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I watched this video:

I am absolutely certain now that he would be the best man for the job. He actually knows history, follows the constitution, and knows fiscal issues better than any other candidate.

Amazingly smart heroic man.

2007-10-17 13:51:53 · 14 answers · asked by C&S ; 2 in Politics & Government Elections

14 answers

Yes, I do. He understands and follows the Constitution better than any other candidate. Here's some of his ideas that I agree with:

- the military should only be used in defense of the United States, not to change the policy of other nations
- individuals have the uninfringed right to own firearms
- the government has no business in legislating morality, nor does the Supreme Court
- the Patriot Act is really Nazi legislation (my words, not his, but basically the same thing)
- money should be worth something rather than printed and made out of thin air
- the budget should be balanced
- the government should not be responsible for caring for everyone from the cradle to the grave
- citizens should keep more of the income rather than send it to Washington, D.C. so that it can be wasted on multiple bloated bureaucracies

2007-10-17 14:18:33 · answer #1 · answered by Brian R 3 · 5 20

No we need a real statesman not a doctor. I have yet to see one running in this election. And don't say Hillary she is less qualified than any one running. Here is something to think about. She only worked as a lawyer for about 3 or 4 years just out of school then married Bill. She has worked as a first lady of Arkansas and the USA, unpaid position, and now she is worth 50 million dollars. Hummmmmm.

2007-10-17 21:52:43 · answer #2 · answered by Flyflinger 5 · 12 4

No - I am absolutely certain he is not.
He lies about the Federal Reserve being a private for profit institution. He advocates regressive taxation. He supports an isolationist foreign policy (and it is isolationist - to remove us from all multi-lateral organisations and agreements will isolate us). I do not know what is driving Ron Paul but it is certainly not a concern for the citizens of the US

2007-10-17 22:06:02 · answer #3 · answered by Sageandscholar 7 · 14 6

Yes... so smart that he wants to dismantle our intelligence agencies.....

Uh... that'd be a big HECK NO!


Q: You say that you would eliminate the IRS, the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Homeland Security, Medicare. You used to want to end the FBI. But if you get rid of the CIA, let alone the FBI, how would President Paul have any idea, any intelligence of what our enemies, foreign and domestic, are up to?
A: Well, you might ask a better question. Before 9/11, we were spending $40 billion a year, and the FBI was producing numerous information about people being trained on airplanes, to fly them but not land them. And they totally ignored them. So it's the inefficiency of the bureaucracy that is the problem. So, increasing this with the Department of Homeland Security and spending more money doesn't absolve us of the problem. Yes, we have every right in the world to know something about intelligence gathering. But we have to have intelligent people interpreting this information.

Source: 2007 GOP debate at UNH

It was Clinton's administration that put policy in to place that the two intelligence agencies could not "share" information. For the extremely few number of plots that actually get through there are thousands that are difused by our intelligence agencies.

So convinient of Ron Paul to say we spent $40 billion and coudln't stop 9/11.... ask Ron how many other major plots were stopped and thwarted for our protection? Is our safety worth $40 billion a year? When you look at what we spend on other programs....

2007-10-17 20:57:48 · answer #4 · answered by That Guy 5 · 15 10

In My Opinion, the Best Individual has yet to step forward.

2007-10-17 21:12:23 · answer #5 · answered by Tigger 7 · 15 4

Short and sweet: YES!!!

Long and windy: He has a consistency that even if you do not agree 100% with him on all of the issues, you have to admire. The man has been a Rep for about 20 years and the only major issue flip that he has done is capital punishment. That is a record that few in public service can match.

Moreover and more importantly, he has a solid grasp on the principles that made this country great and that if applied could and will make our Nation the greatest Nation on Earth once again.

He is honest.

He is not greedy.

And the fact is he obviously has no dirt; else the media would be all over it by now.

He is a good enough human being that he does not waste the tax payers money.

He walks the walk that his mouth talks and that in and of itself is something that I have never in my 34 years seen in an Congressman.

May God grant us Ron Paul.

2007-10-17 21:49:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 17

I do, at least the best that has a chance to win. I just watched the whole fox interview, it was very good, thank you. I bet the serial-detractors never watched it. I know 1st Buzie knows who he is, that was his "ron who" schtick about 3 months ago, and always says that. Marten, dunno who he is, new user. Sageandscholar, well, he's a hard core democrat, and from NY if I remember correctly, so you know why he wouldn't like him - Rudy or Hillary are probably just fine for him, and thats his right.

I vote for the best person, not by voting for someone just to beat someone else.

2007-10-18 01:21:51 · answer #7 · answered by ThomasS 5 · 3 14

The fed is owned by private bank as you are probably well aware how it works.

why dont we buy it back for the $400 million and control the fed ourselves rather than constintly printing money from nothing.

Ron paul is the best canidate for 2008 a step in the right direction. People who try to argue that his monetary policy are those which have been educated by the public schools and collages which teach nothing but a bunch of rhetoric about how the fed is needed.

2007-10-17 22:51:22 · answer #8 · answered by Boston George 3 · 6 16

I'm sorry I've never heard of him

2007-10-17 21:05:56 · answer #9 · answered by 1st Buzie 6 · 12 7

Ron Paul is being favored by some of the voters because of his excellent views on critical issues.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

2007-10-17 22:59:36 · answer #10 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 5 16

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