Yes, I believe they will. They are war mongers & no one wants to work with us because of their ways. Gotta make money for Haliburton, you know.
2007-10-18 08:10:19
answer #1
answered by fairly smart 7
I would say most of America's foreign policy after WWII put us on a path towards an Imperial America. Howerver the Bush/Cheney administration is busy converting the US into an oil predator empire and a fascist dictatorship at home.
I fear there are consequences. I just hope not to be caught up in them. For many, the 21st centruy will be a prelude to a dark era in global history as the world struggles tto accomodate billions it can not support. Our political theater will just be a side show. - But yes you are correct.
2007-10-18 15:42:32
answer #2
answered by planksheer 7
No. They will certainly be remembered as a bad administration, a failed administration. But we know, and our friends around the world know, that even the worst president can only be in office for 8 years. After that we'll get a more realistic team in there who will make a big diplomatic effort to mend fences. We and our allies -want- to be friends, and we will be friends again.
Suppose you had a good friend, one who had done many big favors for you, who you trusted and enjoyed being with. And suddenly this friend gets a sort of mental disease that makes him no longer fun to be around. He screams at you all the time, he steals stuff from you, and he's just not a good friend anymore. But suppose you know that this is just a temporary thing, like a virus or something, and he'll get over it soon. You'd just avoid him for a while, knowing that he will be a good friend again, and looking forward to that time. Not the best analogy, I guess, but that's how it is. Our allies know that whoever is president starting in 2009 we will all be friends again.
2007-10-18 15:05:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes it will, not only because of the epic mishandling of the war, but because hes diminished the idea that we are powerful. His second election has made it seem that we are too stupid to know how to elect competent people. They have done incalculable damage to our standing and it will be up to the next president to deal with our perceived weaknesses. We can already see Russia, Turkey and North Korea waving their swords with more vigor than normal, they no longer fear what should have been a fearsome army.
They will not forget, conservatives should think long and hard before attacking the next president, he or she will need to show the world that we can function as a nation. It will be necessary to put country over party even with a Democrat at the helm.
2007-10-18 15:19:27
answer #4
answered by justa 7
Absolutely! And we can't blame anyone but ourselves as we voted him/them in, not once but twice. Remember the re-election headline in England: How can X million Americans be SO Stupid? I've forgotten how few actually voted him into office.
They have destroyed the US reputation in developing and developed countries. No one believes Bush when he says We do NOT torture, but it used to be the truth, the US did not torture. They have limited our civil liberties here at home, illegally obtained information on US citizens, held foreign nationals in prison for years without trying them, without permitting visitors, refused for a long time to permit attorneys and illegally eavesdropped on conversations with attorneys. Our reputation is lower than it was during the Viet Nam War, and having been abroad then, it wasn't pleasant. Then they just thought we were involved in a stupid war, committed some wartime mistakes and atrocities. Now they think BUSH/Cheney lied to get us into the war, lied to get some allies into the war, lied about torturing and extraordinary rendition, lied in characterizing it as a war against al Queda, jumped into the war without an exit plan, without sufficient troops to do the job. Others think that Bush/Cheney's arrogance, inconsistency, and cluelessness is the US's.
Look at yesterday: Bush gives the Dalai Llama an award, which greatly annoys and angers China (the rising power), but scolds the Congress for passing a resolution that there was an Armenian genocide during WWII in what is now Turkey, because it upsets Turkey's government.
2007-10-18 15:14:29
answer #5
answered by chatsplas 7
I would like to hear from someone who has traveled through Europe and Asia recently and let them tell if our reputation has change and how. I do know that they have always thought we were stupid for giving so much to other countries. I was with a group of German business men once when one of them said you Americans are so stupid you came over here and destroyed our factories then you rebuilt them giving us new modern machines while your factories had old equipment now look at your steel mills we can out produce them and they are going out of business and the others agreed. So 20 yrs. ago they thought we were stupid and to-day they think we are stupid so what has changed?
2007-10-18 15:21:29
answer #6
answered by hdean45 6
I think they'll be considered the ones that nailed the coffin shut. All of our past administrations have ticked off various countries, but I think that Bush/Cheney have done the most damage.
2007-10-18 15:31:30
answer #7
answered by Lisa M 5
Along with all the teeth-gnashing, chest-thumping, sabre rattlers that come out from under their stones every now and again.
It's going to take a while for the US to regain the respect that it had before.
2007-10-18 15:01:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They will certainly be remembered for a lot of things and none of them are good.
Oops, I take that back. They will be remembered for causing the Democrats to regain back their thrones in Congress.
Long live King Harry, Long Live Queen Nancy!
2007-10-18 15:04:51
answer #9
answered by Michael M 6
No, the US has been going downhill since the 60s.
The Bush/Chaneyteam is just the latest in the long line of Republicrats to screw things up.
2007-10-18 15:04:49
answer #10
answered by subguy 4