I am a smoker and really think they are in overkill on this smoking ban. OK, I understand it in family restaurants, but bars or private clubs - will it be in private homes next? Give us a break! I am getting sick of seeing these commercials on TV about second hand smoke every 5 seconds. Yes, we all know that smoking is bad for you, but I think we've got so many more issues in this world to worry about. I personally don't drink and am not crazy about people having a few drinks at dinner and getting behind the wheel of a car when I'm on the road. Why not tax alcohol to the hilt? Alcohol kills too. Not to mention the vast amount of people on the roads these days have a cell phone glued in their ear. Talk about hazardous to your health! Was just wondering if anyone out there in states who have smoking bans agree or disagree.
7 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
Special note to Michelle. FYI, I am not a rude smoker and have beautiful white teeth. From what you said, if you don't smoke, then you will live forever... CORRECT?? I didn't realize that. Thanks so much for the info. I just asked for opinions, not nasty comments on my personal life.
15:01:41 ·
update #1