Guns, Guns, and more Guns.
2007-10-18 17:33:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well if you're a French revolution type, things that are convenient to have democracy are
1. A king who isn't conspiring against your democracy
2. Foreign powers that don't want to invade and overthrow your democracy.
3. A stable currency
4. A church that isn't trying to overthrow you
5. No wannabee dictators in the army like Napoleon
6. Go easy on the guillotine stuff
But mostly it helps to have lots of hot chicks. Guys will do anything to be around beautiful babes including put up with democracy.
Thanks JQR
2007-10-19 00:37:20
answer #2
answered by Joey Roo 2
Some ideas are better left that way, in the esoteric world.
Republics are very effective, republics with the ability to have a democratic chioce of the people is even effective (Our good ole u.s.a.) and yes royalty has sufficed fairly decently. Dictatorships work but subjugate people enmass (but people are easily subjugated when weapons are involved and superior force and threats are used...very effective there too)
democracy leaves holes for planning, exucution, and daily effective meeeting of the peoples needs as a common group. Civic duties are then something to be seen as required not voluntary and nothing required is ever as cool as voluntary. I mean if someone loves you because they are forced then it's not nearly as cool as when they simply love you without any requirement. Apply the generic ideal to anything, when people work for you because they have to or want to? want to gets more effective behaviors, have to is for subsistince, less spontanous joy and economical solutions.
2007-10-19 02:24:14
answer #3
answered by lithuim 3
~Some thoughts on the prerequisites for a flourishing democracy :
Freedom of speech, of assembly, and of the press. A more egalitarian society - no billionaires and no paupers either. Participation in real decision making. The rule of law. No monopolies or oligopolies in the ownership of the media.
Sorry misread your question, just realised
2007-10-19 10:38:43
answer #4
answered by Kieron M 4
People need to respect the rule of the law, that is the principle that all people are equal before the law and the government is subject to the laws of the land eg the constitution.
It is very sad to see all the negative answers. If we want to live in a free world we all have to believe in the power of a democratic society to work for us all.
2007-10-19 07:33:45
answer #5
answered by Brian E 2
the most fundamental aspect of a democracy is the fact that it required active civic participation. democracy is by definition the government of the people. people participate. when members of a democratic society stop learning and inquiring and asking for accountability of those who are elected to represent us in the business of directing the path of society we have what we have rightnow in this country.
we as people are too selfcentered and too busy with our little materialistic world that we are letting those inpower do what they want to stay in power and profit from the opportunity we gave them when we elected them. it is going to take a very rude awakening, something very awful is going to have to happen for us to wake up and start questioning and scrutinizing our elected people's actions we need to demand accountability and respect of us as citizens.. so far we don't have it .politicians play their game and we do not even know what it is they do...until we wake up, democracy will not work. democracy is the government of the people.. we need to understand, to read, to listen and specially to question the actions of those we put in the government...and mostly to give them the consequences of their actions if what they do is not in the best interst of our people..our society...
2007-10-19 00:53:12
answer #6
answered by colonita 2
A working democracy requires participation, which means you have to have a society that both allows and promotes participation. This would include: trustworthy journalists, accountable leaders, a fair judicial system, and people who have enough leisure time to understand how the system works and actually participate.
2007-10-19 00:43:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Democracy is impossible. It is has and never will work. It doesn't work at all on paper and works only with help in reality. It has too be infused with Imperialism, and a republic.
2007-10-19 01:26:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
for democracy to work, the people have to care about all of society, not just self gain. special interest groups in america have almost destroyed democracy here.
2007-10-19 00:35:47
answer #9
answered by alienmiss 5
Participation and acceptance of personal responsibility
2007-10-19 00:36:21
answer #10
answered by Kay3535 4
An army that doesn't overthorow the government i guess.
good luck.
2007-10-19 00:35:44
answer #11
answered by john 6