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Like my brother some 3600 otehr Americans have died. They are gone not for freedom or anything honorable. They are gone becuae bush lied. Colon Powell pounded his finger on the UN desk with "facts" about chemical trailers. My borhter was there. There were no chemical trailers. NONE.

Bush said Sadam was buying eriched urnium from Africa. My borhte was there. Ther wasn't any enriched uranium.

My brother said none of the WMDs or any og it existed. NOt jst him but letters by other soldeirs said the same thing. There weren't any of it. That is whe y brother relaized it was all a lie. He knew it. He once beleived in bush and wanted to fight the enemy the terrorist. He said he wanted America to be safe.

Then he found all of the things that bush claimed were not true. We got letters from him, and his friends. None of the tings Rumsfield said were true.

2007-10-17 18:27:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

They also wrote many times asking why Bush kept saying there were terrorist over in Iraq. They kept telling us there weren't any. None of this was ture. Sadam hated al Quada. There was no Al Quada in Iraq.
im's so sorry. I miss my brother so much. Please understand. you don't know the pain. Please it is all a lie.

Please if you love Americans save their lives. Stop them from dying for these lies. Please? I am begging for the lives of these soldiers so no more will die in vain. Pleaes.

I am so upset.

2007-10-17 18:29:11 · update #1

17 answers

Now that we have a professional volunteer army, I urge all those who are already in it and all those who are thinking of joining up to realize that once they are in the army their ONLY duty is to do what they are told and to go where they are ordered. It is a sobering thought. Yes,you might very well be ordered to die in vain. That is the risk you take voluntarily.

The armed forces can only do what the government orders them to do. Our governments make the wars we fight in so we had better be careful about what kind of governments we elect. I F your brother died in vain,that lies on the head of the American voters.

We, the people, give the president our vote and, with it ,essentially the power to send young men to die anywhere in the world and for any reason that the president chooses. That is a hell of a lot of power to give someone so we had all better be absolutely sure how this person intends to use that power.

War is a dreadful thing. It may sometimes be necessary to defend our homeland,to defend our freedom here in our country. That is why our founding fathers provided for an army. They never envisioned that our governments would embark on missions to save the world from itself. Unfortunately,that is precisely what many of our elected leaders think our armed forces are for. As long as they believe this,they will continue to wantonly squander young lives to fulfill these messianic missions.

Our constitution does not say that we have the inherent duty to spread democracy all over the world whether people want it or not. It does not state that we have to police the world. So why are we giving the vote to politicians who think this?

Your brother and many like him wanted to be in the armed forces to keep their country safe. That is a very noble intention which honors him. We should all be grateful that people like him exist,people willing to sacrifice their lives for us. What is disgracefully true,though, is that politicians will make use of the nobility of people like your brother to further their own ideas and to achieve their own objectives.

My condolences to you and your family. I respect your brother's intention. He thought he was risking his life for our safety. May he rest in peace and may you and your family eventually reconcile yourselves to your terrible loss.Mere words from a stranger on the internet won't help you now but try and take comfort in your friends and neighbours.

ADDITIONAL NOTE. I am aware,of course, that you could be a fake and just trying to provoke trouble under the anonimity provided by internet. If your post is for real then you have my answer. If you are playing some kind of sick game,it doesn't matter. You may be false but my answer is not.

2007-10-17 21:00:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a sense all solders die in vane because they must fight only because the leaders of countries crave power and start wars to achieve their ends so others must fight to defend themselves. Because we live in a democracy we think we can not have such leaders, and that war is forced on us, but an honest look at history tells us this is not aways true. The only way to prevent more of the same is for people to become skeptical of leaders that claim we need to go to war to defend our nation. If everyone who now thinks the war was a bad idea had paid attention in 2002 we would not have invaded. There was enough evidence and expert opinion that Iraq was not really a threat then to raise doubts about what Bush said. Unfortunately the price paid for our failure to question the policy is being paid by our solders with their lives.

2007-10-17 19:02:33 · answer #2 · answered by meg 7 · 0 2

How unhappy for you sweetie! I'm sooo sorry approximately your brother. I feel the whole lot you are saying. I'm by contrast struggle and all wars. God does no longer wish us to combat and kill. Your brother did not die in useless. He went there with the abilities he had and the bravery of a lion to combat for our protection. Just considering the fact that it was once the federal government's lie, does not make him any much less a hero in our eyes. Thank you for sharing what you realize and with a bit of luck a couple of humans gets a few experience. God bless you....

2016-09-05 13:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry for your loss, I do know how it felt to lose a family member in another foolish misguided war, and fought in that same war, and was humiliated when I came home.We continue to be the world policeman. and they do not love us for it, yes sadams regime was a brutal dictatorship, but sadly the world is full of those, we cannot "fix" them all. It is time we looked to our own country. We need to leave the world alone, and stay home. Pull all our troops home. not just those in Iraq, but all over the world.They would serve better securing our borders, to stem the tide of illeagals, and protect this country from those who would attack us, not try to impose our values on a world which does not want them, or can't understand them. Your brother did not die in vain, he served his country as a soldier, and did what was asked of him. The deaths of all those fallen may finally convince our leaders to stop interfering in a world which must find its own way.

2007-10-18 02:47:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why do soldiers die in vain? My answer is the person who sent them there for false reasons will one day pay through karma here or the next life. Your brother didn't die in vain, he was just following orders to go to Iraq and fight. Soldiers are innocent, I think, unless they do things that aren't moral (such as being brutal to innocent people and raping see "Casualties of War") there are loosers out there that are just mean. They got a powerful leader out of there, now, why is the war continuing? Your brother did what he thought was right.

2007-10-19 14:06:04 · answer #5 · answered by freekin 5 · 0 0

This reminds me of great quote "Let the truth be your authority, not authority be the truth".
Senior Bushes government lied about "babies thrown out of incubators" (his Iraq war excuse). LBJ government made up gulf of Tonkin incident. Evil occupiers always have some excuse (lie) that makes war sound like a good idea. When people blindly follow, innocent get hurt.

2007-10-17 18:52:44 · answer #6 · answered by sarjuva 1 · 0 2

My brothers and sisters don't die in vain...whether the commander in chief is right or wrong, they do not question...the job is to follow orders...period...military purpose is to fight wars, and nothing about war is fair especially the death that is unwarranted in any cause...you can't bring your brother back, and I can't bring back any of my military family that I see coming home in boxes everyday and that tears me apart too...these people are my family too, and yes, sometimes blood is not thicker than water...but you wouldn't hear them say its an illegal war-they'd be subject to prosecution for it...the least any of us can do for them is stop this wa-baby crap about dying in vain...and just remember that no matter the cause, whether it was just or not, they served as they promised, knowing that they could lose their life from the second they raised their right hand...all so we could have our little opinions and freedom most of us don't appreciate because we've never had to live without it. That's not vain, that's bravery.

2007-10-17 18:53:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Bush and Rumsfield planned the war on Iraq months before 9/11.
Sadly, your brother and the others died for oil.

2007-10-17 18:35:23 · answer #8 · answered by October 7 · 4 4

They would deceive God and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves; only they perceive it not.

Holy Quran

The corruption of the outward being comes from the corruption of the inward. If you put your innermost being in order, God will put your outward being in order; if you fear God inwardly, He will not rend the veil publicly. But he who betrays God inwardly, God will expose in the open.

The greatest corruption is born of prolonged expectation, greed, and pride, as God told us in the story of Qarun when He said,

وَلَا تَبْغِ الْفَسَادَ فِي الْأَرْضِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

Do not seek to make mischief in the land; surely God does not love the corruptors. (28:77)

Elsewhere He said,

تِلْكَ الدَّارُ الْآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلَّذِينَ لَا يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوًّا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فَسَادًا وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ

[As for] that Future Abode, We assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief; and the good end is for those who have precaution. (28:83)

These defects come from what Qarun did and believed. The root of corruption lies in loving this world, amassing its wealth, following the self, elevating its appetites, loving praise, agreeing with Satan, and following his footsteps: all of these faults combine with a love of paying God no heed and forgetting His favours.

Therefore you should flee from people, reject this world, interrupt your rest, break with your normal habits, cut off the source of worldly appetites at the root by constantly remembering God and clinging to obedience to Him, and enduring people's aversion, the over-dependence of a comrade, and hostile malice on the part of your family and relatives. If you do that, then the door of God's kindness will be opened to you, since He has good regard for you, as well as forgiveness and mercy. You will have left the company of the heedless and freed your heart from the captivity of Satan. You will come to the door of Godin the company of those who come to Him, and you will travel a path on which you may hope to be permitted to come to the Noble, the Magnanimous, the Generous, the Merciful.

2007-10-17 20:06:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Clever, clever Bush who is too stupid to tie his shoes has outsmarted every liberal, every General and you and your brother because he is so evil land clever but stupid too??

It must be nice to have someone to hate for your troubles.

Other people have to take responsibility for their lives. Thank God (who you don't believe in) you don't need to do that.

So, your life is set. Pity, Pity, Hate Bush, Hate Bush (rinse and repeat).

Too bad you never asked any questions or thought for yourself.

The rest of us have no time for this, we need to get on with our lives.

2007-10-17 18:38:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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