Most families are duo working couples or single family. The so-called traditional family is very much a misnomer. How many people get home after about 10 hours from when they leave the house, and then want to do housework? It will help with the leisure time people need.
2007-10-17 04:54:29
answer #1
answered by Songbyrd JPA ✡ 7
First, don't be too worried by anything they say on CNN. They are driven by the need to fill airtime.... they are on 24 hours a day and can only repeat the same story so many times, so they have a lot of time to fill. This means they often say things that are really, really, stupid. If CNN told me it was raining outside I would make sure to open a window to check.
Second, even if people did all get robots, a lot would depend on how smart those robots are. Despite what you see on Star Trek and such, robots are NOT very smart. They will NOT be people with funny colored skin like you see on TV. Computers do what you tell them to do, not what you want them to do. Engineers are having a very hard time just teaching them how to walk and understand simple commands. It is suprisingly difficult to teach a robot the difference between a dust bunny and your child's favorite toy for example, or an empty can of soda and your grandmother's favorite vase.
Teaching it how to do laundry will be quite hard, what with all the sorting by temperature etc. We are NOT talking science fiction robot that is just as smart as person or smarter... think of a machine that is about as smart as a dog... it can be trained to do simple tasks, but it's not going to be able to sit down and talk to you about Shakespear or anything.
Once you get a robot that can actually do basic housework, it will probably be hard on the people who make their living by being maids. Other than that, it will give a lot of people a lot more free time.
It will also mean lots more jobs for engineers... you will need robot repairmen for example. You will need people to design the robots, make the robots, sell the robots, repair the robots, do upgrades on the robots, ect. (Watch the old Tom Selleck movie RUNAWAY for a good example of this.. he's a cop who's job it is to deal with dangerious broken robots.) Lots of money will be made by the companies that sell the robots... it will be not unlike the whole P.C. situation, as you pointed out.
But no, they are talking about robots that are smart enough to pick up clothes off the floor and put them in a laundry hamper... and with luck sort the whites and colors and actually do the laundry right, most of the time; not things that can take over the world.
2007-10-17 05:32:01
answer #2
answered by Larry R 6
In 2020 the clouds will part, and a large hand will come down holding a golden key, and stick the key into Al Gore's belly button, and turn the key with a click - and Al Gore's bottom will fall off. And uncovered will be a note titled, How To Stop Global Warming. And below, a list of actions which will stop Global Warming within one week. 1. Round up all rich and famous global warming alarmists. 2. Tell them that due to GW we must repossess all of their mansions, cars, yachts, airplanes and labor intensive possessions. 3. Tell them they must now live in small apartments with two twisty bulbs for light and the AC controlled by a stingy landlord. 4. And they must travel only by public transportation or bicycle. Global warming will be disproved within one week, guaranteed.
2016-05-23 04:08:14
answer #3
answered by meredith 3
Actually, the average working person will not be able to buy one of those robots before 2050. The price will be roughly the same as a car.
We might see more of the robot vacuum cleaners (YEAH!!), but I doubt we'll get anything more sophisticated except in rich and upper class households.
I doubt they'll ever succeed in making a robot capable of cleaning a teenager's room.
2007-10-17 05:47:54
answer #4
answered by loryntoo 7
Many people already have robots in their homes. The popularity of the Roomba, made by iRobot, is one example. The robots that will be in our homes will have little similarity with the sci-fi renderings, more R2D2 and less C3P0. You can buy a robotic lawn mover even. As we force ourselves to have lives that are so overbooked and busy, robots will serve to take care of the simple tasks to allow us to breath a little. Mostly cleaning I estimate. I don't expect iRobot nannies or bus drivers anytime soon.
2007-10-17 06:46:18
answer #5
answered by Matthew D 3
Whats a Rebot?
2007-10-17 04:52:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We are in 2007. 2020 has not yet gone so your I shall turn around your question and make it What will happen in 2020? Life will be more advanced them it is right now in certain areas. I don't have a clue what they are yet.
2007-10-17 09:42:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They can't predict what will happen later today.
I'm not loosing any sleep over what they say may happen 13 years from now.
When transistors were invented, nobody imagined the internet.
Where today's technology will lead is not predictable---except that you will be able to buy it on credit.
2007-10-17 07:59:12
answer #8
answered by james p 5