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please first know this is a serious question, I am not in fact a "libtard" or any other such thing but in fact a centrist who is genuinely curious about something that doesn't seem to make any sense....I'm all for wiretapping anyone we need to, but the laws he violated already allowed this. Under the law, Bush and/or law enforcement was able to do whatever they needed as quickly as they needed, as long as they got a warrant +++AFTERWARDS+++. This rule is to make sure that the powers are NOT being abused and ARE only being used on legitimate suspects, so when Bush refuses even this it is extremely suspicious. I have never heard an actual defense of this detail, can anybody offer one? It might even be a convincing argument I haven't thought of.

And nobody ask what I'm afraid of, even if I haven't done anything wrong the point is that a President could use this power on political enemies and subvert our democracy. If Hillary wins, do you really want her to have all these same powers?

2007-10-17 13:34:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Well, at last count it looks like a grand total of NONE of you actually read the question! Or did you read it, but you just don't have any logical answer?

2007-10-17 13:49:04 · update #1


2007-10-17 16:41:17 · update #2


2007-10-17 16:41:18 · update #3


2007-10-17 16:41:19 · update #4



2007-10-17 16:45:13 · update #5

17 answers

There is a counterinterrogation strategy that is actually quite successful against Fear Up Mild, Pride & Ego (Up or Down) and all of the others short of Fear Up Harsh and Stress Plus. And I even held on during training with Fear Up Harsh for three hours, but I safeworded even talking about stress positions, let alone waterboarding or Advanced Sleep Deprivation (a/k/a overnight in the freezer). But this technique is one I learned from a girlfriend, and it works as a decent cou-inter method.

"Henry, the Eighth I am
Henry the Eighth I am I am"

This enables you to fill your mind with meaningless drivel, so that you are enabled, empowered and facilitated in ignoring the fact that your immediate neighborhood has become a slice of hell on earth. That's why when we push these buttons (the Bush lies, our children die button, for one), they spew back the Limbaugh-isms that they've been programmed with.

(Second Verse, same as the first)

Besides, the song is annoying, and becomes your own counter-interrogator technique. In addition to the mindlessness of it being a good counter-interogation method. For the second hour in the tank, I switched to the Happy, Happy Joy song, which is even more mindless and more annoying than Henry VIII.

So my point is...now that we finally have the tools to take the Neocon by the scruff of his neck and say, "Look, you cryptofascist sack of nightsoil, look what you have done to the legacy of Jefferson, and Madison and Franklin and Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and all those Americans you esteem, and all the troops who died in the Second World War to keep liberty alive! Look what you've done to America! Bad doggie, no memorials on the mall when you die!" do we hear a response?

Indeed we do, but it's yet another verse, This way, they can turn a blind eye to this loverly mess and wait for it to go away. And they hope that eventually, we'll get so annoyed that we stop paying attention to them.

But Libtards like me will remind the Center and the rest of the Left that we DID get fooled again: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, and don't you forget it.

2007-10-17 16:32:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lets evaluate this objectively. Obviously nobody wants to tie the hands of those protecting us. But, the warrentless idea, w/o any accountability is not only dangerous but unnecessary.
An Asst. D.A. can get a warrant in less than a minute, over the phone. How can a tap even be executed faster than a warrant can be obtained.

I urge all to consider that checks and balances are possibly
the most critical necessity in the type of gov't that we've developed thru 200+ yrs of hands on experience. I hesitate to disregard that fact for no visible gain.

2007-10-17 14:24:35 · answer #2 · answered by H.E. G 4 · 2 0

So far I have not heard any comments, either on Y! or in the regular media as to exactly what is what re the wiretaps, etc.
However, being an old f**t, I can tell you that the Government has been using wiretaps and more for more than 50 years.
In fact, more than 50 years ago everyone was talking about the Government having a computer in California that lists everything about everyone: where you live, where you have lived in the past, every job you ever had, how much money you make and the sources; who you date, marry, etc.
So, where have you been? There is nothing new. It is just a matter of the RABID DEMOCRATS, SUCH AS PELOSI AND KENNEDY making a big stink out of things! They did not mention it when Kennedy was President!
Read between the lines and see what is going on.

2007-10-17 13:52:17 · answer #3 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 1 4

People are talking about the president's powers during a war, and comparing it to WW2, you can't be serious right? You can't compare WW2 where Germany, Italy and Japan were out to conquer the world(yes the whole world, look up operation orient) to the US invading a near 3rd world country. Besides, considering the situation, maybe we should be spending this effort to spy on Iraqis since thats where the attacks are happening.
You can't give the president powers in a war that's never gonna end, how do we define when the Iraq war ends? We will have troops there for years and there will still be attacks if even small for years. Or the war on terror? Saying when that will end is like saying when we're gonna win the war on drugs.

2007-10-17 13:54:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

If she uses the power as it was used by Bush to track and listen in on people talking to terrorist groups overseas in the defense of our people I see nothing wrong with it. If she uses it as her husband did in the 90s to look for her political enemies then there is a problem.

2007-10-17 13:39:34 · answer #5 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 3 3

Until the war ends, and to ignore the fact that this will only be used on calls ***overseas*** for a second here ... I don't care if they even wiretap my conversations with my friends. Its not like we're discussing passages out of the Anarchists Cookbook or anything.

2007-10-17 13:42:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Well Junior, it takes about 200 man hours to get that warrant, tough to get two terrorists to hold a phone conversation that long. You dullards crabbing about warrentless wiretaps can crab all you want, I hope you live in a major urban area that is densely packed. Terrorists like lots of dead bodies, looks good on the television.
I'm sure Al Qaeda appreciates you looking out for their right to privacy.
I suggest you just . . . Kwitcherbellyakin!

2007-10-17 14:06:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

What about Hillary's wire tapping and using devices to tune in to every one on cell phones and the drive by media is not reporting the story from the book "Her Way" by two Pulitzer price winners from the yes get this the NY times. Love it.

2007-10-17 13:58:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

In times of war, the president has the authority to make decisions necessary to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. FDR went through any piece of mail he felt like, and no one batted an eye.

Concerning the Hillary comment..I'm not voting for her, because I don't think she can be trusted with the role, period. She'll be able to drop nukes, if she wants to.

2007-10-17 13:41:11 · answer #9 · answered by Yahoo Answer Angel 6 · 3 3

Didn't the Clinton's spy/wiretap anyone who they disliked? There was no justification of wartime to merit all of their underhanded maneuvers. The complaint of "Bush's wiretapping" is another attack against the only man in America who can defend America at this time...let it go, he's almost done.

2007-10-17 13:48:01 · answer #10 · answered by mike h 3 · 3 3

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