She pays the media to say it, along with those who don't want to offend her husband. Bill holds them hostage for all of his speaking engagements. The media is being used. When she loses in the primary, it will be a different story, and Bill will kiss butt big time to keep those engagements he has now.
2007-10-15 17:31:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People are saying this because at this point, she APPEARS to be the front-runner. Alot plays in to what makes someone a "front runner.." The media is a HUGE part of it. Fundraising figures are another... etc etc.
At this point in the last election, Howard Dean was the front-runner, and Kerry supporters were calling for him to end his election bid. Dean went a little nutso at an event, and overnight, he lost his position as the top candidate.
This early in the game, don't pay attention to the polls and the media spin. Educate yourself about each individual candidate. Learn where they stand. You never know what can happen on any given day. Besides, even at 14, it's NEVER too early to learn about the political system :)
2007-10-16 01:06:33
answer #2
answered by VegasVixen 2
Hillary was chosen by those who OWN mainstream media. You will find that nearly all media is owned by the same few people.
Before they ever asked us, they took it upon themselves to promote Hillary Clinton & Rudy Giuliani. THe owners of mainstream media will push, promote, and attempt to over saturate peoples viewing with their candidates to MAKE them win.
Clinton cannot win unless she runs against Rudy Giuliani. Both are garbage.
At your young age, I recomend you read the Bill Of Rights. It is only a page long, and you will see WHAT POWER the government was ALLOWED to have, as given by our Founding Fathers. Honest politicians like Ron Paul vote according to this. Wether the government constitutionally can, or cannot take on a issue.
At your age, knowing the Bill of Rights primarily the first 10 amendments will give you a awesome advantage in school and help your grades and future selections in politics.
Reading the linked 1 page shows how cool the Founding Fathers were to look out for us even some 200 years later. They knew government would grow out of hand and repress people if there was not such a document in place.
2007-10-16 02:11:39
answer #3
answered by vote_usa_first 7
it is a well know fact that if the Zionist owned press and T,V, is supporting you , you are going to win because our people are so dumb they will believe any thing the Zionist tell them, the Zionist made Bill Clinton President and they will make Hillary President as they know where her loyalties lie, they have bought and paid for her and Bill so you can rest assured that she will win one way or the other,and our ignorant people will let a man who could possible save our country lose because they will say "I don't want to lose my vote"??? when we elect some one like Hillary or any of the other candidates I have seen so far we have all lost our votes , the only choice any of us should be looking at is Ron Paul , he don't sound like he has sold out to the Zionist, he wants America and her people as number one, the way it should be,
2007-10-16 00:48:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well the polls you see are done by the media who rig them in her favor cause they endorsed her. In any non bias poll she is behind. Basically the media is banking on the winner theory. If you seem like the winner then people will like you more. Kind of like why vote for them they don't have a chance you don't want to be on the losing side do you? Basically scare tactics.
2007-10-16 23:02:03
answer #5
answered by JosefStalinsTroll 6
Hillary is going to easily get the Democrat nomination. There are many people who don't pay attention too much that will end up voting for her.
The only way she can be stopped is by the nomination of the anti-war Republican dark house Ron Paul. Jim Ostrowski, a commentator who predicted that Kerry would be the nominee of the Democrats in 2003 (even though that obviously was not his preference) when it appeared that Dean had a lock, and who predicted every state right in the general except Ohio and New Mexico, where Bush engaged in election fraud (as well as predicting at the time that a Bush win would lead to Hillary in 08), has predicted that only Ron Paul can beat Hillary (see and
Ron Paul wants to end the war immediately and bring all the troops home (none of the wishy-washy crap that you hear out of the Democrats or the justifications of the war that you hear from the Republicans), which means he outflanks Hillary on that (she voted for the war and her husband was a big reason why it started). He is against illegal immigration and wants to secure our borders (don't even bother asking Hillary what she thinks about immigration, as she is a staunch advocate of open borders), which means that he'll tear her up on that issue. He wants to eliminate the IRS (and replace it with nothing, unlike the other Republicans who propose other taxes instead) and the Federal Reserve (the counterfeiting government agency that destroys the value of our money, causing prices to skyrocket for the benefit of Wall Street and the Banks at the expense of the people), so he outflanks Hillary on economics. He is a doctor (and an advocate of getting the government out of medicine), so he outflanks Hillary on her signature issue (health care). He is a staunch supporter of civil liberties (he was one of a few Congressmen to actually vote against the Patriot Act and is a staunch critic of torture), while Hillary has voted for the Patriot Act and called for censoring the Internet (Ron Paul is against that and actually wants the FCC abolished).
It is critical that everybody who wants to stop Hillary back Ron Paul. In order to do that, it is important to register Republican (something which is very difficult, especially considering how bad the Republicans have become with the fascist Neo-Cons in control of the party). You may only be 14, but it is still very important that you do everything you can to ensure Ron Paul's victory in this election. If he doesn't win, it is very likely that Hillary or Giuliani would declare martial law (the Congress actually has already repealed the necessary laws protecting us against this and the Supreme Court can always come up with a novel misinterpretation of the Constitution to justify it), will reinstate the draft (Congress recently voted against taking $10 million out of the Selective Service System and putting it into the Small Business Administration, with only a select few voting for it), and they would probably declare all dissenters to be "enemy combatants" and send them to secret prisons without the right of habeas corpus to be subjected to torture (this is legal under the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act). There is also a National ID card law which has already been passed (called the Real ID Act). Besides that, every candidate except for Ron Paul wants to continue waging wars (all other Republicans want to continue Iraq, while Democrats intend to scale us back there, and almost everybody wants a war against Iran even though Iran poses no threat to us at all, and many, who called themselves the "Save Darfur Coalition," which is a group that probably runs a club at your school, also want a "humanitarian" war in the Sudan). I'm certain that you don't want to live in the kind of country that Hillary or Giuliani would leave behind, so it is important that you support Ron Paul to stop both of them (by the way, Bill Clinton ran on school uniforms and curfews in 1996 and Hillary wants to censor video games).
2007-10-16 04:13:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hillary Clinton is leading on most polls and it is the reason why people wanted to drag her down specially those who are opposed to her positions on critical issues.
VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.
2007-10-16 03:30:28
answer #7
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
Your parents and their friends are going to be very disappointed - because Hillary Clinton is going to win.
But the world is going to be a safer place to live in.
2007-10-16 00:15:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
She's the best choice for America !
2007-10-16 22:26:34
answer #9
answered by Dale B 3