It just goes to show how out of touch Bush and people are in general. This program was for working people who are not making it even though they are working.
I don't care if it's a push towards socialized medicine. I don't see evidence of that at all. Our society is going down.
Cost of living is rising and many people cannot keep up.
That's a fact. I make under $40K, have a college education, have 10 years experience, etc. I don't have children. I'm struggling. I'm smart so I don't have much debt. But it's a tough life. I'm a graduate student now. I'm doing well.
I see this and think that Bush and others are just clueless and oblivious to the plights of others. They just are ignorant or just blinded to reality. We can pay for a war that generations to come will pay for and pay for special projects that benefit few but not pay for health insurance for sick children. We can pay millions to government contractors? We can build a bridge in Alaska that will help a small group of people? I don't get it.
2007-10-18 09:29:27
answer #1
answered by Unsub29 7
The Republican party created the SCHIP program to provide insurance to poor children. The Democrat party has taken this program and increased it make it a socialist welfare program for people they usually consider "The Rich". The Democrat party's distinction of rich used to be any family making $75,000 or more. The SCHIP program includes families making over $80,000. This contradicts the programs original intent. Why do the Democrats want the government to take care of the rich from womb to tomb? I thought they hated the rich.
By the way the Democrat run Senate and Democrat run House of Representatives have a lower approval rating than President Bush.
2007-10-18 16:35:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not just because of SCHIP, but lots of things. He's a true dork. Vicente Fox told Bill Maher that when he was on VF's ranch, GW declined to ride a horse. When VF was on GW's ranch, GW showed him around in his truck. He doesn't really know how to ride a horse?!
Watch Letterman; every night he has a thing on presidential speeches. EVERY show, there is a video of Bush doing another stuttering gaffe. It's worth a laugh every time, but also a roll of the eyes that this is our guy. He is fake. He is disengenuous.
I understand there are poor people here, but why do I have to pay for their medical care? If you can't afford children, don't have them!
If we have to foot a bill for kids, why not provide for everyone? Is Grandma less deserving of health care than little kids? No.
2007-10-18 16:33:17
answer #3
answered by Flatpaw 7
No, I think most of us were smart enough to know that, as was, it was a bad bill.
According to the top 5 pollsters, his polls ratings for the month average 34%
"Bush's approval rating stands at 33 percent, equal to his all-time low in this poll and just 29 percent approve of the job Congress is doing -- a 14-point drop since Democrats took control in January, the newspaper said.' Tue Oct 2, 2007 5:57pm EDT
Anyone who quotes lower, needs to do their homework instead of relying on word of mouth.
2007-10-18 16:43:48
answer #4
answered by wider scope 7
No, his approval rating will go lower and lower the longer he INSISTS on leaving our borders wide open.
BTW - The "SCHIP" is not exactly dead.
2007-10-18 16:43:07
answer #5
answered by Bumblebee711 5
Think...Why is SCHIP being pushed right now. What else was in that bill? How much can you afford to be taxed. Our country is not ready for this additional tax burden just to satisfy the democrates agenda to control the senate, congress and the Presidency. SCHIP was not thought out well. It was just pushed by people with an agenda knowing it would not get accepted.
2007-10-18 16:26:54
answer #6
answered by skycat 5
I'd shoot his rating up by 50 points just for exercising that veto.
ANYONE who supports that bill has not READ it.
You can sit here with your 'it's for the children' bleeding heart crap but in reality, it's socialized medicine for illegal aliens up to 25 years old!
Congress will have an approval rating in the single digits in a week or two... as they try to ram more and more of this amnesty crap down our throats.
Harry Reid will not be re-elected.
Jack Murtha will not be re-elected.
Nancy Pelosi... well, the idiot liberals in San Fran will re-elect her... if she's not indicted for treason.
I'd worry about your own Party.
They're the dangerous ones.
(Reservoir... do some research. Children are not denied medical care because they can't afford it. If you knew the LAW, you'd KNOW that.)
2007-10-18 16:27:43
answer #7
answered by Bryan~ Unapologetic Conservative 3
The sad thing is that not only SCHIP is dead but also a certain percentage of those children he denied coverage to will die because they can't afford to get the medical attention they need. He is a despicable man. I find it disgusting the government can't find the extra money to support this program but have no trouble finding the billions needed to fund the illegal war.
2007-10-18 16:24:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He is currently down to 24% partially based on the SCHIP veto.
I wouldn't be surprised if he hits 20% in the next couple of weeks.
2007-10-18 16:22:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Does it matter? Why doesn't anyone point out that Congress' approval rating has been lower than Bush's for a long time? According to the polls his approval rating today is 10 points higher than congress.
2007-10-18 16:24:26
answer #10
answered by Lauren B 3