Hey .. the House and Senate ... they are completely and TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH with REALITY .. and that is for sure! After that ... anything else I would have to say is UNPRINTABLE!
2007-10-17 17:56:17
answer #1
answered by sglmom 7
Well first, we have to blame ourselves. When the first election, of Bush, hung in the balance in Florida, we Americans should have taken to the streets, the fact that it happened a second time is a shame on U.S.
Next instead of believing major news media, Americans need to get information from journalists that are actually reporting the news (hint Britney Spears problems in life is not news, it's gossip). The same journalists that point out Blackwaters activities in Iraq (do you know what they did in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? That's right, it was Blackwater at the Superdome (remember the shots being fired? People not allowed to leave?) and it was armed Blackwater Mercenaries that didn't allow American citizens on a bridge to get to higher ground, Does that sound like land of the free?) , Halliburtons feeding our troops water full of pathogens (our soliders are coming home extremely sick and with no one backing them up with health care), President Bush's disregard for the Constitution.
Our elected officials are acting the way they are because we are allowing them to get away with it. We need to start marching, boycotting, writing, insisting that our elected officials are held accountable, especially the President.
Now, today our President threatens nuclear war on a nation that does not have nuclear power and because most Americans don't inquire, like the WMD lie, they assume that the man in the White House is telling the truth, when it has become apparent the President lives in a universe that does not include any of us.
I can't stand the way our elected officials are running our country and until a lot more Americans start standing up and saying enough is enough, we just might find ourselves in another war that we can't afford, don't have the manpower (without a draft), and it could very well be WW III.
Start writing your Senator and Congressman on a daily basis. To much, how about once a week? How about writing the White House? How about joining the ACLU and other organizations that can help in spearheading changes that We the People want instead of the crap that we are being spoon fed.
Everyone needs to start standing up and stop Bush, right now while we still have a chance to deter WW III. It really is scary to see the President smile when talking about nuclear war, isn't it?
2007-10-18 01:27:01
answer #2
answered by repstat 3
Most of the words I would use for that wouldn't appear on this site. I will say they are a bunch of corrupt bastards who run the country to the whims of the rich rather than for the majority who actually elect them. Then they buy and pander for votes all election season to get reelected.
2007-10-18 00:53:53
answer #3
answered by UriK 5
I can say for the most part I disaprove
the few elected officials who try to do the right thing are vastly outnumbered by the crooks we keep re-electing
Ron Paul in 08
2007-10-18 02:32:19
answer #4
answered by 1 free American 5