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2007-10-20 20:05:00 · 6 answers · asked by ronah l 1 in Computers & Internet Other - Computers

6 answers

It's basically all computers in the world networked (connected) together.

2007-10-20 20:08:20 · answer #1 · answered by bob jay 2 · 1 0

Mass communication - millions of individuals connecting to servers that connect to others everywhere in the world, that store information, and allow us to access it and share our knowledge freely. It is a free and collaborative effort that only works because everyone agrees to share their news, files, and interests. It was designed with many nodes so that in the event of destruction of communication in any small localized area, the information could be routed around to other nodes and continue to it's destination.

It is not tubes, nor dump trucks... it is tiny electrical impulses that are either "on" or "off" and that get sent in "packets" as if you mail a letter in an envelope.

2007-10-21 03:13:44 · answer #2 · answered by Princess Picalilly 4 · 1 0

In the beginning.....(Does that sound familiar?)..........It began with two computer scientists wanting to communicate to each other over a very long distance via their respective computers.

Hence....one of these brilliant scientists created the language of HTML so the computers could talk to each other half a world away.

This brilliant scientist instead of being greedy and Patenting the language of HTML........gave it away FREE and thus began the beginning of the Internet as we know it now.

2007-10-21 03:14:09 · answer #3 · answered by bluegumpixie 1 · 0 0


Actually theres quite a bit to it, so much that it'd probably take a full day of reading to get through it, a week to understand it all. I understand it as interconnected computers.

oops I forgot ITS A SERIES OF TUBES, Its not like a truck, its not something you just dump stuff on

2007-10-21 03:11:02 · answer #4 · answered by RandomMan 4 · 0 1

Well, apparently, it's a series of tubes in Alaska that was invented by Al Gore. It's not a bunch of dump trucks.

2007-10-21 03:09:38 · answer #5 · answered by John L 4 · 0 1

I go to my computer, and i can find everything about anything i want. No more books or newspapers for me!

2007-10-21 03:08:39 · answer #6 · answered by kane_mitsuki120490 2 · 0 0

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