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It seems odds on that Hillary is going to win?

2007-10-18 07:46:42 · 24 answers · asked by Burnt Emberes 3 in Politics & Government Elections

24 answers

Any Republican...once its down to Hillary v the Republican nominee...she'll have to answer the same questions, be confronted...and when she's cornered, America will either see Shrillary, or hear that fake cackle/laugh and be repulsed.

2007-10-18 07:53:33 · answer #1 · answered by Yahoo Answer Angel 6 · 3 2

I guess Las Vegas put heavy odds on Hillary winning after it leaked out the The Religious Right will stop at nothing to see that Giuliani does not win, even if helps elect Hillary

2007-10-18 15:48:24 · answer #2 · answered by Michael M 6 · 0 0

I think the candidates with the best chance are, in no particular order: Ron Paul and Fred Thompson. Thompson has superior name recognition while Paul has superior political ideals. I can see the vast majority of Republican voters rallying behind these two candidates. Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo, and Brownback would also make good candidates that the Republican party could rally around, but they don't have the same name recognition as Thompson and haven't had the same success in fund-raising as Paul. I see the Democrats rallying behind whoever is their nominee, which I agree will most likely be Hillary. I don't see enough of the Republican or conservative voters rallying behind Rudy, Romney, or McCain - I know I will not be voting for any of those three. My preference is Ron Paul, that's who I'm voting for in the primaries, even though I realize he's a dark horse candidate and is unlikely to get the nomination. If Thompson gets the nomination, I may consider voting for him in the general election depending upon three things: 1 - that Ron Paul does not run as an Independent, which he has stated he will not do; 2 - there is no other candidate running that I agree with more that I would with Thompson; and 3 - who Thompson selects as his running mate - Paul, Huckabee, and Hunter would be three choices that I would definitely be in favor of.

2007-10-18 15:00:15 · answer #3 · answered by Brian R 3 · 3 1

Right now, there does not seem to be any one really strong Republican candidate. This could change over the next year. The first step is for the Republican candidates to come up with real issues, something none of them have been particularly able to do as yet.

2007-10-18 15:00:40 · answer #4 · answered by fangtaiyang 7 · 1 0

Some believe that Newt Gengrich could be the one to beat out the Clintons but unfortunately he is not running. Giuliani has the best chance right now but no Republican is going to win unless Osama Bin Laden is found and something else major like Iran disarming happens.

2007-10-18 15:32:30 · answer #5 · answered by Ice 3 · 1 0

Ron Paul. He not only has the ability to beat the Clintons, he has the ability to make Americans ignore what a travesty the Republican Party has become, and vote Republican anyway.

2007-10-18 16:22:59 · answer #6 · answered by subprimelendor 5 · 2 1

None, I'm afraid. It would take a really exciting candidate to fire up the party, and the current crop is pretty disappointing. The presidential race is overshadowing what may be a more long-lasting shift. It looks as if the Democrats are going to dramatically increase their majority in both houses of Congress. Should be an interesting election.

2007-10-18 14:57:08 · answer #7 · answered by TG 7 · 0 2

None. That's why the Repubs are twitching in their seats. And yes, Hillary is the odds on favortie - surveys after surveys will show.

Why does the other party insist they don't read surveys?

2007-10-18 16:47:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hillary would probably be the easiest of the front runners for the Republicans to beat but I do not think the have a hope of even beating her. She will probably win the Democratic nomination but I do not think she will do as others would with fed up Republicans and middle of the road red-necks.

2007-10-18 14:55:17 · answer #9 · answered by crownliftman 3 · 0 4

Hmmmm...to my knowledge, there is only one Clinton running...Hillary...I don't think any Republican can beat Mrs. Clinton, not because she is such a stellar candidate-she is not, in my opinion-but because the Republicans are such absolute dolts, obsessed with religion and taxation...very 18th Century, I think...

2007-10-18 14:54:39 · answer #10 · answered by Jeff B 5 · 1 2

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