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I have very eccentric beliefs when it comes to science and god. most people who believe in god don't believe in the theory of evolution. and most people who do believe in this theory do not believe in god. The believers have nothing to back them up really, and the evolutionist have proof but holes here and there that cant be filled. The way I see, to think that the universe and this life started from nothing but a huge explosion, this unfathomably complex life was just an accident is absurd. However, to deny evidence of evolution simply because the bible says so is irrational.
so my question is this:
why cant both be the reason why we exist?
lets say that god created the FOUNDATIONS for life and from it did we evolve. Like he gave us the chance to be. is this not a rational explanation too?
is there anyone else out there that feels the same or even compelled by the idea?
let me know

2007-10-16 19:39:01 · 17 answers · asked by trinity 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

and that "bad karma" is a question beyond the greatest minds reasoning

2007-10-16 19:44:27 · update #1

17 answers

Science has yet to catch up to the mysteries of the works of God.

the Bible tells us that "it would confound the wise."

2007-10-16 19:44:57 · answer #1 · answered by AnnaMaria 7 · 0 0

Been there, done that.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Of course, if you read this in different languages it comes out differently so let's not put too much emphasis on what has been translated from the original Hebrew texts.
First, consider the 'heavens' as whatever or wherever God Himself exists apart from the known universe. Perhaps beyond the expanding boundary of the known universe or in one of the many dimensions that physicists claim exist.
Second, the 'earth' would be what geologists refer to as the "ylem" (the matter/energy mix that was the precursor of the so-called 'big bang'.
Third, the 'first day' consisted of around 20 billion years.

I've been waiting for a long time for someone to actually come up with a time line delineating all of the events recorded in Genesis corresponding to the events scientists claim have happened according to their theories.

One point to keep in mind while considering these possibilities: since neither the 'big bang' nor evolution can be strictly confirmed it takes just as much faith to believe these doctrines as it takes to believe in the Book of Genesis.

2007-10-16 19:59:54 · answer #2 · answered by wroockee 4 · 0 0

I think that God most definetly works thru scientific principles. I dont think that the discovery of technology or learning more and more about how our physical bodies work lessens God in any way. If anything I think it helps answer people when they say how can what you claim God does can ever be possible. People use to claim a virgin birth was impossible, but we can do it right now thru artificial ensemination. Knowing how a miracle scientifically happens doesnt mean God didnt direct the miracle to occur. Knowing more about our physical world around us doesnt in any way take away from the possibility of a God. Having said that, I still see no reason to buy into the theory of evolution at this point. There are some HUGE flaws to the theory that one species evolved into another. Adaptation within a species is beyond proven and I have no issue with that. Evolution between species just doesnt have the proof behind it.

2016-04-09 11:38:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They made an episode of south park that was all about changing religion and beliefs. Maybe we did come from monkeys, maybe god is a monkey.
There COULD still be a God.
Couldnt evolution be the answer to HOW and not WHY?
Also, I had an amazing teacher back in 9th grade. He told us that religion and science are on different levels completely. Science is fact, religion is belief. what you know, you know. what you believe, you believe. but the two cant really prove each other wrong; they dont even really try to.

2007-10-16 19:45:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only way to keep your beliefs intact is to keep them to yourself. If you have discovered truths for yourself that is as close as you can come to knowing what is true. If you expect them to fit in with a certain organized religion, the science community or even with another single person you may have to start all over.

Whenever you state one of your own "truths" people will step forward to criticize or pretend to be offended. The truths that you discover by yourself are your treasures, no one else's.

I once mentioned to my x that there was no one thing on planet that everyone believes. She said what about, "God is Love". I said, "what about atheists?" She didn't answer.

Don't feel that what YOU feel is true has to be approved by everybody....never will that be the case.

Good question and good luck

I just remembered that Jesus spoke of the many truths that exist in a Bible movie I watched. He said something about the truths that the Roman Soldiers had and that you could see the proof of it in their faces and in their swagger.

2007-10-16 20:07:26 · answer #5 · answered by andyg77 7 · 0 0

The notion of God was conjured by those who could in no way conceive of such things as the Big Bang Theory or evolution. These were highly superstitious (mostly men) who lived very barbaric lives. The first conjured "gods" were multi-faceted pagan gods that each tended to have his/her own realm of control; meaning entities that controlled different aspects of the natural and psychological world. In pagan religions, the gods were ascribed anthropomorphic features often with special skills (ie. strength, wisdom, beauty) as a way for people to project human-like qualities and engineering onto the creation of the Earth (the only known part of the universe to most). These humanly-devised deities were also used to help people understand such phenomenon as love, compassion, justice, etc and allowed humankind to contemplate it's own immortality.

The complex configurations of gods and goddesses worked well as long as cultures didn't try to integrate with other cultures. Once they inevitably did, confusion over whose "gods" were the "true gods" became a bone of contention. Eventually, Judaism comes along and simplifies it by making monotheism the order of the day. For a bunch of illiterate, superstitious types roaming around the desert with a brutal life, anything anyone can do to simplify their lives but still give them a reason to go on was only a welcomed relief. Mind you, that early Jewish "God" was a pretty hostile guy, to say the least.

Still, eventually this Judaism thing sparked a sub-sect called Christianity that had the great fortune of being incorporated into the remnants of the Roman Empire through the good graces of Constantine. This allowed for monotheism to spread far and wide throughout Europe with a little help of the ready-made infrastructure that was the decaying Roman Empire.

This is, I am to assume, the "God" you speak of when you pose your question. And it is this Christian creation story, or a watered-down version of which, that you are trying to interject to fill in the holes of our, as yet, incomplete story of evolution.

Well then, let me ask you this. If so much information was handed down from God either personally or via messenger angel about the beginnings of life on Earth, and to Noah to build an ark, and to Moses, etc, why didn't said God ever inform anybody about this whole evolution thing? One would think it was too crucial a detail for God to simply omit. He had plenty of opportunity to impart this knowledge back in the age of miracles when, apparently, any drunk could hear the voice of God (unlike now, when we have plenty of recording devices to possibly capture God's little speeches yet his visions are nowhere to be found--except in the occasional slice of toast).

Could it be that, because of a few thousand years of conditioning, after being told one thing, when we then have Darwin come around to give us a far more plausible explanation we still are reluctant to fully give up a couple millenia of dogma because there are a few holes that have yet to be completely filled in. Instead of looking at those holes as the hand of God, why don't you look at those holes as information we don't yet know. Some of it we may never knew because we can't go back in time 4 billion years. But some we can still know as long as we're able to collectively let go of a couple thousand of years of mythology. Come on, you can do it. The Greeks did it, the Native Americans did it, so can we. Let's stop looking for the answers to mysteries of evolution and life in the cosmos in the one place we know they are not, The Bible.

2007-10-17 03:02:49 · answer #6 · answered by Priorzola 1 · 0 0

Some books that speak to your perspective:

"Climb the Highest Mountain," Mark L. Prophet; discusses philosophy, energy, evolution, God's plan;

"Hope for the World: Spiritual Galvanoplasty," Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov; with a title like this, it has to be good;

"Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Olga Kharitidi, M.D. (she helps build an out-of-body-inducing apparatus at a physics institute, and more);

"Psychoenergetic Science," and other titles, Dr. William Tiller http://www.tiller.org has info;

"Kundalini West" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton;

"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock; http://www.divinecosmos.com

"Extraordinary Knowing," Elizabeth Mayer, Ph.D.

"Galaxy Gate," Colton and Murro.

"The Field," Lynne McTaggart; popular introduction to recent biophysics and biophotonic phenomena.

"Autobiography of a Yogi," Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.yogananda-srf.org has some information on biotrons, or finer life particles;



2007-10-16 21:23:17 · answer #7 · answered by j153e 7 · 0 0

You think that complex life starting from nothing is 'absurd.' I think its the best explanation available based on the observations. To jump to a supernatural explanation is absurd, but we're both entitled to our opinions.

Your logic reminds me of the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy,” a native in the Kalahari Desert encounters technology for the first time--in the shape of a Coke bottle. I found this to be very amusing, but I also began to see parallels between his thought process, and that of the modern day Theist. Both are using CAVEMAN LOGIC to explain their world.

I fail to see the difference between “hmm, bottle fall from sky, must be gods” and “hmm, trees, butterflies, complex living organisms prove the existence of god.”

In both of these cases, someone is simply replacing one unknown for another unknown, but proving nothing!

Not only can God not be proven, but I will also go so far as to say that God can be disproved. It is impossible for something to be all knowing and all good. If you are aware that something bad is going to happen, and you allow it to happen anyway, then you cannot be all good. If God created everything, then he also created evil. It is also impossible to be all-powerful; can God create a rock that even he himself cannot move?

I would have thought that as man became more knowledgeable and logical that he would have pushed aside his caveman beliefs, but it seems to be just the opposite.

But like you've hinted, we need to be open to all possibilities. If we didn't think of the possibilities, we'd still be living in a flat earth society with religious dogma guiding our everyday lives.

2007-10-16 20:45:08 · answer #8 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

if god created so much why did he wait human life was on this planet science can say when man was present dating artifacts throw tried and tested methods every race we found had a god
incas eygiptions aszects the list is endless yet all had the abilty to write down in some form the stars and the sun was allways center to there beliefs yet we still struggle how the pyrimids was built stonehenge both have alinement to the stars and sun thats science not god i feel religion is here to make us feel goodwe seam to have the need to follow something

2007-10-16 20:05:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read Genesis. First book in the bible. A very good friend of mine is a Scientologist, and I hold nothing over his head for his belief, nor he, mine. Everybody as a right to their own beliefs and we, as individuals with the right to choose our belief should respect each other and their belief. Even saying that you don't believe (athiest) is a belief of non-belief of any form. Although, you have made a very interesting point to many, I am sure.

2007-10-16 19:45:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What's the difference and why should it be dissected, both do exist and flourish and both make us think. Believing in both has created some of the greatest things known to man, without either we are nothing but with both anything is possible.

2007-10-16 19:50:03 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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