Liberals always have to trash someone.
2007-10-20 10:55:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He has lied to us thousands and thousands of times.
He has slashed the taxes paid by the rich, and slashed programs that help the poor and middle class.
He's murdered a million people (thus far, still counting) just because he wanted to be in history books as "great". Everything he did in this war (that's put us in crushing debt we'll never get out from under) was wrong.
He targeted civilians; supported the corrupt and brutal; pit factions of the society against each other; failed to secure ammo and other explosives (which were then taken by the army he fired).
He keeps giving no-bid contracts to known thieves.
He partied while we lost New Orleans and thousands of people were starving for days, and praised the man responsible.
His veto prevented funding of research that would massively improve the lives of tens of millions of people.
During his reign of terror, the chasm between the very few who get most of the money, and the vast majority who are struggling has grown, faster and worse than ever before.
He approved torture and has lied about it.
He has ignored constitutional protections of Americans.
He's alienated everyone in the world.
He's protected those who outed a CIA specialist on WMDs as political payback. He outed an Al Quaeda operative who was about to start spying FOR OUR side, just because Kerry was getting press from the Democratic National Convention.
He's done nothing to find the man responsible for the most deadly terrorist attack EVER. And he's inspired a lot more attacks with his war of choice.
He's prevented us from doing anything about environmental degradation, and has made things worse with things like the "dump more garbage into the air" act.
Well, these are just a very few examples of the damage he's done to his own country and the world.
He's stupid, ignorant, arrogant, and refuses to listen to reason -- a really bad combination.
He has no heart, no compassion, no humanity, no scruples, no conscience.
He hates the Constitution he SWORE to uphold and defend, thus, he put his hand on the Bible and LIED to his God, before America (twice).
He's frequently suggested he should be considered an absolute ruler, rather than the president of a democracy ("decider" for instance -- and in general acting as though his will should be done).
He repeatedly says that everyone who disagrees with him or questions him is a terrorist who hates America.
He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
He's a mass murdering, torturing, raping, thieving, lying, utterly corrupt, traitor to his country.
Nothing good about ANY of that. (And I've merely scratched the surface -- he's done more, but that's what comes to mind, off the top of my head.)
How can you consider him good?
2007-10-20 16:48:19
answer #2
answered by tehabwa 7
Well girl I would say 90 percent of the answers you got tell you why
The other 10 percent think we are all liberals like Berry and we are brainwashed to hate him , Not So Berry,, We are not brainwashed by any body
And for Dirtbag#1 its not true that we always hate who's in the white house. I liked Kennedy before Bush's lil cia group had him shot.,
Bush never got elected in the white house , Remember ! it was all a scam anyway ,& so is he, and his whole piss ant party and family ,, Sorry bunch of Texans I have ever seen ,,
bush is nothing,like what everyone says here he is NOTHING
Bush is nothing but a boweval sitting on a bulls back thinking the bulls balls are his ,
Well we will just wait and see until someone has enough nerve to pinch that bug out of that bulls back and along with the blood sucking jerks like him , and make him realize he has got no balls , If he did, he would be a good American instead he is a fascist pig , I put him in the same book as hitler,
he has committed the same crimes and is committing the crimes as we speak now, 9-11 ,Oklahoma bombings,.Chem trails, Our Flag, our rights, everything he is doing is the same as hitler, oh the list goes on ,, Except instead of hating the Jews, he hates all GOOD AMERICANS , And he proves this in what he does in the Government, Look what jobs we have here ? None. "Money ,gone, taxes higher, Our young boys over seas dieing ,,Why ?
He has brain washed you guys like Berry, Dirtbag#1 and all of you who think he is God & you believe him ,,!
Everyone knows that everything from Texas is bigger, Like in liars, bullshitters, thieves, Greed,
Sheep don"t even like bushs , they think every time they get near one they are going to get grabbed by the hind feet,?lol
9-11 was the last straw from the camels back , and bush was riding that camel .. Amen
P.s May people should stop watching so much T.V. LIKE you Berry , It seems like thats where you get most of your information ,,
Why don't you watch the real truth like 9-11 the truth or any of the other ones that tell the truth ,, Are you scared you might have to change your mind about that ugly lying pig !
2007-10-20 12:53:05
answer #3
answered by luv them horse's 6
I was born with Truman as president. In my lifetime, I have yet to see a good president. And every election, I hear people say "I voted for the lesser of two evils." Our presidents, in my opinion, only get continually worse. Much as I dislike Bush, I am sure that two years from now he will look awfully good. I really fear what comes next. My first election was 1968. I am proud to say that I have never voter Democrat or Republican. I register either Liberaterian or Independant. I hope others will follow suit and get the country on track some day.
2007-10-20 11:06:28
answer #4
answered by genghis1947 4
Because all they know is what the Liberal Socialist Bias` media tells them. They only hear what they want to hear !When an opposite view is brought to light with facts , figures and video that shows what they have been told is a lie and a distortion of the truth , they look the other way . They have been brainwashed so long by the Liberal Socialist Bias` Media it is impossible for them to see the forest for the trees`, and having to admit you`re wrong is not the best trait of a Liberal . Everyone here that has bashed Bush is just repeating " talking points" that they have been told by the Liberal Socialist Bias` Media. Where`s their hero "Dan Rather" ,caught lying and presenting false , forged documents on his "CBS" national Liberal Socialist Bias` Network , yet the Liberals refuse to accept the fact that he is a scandalous liar that is no longer employed . Where`s the Liberal outrage about lying in Rathers` case if lying is such a big issue with the Liberal conscience ? Bush has no chance with the Liberal Socialist Bias` Media lying and bashing him with one-sided broadcast day in and day out ! Do you notice how the Liberal Socialist Bias` Media reports when the stock market drops , it`s front page news because they can blame President Bush and the Liberal "Lemmings" are in lock step with whatever they say ! But how much positive coverage has the Liberal Socialist Bias Media given when the market has gone up and up setting new records over the last 4 years ? You guessed it , not a word !! Liberals want to gripe about Bush / Cheney & Haliburton , and they have no clue that Haliburton was 1st brought into the politicial scene by "Slick Willie Clinton". Where is the coverage of any democrat that is in trouble with the law ? Can you imagine the coverage if a conservative representative would had gotten caught with $90,000 hidden in his "Home Freezer" ? What about Sandy Burger , Clintons` former "National Security Advisor" stealing secret 9/11 testimony papers from the National Archives ? Liberals , why would Sandy Burgler steal anything ? Why stuff secret documents down your pants , especially if it shows that Bill Clinton was doing his job on terrorism ?? Looks like if "Burglar" would have gotten caught doing anything it would have been sneaking phoney documents "in"; making Clinton look ?? Seems to me to steal and destroy means there is something you don`t want the folks to know about ?? Where did the The NY Crimes socialist newspaper put this story ? Front page , ha ha , Nope , they put it on page 37 , and it was 1 paragraph . It didn`t even associate the name of the thief ! All that was reported was that is was a "former aide" to the whitehouse !! They covered that one like an Alaskan snow fall !! The Liberal Socialist Bias` Media is a joke . It`s not media , it`s a propaganda machine for the Socialist !The Liberal Socialist Bias` Media buries` all negative "democratic liberal" issues` like lassie buries a bone !! CNN , NBC , CBS , ABC , MSNBC , PBS , all puppets for the Socialist !!
2007-10-20 11:57:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I like Bush. I think it's cool that he has nicknames for his buddies, like he's in a college frat house. I think it's funny that he doesn't know some of the names of other world leaders -- just think how awesome that is -- the rest of the world must be freaking out! We elected a total bad*ss.
He got average grades (at best) in school, so you know you can have a beer with the guy and he won't bore the crap out of you with stupid, liberal fairy tales. He never went to those fancy, elitist schools like Harvard or Yale. He's down to earth and has a ranch, where he chops wood. He goes golfing and fishing, like everyone else. I'll bet he even has a baseball cap with foam in the front and mesh in the back. And he speaks to me slowly and clearly so that I can understand what he says. I'm a busy person, so I don't have all day to look up highfalutin, elitist garbage words in a dictionary.
And he's like most of the rest of us because he never served in a combat unit, so his mind isn't all clouded with bad war experiences, like his dad, who got shot down in WWII and was forever scared to go into Baghdad because he thought it would be a quagmire. So lame. Bush rocked it out in that flight suit on that aircraft carrier after the Iraq war ended. I bet all the chicks wished he wasn't married. War time president, there's nothing better.
And when the liberal biased media asked him about his cocaine habit and drinking and driving when he was 30 years old, he said: "When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible." Go get 'em, Bush! Total bad*ss. Who knew that 30 year olds are young and irresponsible? The liberals didn't, apparently. And to top it off, Bush found God, so case closed.
2007-10-20 13:00:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He started the war in Iraq because they had WMD, support terrorists and do not allow UN inspection to do their job. He lied on all 3 accounts. He wasted hundreds of billions, some thousands American lives, some hundred thousands Iraqis killed and left the country in much bigger mess than it was before him.
He treats us like idiots.
When UN demanded that US army take the police role as occupying army, he said that we are "liberating army" and therefore we don't have responsibilities of occupying army.
When there was some terrorist plot against Library tower in LA he called it "Liberty Tower" just because it sounds more patriotic.
He said that US do not torture - it's just highly experienced professionals intensively interrogate the terrorist suspects. If you remember the memo that came up recently mentioned such interrogation technics as "sleep deprivation" and "simulated drowning" probably you would want to know how our president defines "torture".
You may notice that I'm upset only about "one" issue - Iraq and war on terrorism. I think that his action led to hundred thousand killed civilians and it is serious enough to consider him a bad president.
2007-10-20 11:11:45
answer #7
answered by Aleks 6
Because people are Earthlings and Bush is a hatchling who believes his destiny is to prepare the Earth for the 2nd Coming of RonnieGod.
2007-10-20 11:14:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He actually is not a good president. He put us into a war that we cannot get out of and that kills our troops by the day, not to mention the national debt did you know that is is at $9,056,276,344,483.67? When Clinton left office we had a surplus. That is how much debt Bush managed to get us into in the past 6 and a half years. He also has destroyed our schools with no child left behind, let our jobs go over seas and done NOTHING about it, the housing market is in shambles, not protected our borders, let Al Qaeda escape into Pakistan, did not finish the job in Afghanistan, allowed corruption to go on in his Administration, vetoed a bill (which had support on both sides) to extend health care for poor, sick children, signed the Patriot Act into existence and wants to violate the constitution by wiretapping people without a warrant which is illegal and he does not listen to the American people! He is stubborn and incompetent.
2007-10-20 11:04:44
answer #9
answered by Lindsey G 5
Cheer up!
Bush's approval rating is nowhere near that of the Democrat controlled congress...11% the lowest ever.
2007-10-20 11:12:25
answer #10
answered by One Bad Mama Jama 4
Bush is a feeble-minded twit who surrendered US airspace to al qaeda for over 2 hours on 9-11.
Also, he started a war based on lies, shattered his daddy's record for deficit spending, proclaimed the end to his war before the real fighting even started and he is really just too point-blank stupid to understand the issues that need to be dealt with.
Add to this the fact that he is a compulsive liar, a criminal, and has done more to destroy the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution than all the enemies we have ever had in the history of our country and there is only one possible conclusion that can be reached:
GW Bush, Worst President Ever, Bar None.
2007-10-20 10:56:54
answer #11
answered by obl_alive_and_well 4