Don't try. That would make her suspect that you are. Just be glad that you don't have to prove to your friend that no adultery took place. Her ego got hurt when you did not instantly become her slave on seeing her body. She is an adulteress slut. You should definitely tell her husband.
2007-10-19 10:17:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You showed you were an honorable friend by not reacting to your friend's slut of a wife. She knew you were coming and met you with a towel on? That was your first clue. Then she dropped the towel--second clue. You have nothing to prove to this woman. She wanted to make you her "conquest" and you rightfully did not react. Ignore her and tell your friend what she did. She is not worthy of any response she has made toward you--if you say anything about how you were not interested in her, it is a slam against your friend too, so don't say anything, and make sure you are never alone with her again, otherwise she may accuse you of seducing her or even raping her to get "even" for spurnning her. Good luck.
2007-10-19 19:52:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If that's the way she really reacted,I'd say she's a
& she suspected you to be gay! Wtf's up with that? I know I would be in shock if my friend's sister's towel suddenly dropped off like that!
2007-10-19 17:09:57
answer #3
answered by ♣ hAdriAn ♣ 3
Find a way to get caught by them with a Hustler forum paperback book or something like that.AND be sure you tell them you are not gay.This is really a serious problem and I am sensitive to your feelings Dude.If they can see you with a girlfriend,that would be best.But listen to me,dont go acting out and doing dangerous stuff like unprotected sex or anything like that.Do things that are appropriate for your age.You know what that means.Check girls out on TV,comment about them.Get movies to watch that have T&A for you and your friends to watch.Dont go to extremes okay?Just be a more active girl chaser,that's all.
2007-10-19 17:23:30
answer #4
answered by Rick 4
no offence .... why do you even care what she thinks..
sounds like to me she wanted a lil action behind her husbands back. Maybe you should be asking the question
Why is your friend with her and have you told him what she did? You don't have to prove anything to her.
Maybe you should be asking her is she's a cheater?
2007-10-19 17:09:03
answer #5
answered by pami3338 1
If her thinking you are gay allows you to see her naked, what's the problem? Not like you're going to get with your friends wife or anything.
2007-10-19 17:07:51
answer #6
answered by shaneallen04 3
the fact that you feel you need to prove that you are not gay indicates a problem.
so what if she told people you are gay.
just say
"that's because she tried to have sex with me and i wouldn't because she's married"
or something.
2007-10-19 17:07:33
answer #7
answered by Sufi 7
Well...if she weren't married I'd put some moves on her and soon she'd realize you're not. But...since thats not the case...get a girlfriend
On second thought...get your fill off your buggy
2007-10-19 17:08:06
answer #8
answered by Tony H 1
I agree with answerer 1, and I will also say that you should tell her that you are not gay too.
2007-10-19 17:08:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah get a girlfriend or make a comment!!!
2007-10-19 17:07:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous