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I was just on myspace looking at a profiles pictures, then all of a sudden symantec tells me i got the bloodhound exploit 109
I've always viewed these pics from the profile and nothing like this has ever happened before.

2007-10-21 09:04:26 · 5 answers · asked by realtime4real 2 in Computers & Internet Security

yes but I didnt know that myspace has viruses

2007-10-21 09:09:44 · update #1

Actually I'm thinking all of you are wrong. I think that symantec was just scanning my system and i came upon that virus. I had probably got it before and it hadnt noticed.

2007-10-21 17:17:40 · update #2

5 answers

Bloodhound.Exploit.109 is a heuristic detection for Apple QuickTime RTSP URI Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability.To stop this happening
again see following link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The exploit is triggered by opening a specially-crafted QTL file.
This may explain why nothing like this has happened before. hope this helps.

edit: i agree with you,hence my answer!!!!!
2 mins ago.

2007-10-21 09:55:26 · answer #1 · answered by Michael 6 · 0 0

An embedded object in the picture you were viewing could have commanded your machine to download a virus. Be glad you had Symantec on board and surf safe!

2007-10-21 16:12:59 · answer #2 · answered by ToolManJobber 6 · 0 0

Some evil-doer probably encrypted a virus or worn into a graphic that you clicked on. It wasn't random at all, you invited it in.

Just a little clarification here: "malware" isn't a type of spyware / adware.

"Malware" is the broadest of definitions that includes ANY and ALL of the bad stuff.
Spyware, adware, virii, trojans, worms, dialers, and backdoors are all types of malware; not vice-versa.

Example 1: The flu is a type of illness; an illness is not a type of flu. "Illness" here is the broad category, while 'the flu' is specific.
Example 2: A broken toe is a type of injury; an injury is not a type of broken toe. In this instance, "injury" is the broad category, while broken toe is specific.

Spyware, adware, virii, worms , trojans, dialers, and backdoors are *specific.*
"Malware" is general.

2007-10-21 16:41:10 · answer #3 · answered by heebus_jeebus 7 · 0 0

sounds to me like you've got malware on your computer somewhere..

malware is a type of spy/adware that sneaks into your system files and downloads viruses off random pages.. it can create a 'backdoor' onto your machine so viruses (or worse) can get onto your machine without you knowing..

but i'd be careful.. sometimes, the warnings from symantic can be worms themselves.. if anything tells you that you're infected THEN asks you to download another program (like pc-tools) to get rid of the bug, DON'T click on anything and reboot your computer.. if you do click on it, the bug will store itself in your win32 registry files and can corrupt your harddrive..

use a program like ad-aware to get rid of these spybots, and scan your computer regularly.. this should help.

2007-10-21 16:11:43 · answer #4 · answered by kitten 2 · 0 0

At least you know what you were doing when you got it. I would not call that random.

2007-10-21 16:08:32 · answer #5 · answered by Computer Guy 7 · 0 0

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