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40 answers

Only if you let him. Don't stand for that crap!

2007-10-19 15:57:03 · answer #1 · answered by Don 7 · 0 0

It isn't supposed to be. Marriage is supposed to be based on many things this society has campaigned against for years now. For instance, were you close friends first, without any sexual contact, or did you get together based on mutual attraction?

Contrary to the old saying "Opposites attract" and all this implies, the truth is, the more the two of you have in common, the more things you will find that are fun to do together. If your relationship was built on the solid foundation of an already-strong friendship (which includes trust and respect), you two should be able to talk openly and honestly to resolve your issues. Any relationship involves compromise. You both need boundaries. These are things you should have been practicing with each other (part of respect) before marriage.

Contrarily, if your relationship was based on mutual attraction, it will not last long. Mutual attraction is a series of stages in which chemicals are released by the brain and give certain "feelings", or "highs", to a new connection. If the relationship is based on these feelings alone, without the respect, trust, honesty, and commitment required for a lasting marriage, the longest you can expect these brain chemicals to continue their release is about five years. If you don't have the commonalities and repoir to keep your commitment, your "active" love, alive, your relationship will fail. It's that simple.

2007-10-19 16:08:37 · answer #2 · answered by Waya 1 · 0 0

Being miserable is not part of a marriage. If you are miserable then you need to get out. I also had went through that during my first marriage. I stayed miserable most of the time when my ex and I were together. I am now divorced and my misery is finally gone.

2007-10-19 15:59:32 · answer #3 · answered by Nancy M 7 · 0 0

Marriage is a two way street. What if your husband were writing exactly the same question but rewording it, "is it part of marriage for your wife to make you want to pull out your hair"?

What is it that makes you the most frustrated at your husband? What is it about you that upsets him the most. Make a deal, both of you stop doing those two things.

2007-10-19 15:59:30 · answer #4 · answered by Terry L 5 · 0 0

But marriage, like anything is what you make of it.
Was he like this before you were married? If he was not, then perhaps the misery is from some kind of let down on both your parts? You don't say how many years you have been married or how old you are.
If you are young and fairly new to marriage, then perhaps you weren't ready for this.
If you are older and married for years, then maybe you both didn't work hard enough to get through issues.
Perhaps you should get counselling and decide how to proceed and what your expectations are? good luck

2007-10-19 15:58:25 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs. Moltisanti 3 · 0 0

No make you happy, if possible. It depends on what it is. It is a give and take process and mostly giving. Just try to love each other and get used to each others bad habits.If not talk with them about it.Seek counseling and be willing to change if necessary.
some times we are not always totally right so we must be open and willing to make a few sacrifices if you think he is worth it.Remember marriage is a deception and after 2 people get married sometimes we find we are surprised, but it can still work if we work at it.

2007-10-19 16:03:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yeah. U know it's the third ring of marriage. engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering. Ur supposed to make him miserable from time to time too. Just to keep the sparks alive. But make sure u guys do cheer each other up though. The honey moon can't last forever, but neither should the blues.

2007-10-19 15:58:37 · answer #7 · answered by Uncertain Soul 6 · 0 0

No, that's part of abuse. Even if it's verbal, it must be addressed. If you can't get you and him to counseling, how about a marriage seminar. Go to Family Life's website and look into "A Weekend To Remember". It tours the country. It is amazing how much this will help you to appreciate each other.

2007-10-19 16:00:18 · answer #8 · answered by GoodGuy53 5 · 0 0

Not if you know how to communicate and problem solve. By the way you don't have to be married to have miseralble fights. I'v seen it happen to couples who are living together (worse because no excuse for guy to sick around; no committement) I'v seen it happen to couples who are just dating. The sad part is that somtimes children are involved and there is no stability because couples break up and they get back and break up and get back. Marriage has nothing to do with it. Marriage is a good thing if your ready.

2007-10-19 16:02:47 · answer #9 · answered by liliana 4 · 0 0

NO !
If the guy is making you miserable, either kick him out, or you get out.
If he has physically abused you call 911.

Some people try counseling, but if the other person is a yutz, chances are pretty good they will stay a yutz.
Life is to short to be miserable.

2007-10-19 15:58:12 · answer #10 · answered by Ompa Loompa 3 · 0 0

Absolutely not! Is your husband intentionally trying to make you miserable? If so, you have a problem on your hands with emotional and verbal abuse. Are his habits making you miserable? That's another story.

2007-10-19 15:57:04 · answer #11 · answered by Ms. X 6 · 0 0

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