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You hate Clinton's version of her health care bill and believe poor people should pay for their own children's care. At the same time, you are totally against abortion. You say Democrats don't care for the unborn, but it seems to me many Conservatives don't care about them once they ARE born. They grow up in an uncaring world and then do harm to someone, so now they are executed, which is something else many Conservatives believe in.

Can someone explain the thinking in this process?

2007-10-16 15:50:47 · 18 answers · asked by linus_van_pelt_4968 5 in Politics & Government Politics

G-Man: You totally avoided the question, which you often do from some of the answer I have seen from you. Second, I am not in a "party", and I don't like abortion either, so you are wrong, as usual, on every part. My belief is it is a person's right to choose. God gave us the right to choose right and wrong because he wants us to worship him freely. I am not God, so I will not play his part on abortion. Let him judge in the end, not me...

2007-10-16 15:59:46 · update #1

Lonestar: I know people adopt, but so many people who are against abortion refuse to adopt, and will only adopt a newborn baby. Funny, many people who I know that adopted are Democrats...

2007-10-16 16:06:24 · update #2

You know, there are MARRIED CONSERVATIVES who get abortions as well...

2007-10-16 16:12:33 · update #3

18 answers

Its easy to understand why you would be confused. You have completely misrepresented what conservatives believe. The question is was this intentionally or do you honestly not know what conservatives believe? I'll assume the later in the interest of open conversation (at least as much of a conversation as you can have an Y!A). The following is what conservatives generally believe. There is a great amount of diversity within the conservative movement. This means not every conservative is going to agree with what I say 100%. That's fine. We're not liberals. Cheers.

Morals and ethics: This is number one. The basis. Conservatives believe that there is genuine good and genuine evil in this world. Simple as that. We don't buy into the internationalist idea of perspectives.

The United States: Conservatives believe the US is the greatest source of good and liberty in the world. Its easy to back that up. We have freed and liberated millions of people. We feed a very large percentage of the world's population. Millions of people flock to this country in the hopes of finding a better life. Have we made mistakes? Absolutely. However, the mistakes we have made pale in comparison to nobility and good we have spread throughout the world. We are also the most charitable nation on this planet. We donate to everything. Even President Bush. Did you know we now have the largest financial commitment to fighting AIDS in Africa? That was President Bush, his desire, his goal, his proposal. The man libs smear.

The Constitution. The single greatest work mankind has ever put on paper. And before you go there, no the Bible is the Word of God, not man, so the Bible doesn't qualify. The Bible is on a whole other level.

Size of government: The smaller the government, the better. If the government keeps out of the way, individuals will succeed and prosper and achieve wonderful things. We point to the failures of the world as evidence. The Soviet Union ultimately died in a pool of its own stagnation; in an attempt to provide everything to its population it ultimately could provide nothing. France, where secular progressivism and modern liberalism have taken hold is caught in a cycle of stagnation that nobody over there seems to be to break; the population believes the government should provided everything they need so there is no motivation to achieve more. I'll give you a great example. There was recently an attempt to allow companies to fire individuals during the first two years of employment if they were bad employees. The attempt died. Think about that. If a company hires you, that's it, you're there for life, they cannot fire you or replace you. What motivation do you have in that system? None.

The Individual: Sacrosanct. Rugged individualism built this country. Humans have an innate desire to achieve and better their own lives. Is there evil within humanity? Yes. Is there good? Yes. We believe there is more good than evil. Look at the world's greatest inventions; they were the product of individual creativity, not government mandates. It comes down to the classic argument over which is more important, the group or the individual. Socialism says the group, the collective. Democracy, and the Bible (Jesus would leave to find the one who wondered off) says the individual. Conservatives come down hard on the side of the individual. This is why: the group is made up of individuals, the group is the lump sum of all the individuals in it. It sounds good to say the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But the reality is far different. If you ignore the one, the one declines and weakens the group. Take an NBA squad: five players competing against five players. But what happens when a player is injured? If there isn't a replacement, its not four against five. Who do you think is going to win? The group cannot be strong unless the individuals are strong.

Taxes: Redistribution of wealth is socialism. Plain and simple. Its a catch phrase designed to hide the true intent. Federal taxes should be prioritized to the defense of this nation and the infrastructure of this nation. Having said that, we are a compassionate society. Conservatives have no problem helping people out .We do not fundamentally oppose welfare for instance. What we oppose is what has happened to those on welfare: entire generations stuck in poverty because they no longer have the means to improve their own life. They are perfect examples of the government being too big and getting in their way. The rely completely on the federal government, like those in France and the Soviet Union. They are stuck in stagnation, declining neighborhoods, increasing violence and rising drug abuse. That is not compassion.

Abortion: Human life is a blessing and a glorious thing, whether you believe in Creationism or Evolution. Abortion equates to taking a human life out of convenience, as conservatives generally see it. How could we not protest this? If its what we believe, how could we ignore it and call ourselves decent human beings? We can't.

Criminal punishment: An eye for eye. But not in the sense that liberals like to portray it. A conservative's view of law is Constitutional. I'll explain. The Constitution bestows the Right to Life, Right to Liberty, Right to the Pursuit of Happiness. An eye for an eye applies to those rights. Raping someone means the rapist has denied the victim their Right to Liberty (they don't get to choose whether they have sex with the rapist) and their Right to the Pursuit of Happiness (being raped obviously doesn't make someone happy). Therefore, if convicted, the rapist will be denied his or her Right to Liberty (prison) and his or her Right to the Pursuit of Happiness (again, prison). That is an eye for an eye as conservatives see it. It is not "well you raped her so now we're going rape you." This is perhaps the biggest distinction between liberals and conservatives on crime: we do not believe criminal behavior is a disease. It is a choice. Every human being is capable of becoming more than they were the day before. Every human being has free will. Raping a child is not a disease despite what a liberal activist judge in Vermont may believe.

Capitol Punishment: A necessary evil only to be used in extreme cases. This is the exception to the above. If the crime was an intentional, malicious, planned murder you have committed an act of evil and denied someone of their Right to Life (the single most important of the core Rights) wthout just cause. You have violated everything our view on individualism is and everything our Constitution stands for. You deserve the most severe of punishments, which is death. Note that this does not apply to manslaughter charges or crimes of passion. This specifically applies to pre-planned, fully intended, brutal murder.

War: To be avoided if possible. To be avidly fought with the purpose of winning if necessary. Conservatives believe there are just wars. WWII would be a perfect example. Stopping Nazi expansionism was just. Stopping the Holocaust was just. Stopping Hitler was just. There's no debating that. Makes it a little too easy. Look at the wars the US has fought since beginning of the 20th century. WWI (fighting for the belief in individual freedom against the old world politicals of hereditary rule and serfdom), WWII (fighting for individual freedom and against Nazism, fasicm and imperialism), Korea (fighting for individual freedom and defending a population who wanted a Democracy), Vietnam again, (fighting for individual freedom and defending a population who wanted a Democracy), The Persian Gulf War (the theme continues, fighting for individual freedom and liberating Kuwait). These were all noble causes, they were all just. Operation Iraqi Freedom, noble and just. Removing a brutal dictator, liberating 57 million Iraqis, standing against fascism, standing against Islamic terrorism. All good, noble, and worthy. That simple. If you're going to fight a war, make damn sure you win it. You owe the people who are risking their lives for your freedom that much at least.

Socialized Medicine: This goes against so many things conservatives generally believe in: individualism, smaller government, etc. Beyond that, its a failure. Canadians flock to the US for treatment because they don't get treatment in time in Canada. The Soviet Union, failed at everything including socialized medicine. Cuba's socialized health care system is so good that Castro flew in doctors from Spain. The UK is running out of doctors and dentists and nurses and everything else for the government run health care system because those people simply cannot afford to work for the government and pay off the loans and debts they incurred to become doctors and dentists and nurses. What's more, private health insurance and private health clinics are springing up all over the place in the UK. I've been openly critical of socialized health care on Y!A. And I've always backed up my criticism with facts. Those facts cannot be disputed. It is socialism and it is destined to fail.

Uncaring World: Simply not true. As I stated, this country is the most charitable on this planet. AIDS in Africa, starving children, Katrina. The list goes on and on and on. You've mad a critical mistake. You believe "caring" equates to the government providing everything the individual needs to live from birth to death. Its been tried. Its called socialism.

The Children: A favored catch phrase of the left. Dirty little secret, the SCHIP program existed long before the current debate. Its sole purpose was to provide health insurance of children who's families honestly could not afford health insurance. And no conservative opposes the original SCHIP program. What we oppose is defining "child" as a 25 year old.

I sincerely hope you read this and pay attention to it. You can take the word of liberal spinsters and smear merchants who do not base their claims on fact or reality; or you can take the word of the people who actually hold the beliefs and came to those beliefs based on what they saw in the world and the potential they still see in every human being. Which one you choose will go along way to defining the type of person you are.

That doesn't mean you have to be a conservative. It simply means that if you can accept that we believe what we believe without distorting it or smearing it or lying about those beliefs (or the people who hold those beliefs), you'll be fine and respected and someone who can hold an honest debate.

Amazing who's actually preaching tolerance, isn't it?

/EDIT: Damn that was long....

2007-10-16 18:03:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First off, the Cosntitution does not give the Federal Government the power to do what it has done. Second, HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT. You do not have the RIGHT to have someone pay for your healthcare. You do not have the RIGHT to have Health Insurance. Just as you do not have the right to have a Home, a house or food. It's not a God Given Right. Most Conservatives/Small Government Believers were AGAINST government bailouts. Hense the start of the Tea Party movement. The two industries in this nation that have the most problems are the Banking and Health Care industries. Both of which would be hard pressed to prover the other isn't regulated more than the other industry. AND there is where your cost is. The Federal Governement pays for 51% of all the health care bills in this country. And since they can't afford to pay for that 51%, they force prices down on what they are willing to pay. This forces costs on the 49% that pay their own way (private inurance holders wither throught work of personal) to pay the higher costs. There is nothing the government touches that turns to roses. Post office - Broke Social Security - Broke Medicare - Broke Medicaid - Broke Welfare System - Broke Name an entitlement program and I'll show you and Entitlement program that A) is broke and cannot be funded without incuring more and more debt and B) hasn't solvedthe problem it set out to solve. Capitalism (Real Capitalism) is our only hope. Sadly, this administration believes more in Socilaism/Communits economic policies than it does in Capitalism.

2016-05-23 02:10:34 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

1) Because the middle class, upper class is going to pay more thru the health care bill to get worse care, so that the "poor" (aka people who work the system or illegal immigrants who get free service and pay no tax, taking jobs from americans) who pay no taxes can get free health care.

2) Most conservatives are against the concept of abortion because most conservatives are Christians which would conflict with the religious convictions. As to them growing up in a cruel world where people don't want them, I think that is a bit over the line. Most people have abortions for reasons such as age, poverty, unplanned, not because they hate children.

3) As for executions, with the exception that executions cost us more money than if a prisoner does life in prison, Conservatives recognize the fact that some criminals can not be "reformed" and give the victims a sense of justice at the same time.

2007-10-16 16:26:24 · answer #3 · answered by Cayuseranch 2 · 0 0

Honey, I was adopted so I know what you say isn't true. In this day and age there is no reason (except life of the mother) to have an abortion. Pick up a paper and look at all the people who want to adopt.

And it's not really a health care bill, it's about insurance, which someone contributing to her party wants...big bucks for the insurance cos.

2007-10-16 16:00:14 · answer #4 · answered by LoneStar 4 · 1 0

Not all conservatives are anti abortion. I for one, am pro choice. But I am definitely against universal health care of any sort! We do need a stronger focus on abstinence, to lower pregnancies in unwed and teenage women. Maybe teach in high school, a program that shows how much of a responsibility and how costly it is to have a child. Especially for a teen or someone that is financially unprepared. Sex ed. obviously isn't working. If people are prepared to have sex, then they need to be prepared for the consequences that comes with sex. Children and STD's. It is no one elses fault if they get pregnant, but their own. We need more focus on personal responsibility, and stop encouraging reckless behavior by bailing people out when they screw up.

2007-10-16 15:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So how do we enforce pro choice? Do we make it illegal? Ok, so we lock up doctors that perform abortions. Oh, thats right we have to be fair, so we also have to lock up the women that have abortions. That is the republican pro choice argument that is consistent.

Maybe you should look more into the root causes involved with abortions that way you are fixing a problem as opposed to putting a bandage on it. The majority of abortions occur in the high poverty portions of the population. Helping to reduce poverty and increasing education will in-turn help to reduce abortions.

2007-10-16 16:02:38 · answer #6 · answered by ClockWork 2 · 1 0

Actually, I don't think any explanation will help you. It sounds to me like your own thinking process is confused. How do you make any connection between universal health care and opposition to abortion? These are unconnected issues.

Anyway, you seem to be able to justify killing others pretty easily. I don't think you can be reasoned with. You simply don't value life very highly. This is inconsistent with your opposition to executions. Can you explain that?

2007-10-16 16:18:10 · answer #7 · answered by skip742 6 · 1 0

A baby is an innocent, has never committed a crime that deserves the death penalty. There are many people that would be happy to adopt a child. As far as the death penalty is concerned when you are grown you have a choice, what choice does a baby have?

2007-10-16 15:57:36 · answer #8 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 2 0

Read your own question - the key phrase "THEIR own children". If someone moved into you neighborhood and was capable of working but refused to, exactly how long would you and your neighbors support them - not long. But because its done with tax dollars which dems perceive as not belonging to the people-its OK right? WRONG

What made this country great initially was there was never a segment of society that not only did not contribute anything but actually drained from those who did until that socialist Roosevelt took office.

Now we are expected to feed. cloth, house, educate, care for a segment of this society who has not worked for generations. Get off your fat lazy asses and get a damn job.

Notice the gradual decline in virtually every aspect of this nation since the 1940's? People with a knowledge of history sure do and we are sick of standing in line behind people who are as fit as we are yet we are pay for their groceries.

Tell me the logic it that.

2007-10-16 16:14:58 · answer #9 · answered by Libsuc 3 · 1 2

I have a theory about that. I think the answer is theological. After all, the Republican party is the party of fundamentalist Christians.

Now the Bible states that we are BORN with original sin. The unborn, are therefore pure and worthy of protecting.
But as soon as you're born, you're fair game, because then you've acquired original sin. (Especially if you're not Christian). So die, you filthy sinner! Which explains why they favor more guns, the death penalty, wars, etc...
Pregnant women falling prey to collateral damage are kind of a gray area. While their baby is unborn and free of sin, they themselves are sinners and deserve whatever they get.

2007-10-16 15:59:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Ultimately, the abortion issue is not about the life of the child - it's about sexual behavior PRIOR to conception.

The church only sanctions sex AFTER marriage - marriage through the church - there can be no sex without the church.

If people start gaining control of their own sexual behavior (with education, birth control and abortion) then the church becomes irrelevant.

2007-10-16 16:00:13 · answer #11 · answered by Joe R 2 · 2 0

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