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You say we fought against communism and as you know ( Young people know this too) we lost over 58,500 dead troops. So how come my brand new Chevy Equinox vehicle was made in China? ( That is the engine for my vehicle is made in Communist China ) China helped kill those 58,500 men by supporting North Vietnam. So why did General Motors go to China and give those people our jobs? Why is wal-mart full of goods from China? I bet all you veterans buy goods from China? Right? Same with Vietnam. The clothes on my back are from Vietnam. (Thanks Wal-Mart ) Guess what I know ?? In 10 years all the Auto Plants will be in China. All the cars you will drive will be made in China so why did you old Veterans fight the so called communist? You know as well as I do the Communist countries won when it came to the Vietnam war.

2007-10-20 13:34:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

3 answers

Yes...they fought against communism and will to this day. However, we did not give in to the communist countries...your opinion is that we may have lost the war against the communists, but, we did not CONFORM TO THEIR WAY OF LIVING. That's the difference between winning and losing...So in a sense, WE WON! And, the foreign relations between their countries and ours are all good, foreign trade is at it's peak!

2007-10-20 22:33:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No -- except for domestic witch-hunts in the 50s -- all our efforts were to oppose authoritarian fascism -- the economic model of the countries involved was not really relevant.

And there hasn't been a true communist govt on a national scale in the past century -- socialist is the closest USSR or China has come,

2007-10-20 13:50:18 · answer #2 · answered by coragryph 7 · 1 1

Hey Don't tell me i didn't fight the communist
I helped keep the Soviet Northern fleet in Murmansk for 2 years we didn't fight we out spent and the sooner every one sees that is economics not politics that start wars the better off we will be

2007-10-20 14:16:10 · answer #3 · answered by shultzie knows best 7 · 0 1

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