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This casts a dark shadow on the whole concept of Noah's Ark. Don't it? And the pudding is in the Bible. How quaint.

2007-10-17 07:47:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

8 answers

Check out the answers here that give you the true telling of the story and then think for a minute about a "minor" flood. the death and devastation that hurricane Katrina visited upon the southern US and the lack of response shows how disastrous a "little" flood could be. Even if the water had not covered the whole earth, if enough water made harvesting, eating clean drinking water impossible, and invited serious disease the people left outside of the ark would not survive for long.

2007-10-17 08:57:45 · answer #1 · answered by CHos3n 5 · 0 0

The world was covered with water and this included mountains. When the water began to recede they found them self on Mt. Ararat. The Bible does not say that there may have been higher mountains in other places. Ararat was the region where they were and the first dry land they came upon. Other mountains may have been uncovered first but out of the region where they were. This cast no shadow on the concept of Noah's Ark or the Bible.

2007-10-17 15:33:30 · answer #2 · answered by craft painter 5 · 0 0

There is a place and also a person who believes that this place and the object it contains is the remains of the ark. It is a most curious object located about 6000+ feet high near the large mountain that we know as Ararat.

The Bible shows that the Ark came to rest on the plural Mountains of Ararat on the then perhaps highest area existing. If that object is Noah's ark is of course a big question.

If it were found to be the remains of that Ark, which many try to disprove, what would it mean for the Bible's veracity and of the veracity of evolution and the 'scientists' that support it -- no wonder so many try to discredit that find.

The point being made is this. The pre-flood world was drastically different than ours. E.g, the Bible mentions that the garden of Eden was at the locus of four rivers. Today that locus contains only two rivers thus putting in doubt even if the rivers that today carry the names of two of the four rivers are the same so that those rivers may have been in a totally different area?

Thus we can understand that mountains such as Everest and other tall mountains simply didn't exist in the antediluvian world. They came to be as a result of the cataclysmic event that caused the flood waters to be broken free from underground as well as heavenly places.

Have you heard about the supposed 'city' found near Cuba at ca 700 meters depth? Have you heard of other such discoveries lately, the Baltic sea, the Ryukyu Islands, and in India, and others?

Thus there is ample proof if people wanted to really find it. Curiously enough, but not really surprising, is the fact that things, archaeological things, that tend to support the Bible are often put aside or even hidden.

Most of the time, it is simply that these people have a different belief. They cannot therefore interpret their finds in favor of the Bible even though that possibility exists. Thus they are totally disinterested or even opposed to work on something that may support the Bible.

For example, the Bible shows easily where the waters came for the Ice age that existed. Have scientist shown where all this water in form of ice came from that supposedly covered down over all Scandinavia?

A private person out on archaeological study on his own found and photographed wheels clearly Egyptian in origin, that would have been proof of the Israelite Egyptian encounter when Moses led the Israelites across the sea road that God provided for them. Of course, this is not being studied by anyone.

Why? Because many of these scientists and archaeologists probably are deadly scared of the Bible being found to be telling the truth.

2007-10-18 09:41:27 · answer #3 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 0 0

Need to do a little more research. The ENTIRE WORLD was covered with water, including the mountains, and yes, Mount Ararat.
When the waters receded [ after everyone and every creature not on board had drowned ], the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. Et cetera.

2007-10-17 14:59:04 · answer #4 · answered by Nurse Susan 7 · 0 0

Who says that in the time of Noah that Mt. Ararat was not the highest mountain? I mean the world changes.... You look at a book that was published when the Sears tower was the tallest building and read it now..does that mean that the book is making false claims?

2007-10-17 14:52:09 · answer #5 · answered by Kiosk 2 · 1 0

Thee were two europen wars, and the historians wrote them as world wars. Were they really world wars? Napoleon wanted to conquor the world. World or Europe? Europenas called Africa a dark continent, and claimed to have civilised them by bringing them blacks and selling them as slaves. How about the Hamit civilisation?

there is still the problem of Euro centricism, and mostly it is based on unknowledge of the other.

In those days, people did not know about the Himalayas, and Everest peak. And perhpas, as it is most probabale, the expression world ws limitted to the known area in the world, which must be very small, and this peak must be the highest in the known little world.

2007-10-17 14:59:54 · answer #6 · answered by Dr. Girishkumar TS 6 · 0 0

Imagine such a flood happening today. How many people would survive on top of Mt Everest, or Aconcagua or the other tall peaks? If anyone at all were saved it would be only a few mountaineers, which were probably scarce in biblical times.

2007-10-17 14:58:14 · answer #7 · answered by TG 7 · 1 0

Uh. What? Mt. Ararat is the mountain Noah landed on, what does that have to do with anything?

2007-10-17 14:55:06 · answer #8 · answered by mrstarware 2 · 1 0

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