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what are your views on statutory rape? and should it be legal?

after all, in the past it never mattered.

2007-10-16 12:27:40 · 7 answers · asked by bk 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

its from a law standpoint for debating

2007-10-16 12:38:43 · update #1

and this isnt supossed to be a perverted thing.

and what i mean by "after all in the past" i was refering to women marrying men when the were like 12 or 13 not little children

2007-10-16 12:45:46 · update #2

damn, is it so hard to believe that this is for a LAW CLASS and we have to debate BOTH sides.

2007-10-16 12:48:10 · update #3

7 answers

As long as there are people willing to exploit younger persons, the laws are a good thing.

It is very difficult to establish when a person is mature enough to understand consent. There has to be limits.

I'm sure there are plenty of people capable of understanding consent, but there is no shortage of perverts that would abuse the changes. There would be no shortage of skilled predators victimizing young people if the laws were changed.

2007-10-16 12:39:01 · answer #1 · answered by trooper3316 7 · 0 1

You are asking if statutory rape should be legal? If it were, it wouldnt be rape.

What does "after all, in the past it never mattered" mean? It always mattered. Statutory rape protects innocent children from predators who think it doesnt matter. The theory being that they are too young to decide for themselves to have sex or be involved with sexual activity. The protections cannot be waived by parents or anyone else and the crime can be reported by anyone who knows about it. The victim does not need to testify if there is other proof.

Why would you want it to be legal?

2007-10-16 19:41:01 · answer #2 · answered by Toodeemo 7 · 0 1

There needs to be an age below which a person is not considered to have the capacity to make an informed decision concerning sexual contact. Without these laws it would be OK for a 60 year old guy to have sex with a 10 year old, or an 8 year old, or a 5 year old, or a baby. I think we can all agree at some point we go beyond sick.

after all, in the past it never mattered. - Not really true. You can bet if you messed with someones 5 year old, they would have killed you.

2007-10-16 19:38:03 · answer #3 · answered by davidmi711 7 · 0 1

Well, i think the laws or a bit tooo harsh on like 19 year olds having sex with 14 year olds, because usually they are bf and gf. But on the other hand, like the dude b4 me said about 60 year olds having sex with 10 year olds. I think that the judge should look at what situation the alleged rapist was in!!

Foe example, did u hear about that 14yo kid who raped a 99 year old woman? that is sick.. they said that by 21 he will be out of prison!!! do u believe that?! i personally think in this case, even if the kid is only 14, should get a 25 years to life sentence!!!!! SICK PEOPLE!

2007-10-16 19:54:30 · answer #4 · answered by Night_Wolf 2 · 0 1

Ditto to Simon's answer. But I will take the points to tell you that you are a perv for even thinking like this. If someone did this to my child, we would not need the statutory law. Now murder, that's a law that would come into play

2007-10-16 19:46:48 · answer #5 · answered by Sheerhose 4 · 0 0

sure ask your parents for help hooking up with those scary dudes just out of prison and looking for cute things like you!

Still think it doesn't matter if you are going to be the victim?

2007-10-16 19:41:07 · answer #6 · answered by Barry C 7 · 0 0

Are you out of your mine? Pervert

2007-10-16 19:37:08 · answer #7 · answered by Obama Happends 5 · 0 2

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