Yes, sort of. Speaking from the perspective of extrasensory perception (ESP), which I take to be the direction of your question, there have been documented cases of people successfully describing future events. From a more scientific perspective, there have been two research paradigms that have provided strong evidence for an at least limited human ability to do this. One is Dr. Dean Radin's so-called "presentiment" protocol, in which people have demonstrated the ability to distinguish between emotionally-charged images and non-emotionally-charged ones many seconds in advance of actually being shown the photos. The other protocol is called associative remote viewing, or ARV, in which a "viewer" is able to describe as long as days in advance a target object or photo which he or she will later be shown. In neither protocol is the subject allowed to have any exposure to or knowledge of the experimental target until after the experimental trial is complete. Both these experiments have been replicated numerous times.
2007-10-15 18:09:34
answer #1
answered by Rviewer003 4
In the Bible, Revelations is said to be about the future . And, Nostradamus was said to predict the future. They're called prophecies. People who prophesy predict the future.and are called prophets>Some people make the prophecies come true on purpose..but I don't think that would be true fulfillment. Jesus was said to be fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament (what they called "Scriptures" (writings) at that time). Things happened to HIM..that HE couldn't have made happen.(the things that people did to HIM) (considering God gives people free will). Other people..Sylvia Browne &other psychics prophecy the future, but usually only part of it comes true. And there are people who said they honestly had prophecies about the Twin Towers, but they didn't tell anyone beforehand. They might have lied..but they might also be telling the truth. When you have a prophecy and try to tell it (especially to stop a tragedy),people will usually just think you're a "kook" or crazy. usually don't know if something is a true prophecy until it happens. Then there are people who will find some way to "explain it away". Hope this helps a little. I'm sure there are people on here..and links..that will explain much more than I have (tried to explain).
2007-10-16 15:12:28
answer #2
answered by Deenie 6
I can, to a certain extent. I've always had the ability to know what things will happen and why and sometimes about when it will happen. But sometimes I'm not meant to know the future. This usually happens when something is meant to occur. You see, the simple act of knowing the future changes it. So mostly what i get are vague details. For example, I feel things like, "yeah, I'll hear from that friend I'm estranged from, but it won't be for a while yet, and more than a little possible I'll hear from him sometime around my birthday." If that makes sense.
How? I don't know, honestly.
2007-10-16 15:28:21
answer #3
answered by I'm just me 7
If the future exists only in terms of probabilities, the current mainstream scientific view, then anyone accurately "seeing into the future" would simply be making a lucky guess. This happens quite frequently given the number of guessers and the repetetive nature of hjman existence.
2007-10-16 03:53:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
May be- at first to precuse the future moment/also as space/ then- to feel the time period between the present and the choosen in the future moment - and finally to use quantum /or coming hologram events to enter the future moment and to see what to see- what difficult?
2007-10-16 06:23:57
answer #5
answered by IndrisOK 2
I have had little bits of precognition, even told people what they were going to say or do, but it has never really been of any use to them or me. Once I just got this impression while driving to pull off the road and a few seconds latter 2 cars came over a little rise racing and would have hit me if I did not pull over. Why can't it be the lottery numbers just once?
2007-10-15 23:24:48
answer #6
answered by John S 5
yes i can see into the future but you need the skill of infinite wisdom. Unfortunatly since you are asking this question im afraid to tell you this is a certain skill you will never possess.
2007-10-15 22:24:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No,but we can make some pretty accurate predictions.Considering history keeps repeating itself.
2007-10-15 23:24:26
answer #8
answered by Dr. NG 7
The world as we know it does not allow for this sort of thing.
2007-10-15 22:55:19
answer #9
answered by Peter D 7