autobiography of a Yogi," Paramahansa Yogananda ()
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.
"Talks with Great Composers," Arthur Abell, M.D.
All books and authors listed are fairly great.
best regards,
2007-10-21 17:55:48
answer #6
answered by j153e 7
The only thing that is not part of illusion is "What IS".
2007-10-21 19:05:50
answer #7
answered by Premaholic 7
This is the philosophy of one section of Hindus.It is called the Maya theory.Scientifically it can not be accepted or refuted.
2007-10-21 23:54:46
answer #8
answered by Padmini Gopalan 4
The mind is more dangerous than our feelings, they creat us an ilussion and even we "saw it or we feel it".
2007-10-21 17:38:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous