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Hi all, bought a new fridge/freezer yesterday. It was laid flat for about 30 mins but now I am unsure how long I should leave it upright till I can turn it on?
Thanks for any advice.

2007-10-15 20:40:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

19 answers

Yes...well they say 24 hours but if it was only on its side for 30 mins then I'd say you would be ok after about 4 hours
It would obviously be better if you could leaver it overnight.

You are probably aware that the reason is that the oil runs out of the compressor.
You dont want the oil to circulate the coils of the fridge and you want the compressor to have enough oil in it.

2007-10-15 20:48:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

John Lewis Upright Freezers

2016-11-10 06:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only reason why you may not turn it on immediately could be the fear that the oil in the compressor might have mixed with the refrigirant [the gas that does the cooling]. Keeping it upright for about an hour or so might be all that is needed for everything to settle into place. I think you should switch on your fridge after about an hour of keeping the fridge upright and enjoy your cool refreshing drinks.

2007-10-15 22:38:50 · answer #3 · answered by Optimist E 4 · 0 0

Ok here is the reality. The compressor is typically installed under the unit and has a reservoir full of refrigerant oil to lubricate the motor inside of it. If it lays down for any extended period, gravity will pull the oil out and into the coils. If you only laid it down for a 1/2 hour, you would be fine to start it no more than an hour later. The refrigerant itself will also carry the oil back to the compressor naturally during operation. The idea is that you don't want to start a unit if the compressor has had a majority of the oil drawn out. After a 1/2 hour down, an hour up will ensure that enough oil has returned to the compressor to avoid damage.

2007-10-15 20:57:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

You are advised to stand them empty for 24 hours I think, and the freezer bit takes a few hours to freeze up to.
Congrats, I would love a fridge/freezer.

2007-10-15 20:44:26 · answer #5 · answered by isleofskye 5 · 0 0

We just had a separate fridge and freezer delivered by john lewis, they told us that 3 hours was plenty. We left it for about 5 hours and they were fine.

I would double check with the supplier or handbook just be to safe.

2007-10-16 00:57:07 · answer #6 · answered by kneecap2002 2 · 0 0

When installing your new fridge freezer, keep it upright and allow at least six hours before switching on for the coolant to settle inside. Let new freezers stand overnight before loading with food to let them reach the correct temperature.

2007-10-15 20:44:33 · answer #7 · answered by Sal*UK 7 · 1 1

Most seem to have it right, 24 hrs before switching on this allows the gas inside the fridge to settle.

2007-10-15 20:46:52 · answer #8 · answered by Chris P 4 · 2 0

with my fridge freezer i turned it on after 12 hours. put stuff in it after a further few hours. i had no problems doing it that way. otherwise refer to your paperwork/manuals that should"ve come with tour fridge/freezer.

2007-10-15 20:49:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are thousands just like him,he just happened to get famous.Nice of you to single out lefties when it is not a political issue,it's a comment on how a person chooses to live their lives and the consequences of their bad choices.

2016-04-09 03:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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